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S. SZATHMÁRY 《Mycoses》1963,6(4):91-101
Wenn man den Ursprung der humanen Trichophytien der Landwirtschaft im Gebiet der Ungarischen Tiefebene in bezug auf ihre Verteilung unter den Volks-schichten studiert, soil man vor allem drei Faktoren berücksichtigen:
1. die Qualität der Krankheitserreger, 2. die objektiven Beweise der Übertragung der Infektion auf Menschen, 3. die Untersuchung des Erdbodens und der Wirtschaftspflanzen auf die Pathogenese. Mit Rücksicht darauf lieβ sich aus den zusammengestellten Tabellen feststellen, daß die Zahl der landwirtschaftlichen Trichophytien in Winter und Frühjahr aus den Fällen der Dorfbewohner besteht, zur Weidezeit aber die Trichophytien der Stadtbewohner in den Vordergrund treten. Anhand objektiver Beweise konnte dabei noch festgestellt werden, daß die Zahl der durch Tiere verursachten Trichophytien gering ist (5 bis 10 %), weil sie auf die Tierbetreuer und ihre Angehörigen fallen. Die Trichophytien der Stadtbewohner sind in 95 bis 97% nicht durch Tiere bedingt; die Trichophytien der Dorfbewohner wurden dagegen nur in 7 bis 15 % durch Tiere verursacht.  相似文献   
用二维核磁共振技术研究赤芝孢子内酯A和B的结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈若芸  于德泉 《药学学报》1991,26(6):430-436
通过1H-1H,1H-13C相关谱(COSY),1H-13C远程偶合相关谱(OOLOC)及NOE二维谱(NOESY)等新的二维核磁共振技术确定了两个新化合物赤芝孢子内酯A和B的结构。  相似文献   
BE Davis  RY Moon  HC Sachs  MC Ottolini 《Pediatrics》1998,102(5):1135-1140
BACKGROUND: As a result of the American Academy of Pediatrics' recommendation that healthy infants be placed on their side or back for sleep, the percentage of infants sleeping prone has decreased dramatically. With the increase in supine sleeping, pediatricians have questioned if there are differences in the rate of acquisition of early motor milestones between prone and supine sleeping infants. METHODS: To examine this question, we performed a prospective, practice-based study of healthy term infants. Infants were recruited before the age of 2 months. Parents were asked to record infant sleep position and awake time spent prone until 6 months of age. A developmental log was used to track milestones from birth until the infant was walking. Age of acquisition of eight motor milestones was determined, and the mean ages of milestone attainment of prone and supine sleepers were compared. RESULTS: Three hundred fifty-one infants completed the study. Prone sleepers acquired motor milestones at an earlier age than supine sleepers. There was a significant difference in the age of attainment of rolling prone to supine, tripod sitting, creeping, crawling, and pulling to stand. There was no significant difference in age when infants walked. CONCLUSIONS: The pattern of early motor development is affected by sleep position. Prone sleepers attain several motor milestones earlier than supine sleepers. However, all infants achieved all milestones within the accepted normal age range. Pediatricians can use this information to reassure parents. This difference in milestone attainment is not a reason to abandon the American Academy of Pediatrics' sleep position recommendations.  相似文献   
Five children with cystic fibrosis complicated by hepatic cirrhosis received liver grafts. They all had portal hypertension with varices and three had variceal bleeding; respiratory function was only moderately impaired, but four were colonised with pseudomonas and one with aspergillus. Liver transplantation was well tolerated and there was no increase in respiratory or other early postoperative complications. Four of the children were fully well from 14 to 35 months after transplantation; the most recently transplanted had problems from a biliary stricture. In spite of the need for immunosuppression there was no increase in infection and respiratory function improved or remained stable. Once the children were stabilised after transplantation their nutrition and general health were greatly improved.  相似文献   
Introduction: Atherosclerosis is a lipid-driven inflammatory process with a tremendously high mortality due to acute cardiac events. There is an emerging need for new therapies to stabilize atherosclerotic lesions. Growing evidence suggests that intraplaque (IP) neovascularisation and IP hemorrhages are important contributors to plaque instability.

