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Clinical Rheumatology - Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune inflammatory disorder for which Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) genes are well-identified as risk factors. SLE...  相似文献   
Discoid lupus erythematosus is a manifestation of chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus with a small risk of systemic involvement. In this review article, the role of predisposing factors such as haplotype, hormones, antibodies and sunlight are discussed. The clinical features, including variants and associations, and management options are presented.  相似文献   
The risk of mycobacterial disease is significantly increased in drug abusers as well as in immunocompromised HIV-1-infected individuals. The essential trace element selenium has an important function in maintaining immune processes and may, thus, have a critical role in clearance of mycobacteria. The impact of selenium status on the development of mycobacterial diseases in HIV-1-seropositive drug users was investigated over a 2-year period (1999-2001). Twelve cases of mycobacterial disease (tuberculosis, 9; infection due to atypical Mycobacterium species, 3) occurred; these 12 cases were compared with 32 controls with no history of respiratory infections who were matched on age, sex, and HIV status. Significant risk for development of mycobacterial disease was associated with a CD4 cell count of <200/mm 3, malnutrition, and selenium levels of 相似文献   
目的数值模拟抗血管生成因子Angiostatin和Endostatin对肿瘤血管生成的影响。方法建立肿瘤内外血管生成的二维离散数学模型。模型耦合两种抗血管生成因子Angiostatin和Endostatin的抑制效应,数值模拟在促血管生成因子诱导下肿瘤微血管网生成,讨论血管生成抑制因子的影响。结果抗血管生成因子Angiostatin对肿瘤内外血管网络生成的速度和成熟度有抑制作用。抗血管生成因子Angiostatin和Endostatin耦合作用时,在肿瘤血管生成的早期有明显的抑制效应;在肿瘤血管生成的中后期,它们可以降低肿瘤血管化程度。结论本文模型能够较好的模拟抗血管生成因子Angiostatin和Endostatin对内皮细胞迁移和增殖的抑制作用。  相似文献   
Next‐generation sequencing (NGS) has revolutionized genomic research and is set to have a major impact on genetic diagnostics thanks to the advent of benchtop sequencers and flexible kits for targeted libraries. Among the main hurdles in NGS are the difficulty of performing bioinformatic analysis of the huge volume of data generated and the high number of false positive calls that could be obtained, depending on the NGS technology and the analysis pipeline. Here, we present the development of a free and user‐friendly Web data analysis tool that detects and filters sequence variants, provides coverage information, and allows the user to customize some basic parameters. The tool has been developed to provide accurate genetic analysis of targeted sequencing of common high‐risk hereditary cancer genes using amplicon libraries run in a GS Junior System. The Web resource is linked to our own mutation database, to assist in the clinical classification of identified variants. We believe that this tool will greatly facilitate the use of the NGS approach in routine laboratories.  相似文献   
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