Areas covered: Neovascularization is a complex process that involves different growth factors and inflammatory mediators of which their individual significance in atherosclerosis remains poorly understood. This review discusses different aspects of IP neovascularization in atherosclerosis including the potential treatment opportunities to stabilize advanced plaques. Furthermore, we highlight the development of accurate and feasible in vivo imaging modalities for IP neovascularization to prevent acute events.

Expert opinion: Although lack of a valuable animal model of IP neovascularization impeded the investigation of a causal and straightforward link between neovascularization and atherosclerosis, recent evidence shows that vein grafts in ApoE*3 Leiden mice as well as plaques in ApoE?/- Fbn1C1039G+/- mice are useful models for intraplaque neovessel research. Even though interference with vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) signalling has been widely investigated, new therapeutic opportunities have emerged. Cell metabolism, in particular glycolysis and fatty acid oxidation, appears to perform a crucial role in the development of IP neovessels and thereby serves as a promising target.  相似文献   
目的:介绍胚胎干细胞的研究成果及其可能的临床应用,同时对胚胎干细胞应用中的伦理学问题进行探讨。资料来源:应用计算机检索Medline1996-01/2006-12与胚胎干细胞相关的文章,检索词为“embryonicstemcells,application,morality”,限定文献语种为“English”;同时检索万方数据库2000-01/2006-12相关文章,检索词为“胚胎干细胞,应用,伦理”,限定文献语种为中文。资料选择:共检索到相关文献290条,进一步查找全文,选择与胚胎干细胞可能的应用、以及与其应用相关的论理学讨论相关的文章,筛除明显重复文献,最后纳入30条文献进行综述。资料提炼:30条文献中论述胚胎干细胞可能的应用文章有18篇,探讨胚胎干细胞应用中的伦理学问题的12篇。资料综合:①目前认为,胚胎干细胞在人类医学方面可能应用于癌症、心血管疾病、神经系统疾病、糖尿病、肝脏疾病、烧伤和创伤、骨和软骨疾病等的治疗,胚胎干细胞还能用于器官组织移植、基因治疗和基因功能分析以及新药研制和开发等领域。②国内已经规定用于研究的人胚胎干细胞只能通过4种方式获得:体外受精时多余的配子或囊胚(14d内的胚胎);自然或自愿选择流产的胎儿细胞;体细胞核移植技术所获得的囊胚和单性分裂囊胚;自愿捐献的生殖细胞。同时禁止进行生殖性克隆人的任何研究。结论:胚胎干细胞对临床疾病治疗的应用价值不可估量,在积极鼓励开展胚胎干细胞研究的同时,应加强管理,制定出相应的管理法规和制度,促进胚胎干细胞研究向健康和正确的方向发展。  相似文献   
The conformational analysis of four glutamic acid analogues containing a cyclopentyl or cyclohexyl ring, substituted in position 1 by a Boc-protected amino group and a methyl ester group and in position 3 by a free carboxylate group (6–9), has been carried out in an aqueous environment, by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy, and molecular dynamics (MD). These compounds have been shown to be weak competitive inhibitors (Ki? 20–65 mM) of the vitamin K-dependent carboxylation of Boc-Glu-OMe in rat liver microsomes independently of their ring size and stereochemical features. However, the cyclic trans isomers have been found more active than the cis ones and Boc-trans-C5-OMe (9) is the most potent inhibitor in the series (cis and trans isomers are defined by the relative arrangement of the carboxyl functions). Such cyclic glutamyl derivatives may provide valuable informations on the preferred bioactive conformations of synthetic glutamyl substrates at the active site of the carboxylase. In aqueous solution, the Boc-cis- and trans-C6 esters exhibit chair conformations with exclusively equatorial and axial substituent positions, while the Boc-cis- and trans-C5 compounds may display envelope E or ‘twist’ T conformations with the substituents in the following positions. equatorial, axial and isoclinal. For each compound, the conformations resulting from NMR and MD data were analyzed and classified according to the dihedral angles %1 and %2, the distances of functional groups, and the spatial charge distribution involving the free carboxyl group. A reduced number of conformational families were found to be in qualitative agreement with NMR and MD data. These results are discussed in relation with the carboxylase inhibitory activity of the analogues, and a spatial disposition of the glutamyl side chain that could be recognized by the carboxylase is deduced. © Munksgaard 1997.  相似文献   
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