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Human milk has always been the reference parameter for the preparation of commercial formulae. The advent of more advanced technologies has enabled increasingly precise information on the composition of human milk to be obtained. Our knowledge in the field of carbohydrates also has improved considerably in the last few years following the pioneering studies of Montreuil (1, 2). From a quantitative point of view it has been demonstrated that in the different phases of lactation, in addition to lactose, human milk contains a consistent amount of oligosaccharides (about 20 g/1 in colostrum and 10–13 g/l in mature milk) (3, 4), whereas monosaccharides make up only about 1% of the total carbohydrates (4). More than 100 different types of oligosaccharides have been identified so far in human milk (5–7), mostly tri-octasaccharides (8). From a biochemical point of view, oligosaccharides are constituted by glucose, galactose, N -acetyl-glucosamine, fucose and sialic acid, and present a linear or branching structure (5). Little is known yet about their physiological role or metabolic fate (9); nevertheless, it has been demonstrated that, in addition to their nutritional function, they participate also in the regulation of the intestinal ecosystem, encouraging the growth of bifid flora (10) and contributing to the defense mechanisms against pathogens in various organs (11–13).  相似文献   


The use of bronchodilators in bronchiolitis lacks consensus. The efficacy of nebulised epinephrine versus salbutamol in bronchiolitis and the safety profile of the bronchodilators was studied.


Effects of nebulised epinephrine and salbutamol were compared in children with moderate to severe acute bronchiolitis. Thirty children between 2 to 24 months of age were recruited, 15 in each treatment group. Children received periodic (0,30,60 minutes followed by 4 hourly) doses of either 1:1000 laevo- epinephrine (0.5ml/kg subject to a maximum of 2.5ml with 3ml saline) or salbutamol (0.15mg/kg with 3ml saline) via nebuliser with oxygen. Changes in heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), respiratory distress assessment instrument (RDAI), oxygen saturation (SpO2), oxygen requirement, duration of hospital stay and the side effects were studied.


The respiratory status was better with significant improvement in RR, RDAI score and SpO2, decreased oxygen requirement and shorter hospital stay in the epinephrine group. There were no significant side effects in either group.


Nebulised epinephrine is a useful and safe drug for moderate/severe bronchiolitis and is superior to salbutamol.Key Words: Bronchiolitis, Nebulised bronchodilators, Epinephrine, Salbutamol  相似文献   
Many cases of coeliae disease are currently undiagnosed. We carried out a pilot study on screening for coeliae disease in a school population. The screening protocol consisted of three parts: (1) IgG and IgA antigliadin antibody (AGA) assay; (2) antiendomysium antibody and total serum IgA determinations; (3) jejunal biopsy. A total of 5280 students aged 11-15 years (71.7% of the eligible population) underwent the first evaluation; 113 subjects performed the second tests and 35 of these needed the third investigation. Coeliae disease was diagnosed in 23 cases, most of which were atypical or silent forms. The prevalence of undiagnosed coeliae disease was 4.36 per 1000 screened subjects (95% CI 2.58-6.14) and 5.03 per 1000 (95% CI 3.41-6.65) in the general population. The ratio of known to undiagnosed cases was 1 to 6.4. This high prevalence of undiagnosed coeliae disease raises a number of problems that require further evaluation.  相似文献   
The autopsy records between 1980 and 1995 of 399 female rhesusmonkeys (Macaca mulatta) at the Wisconsin Regional Primate ResearchCenter were examined. Spontaneous endometriosis was found in81 (20%) of the animals. The mean (±SD) ages at deathfor animals with and without endometriosis were 20.7±5.5(range 10-35) and 13.4±7.7 (range 4-37) years respectively.Many of the animals had been exposed to experimental procedures,including laparoscopies, hysterotomies and oestradiol implants,and these were examined as possible risk factors for endometriosis.Of the 81 affected animals, 62 were matched to unaffected controlsfor age at death (to within 1 year) and year of death (to within2 years) and the effect of various factors on the developmentof endometriosis was determined using conditional logistic regression.Exposure to three or more oestradiol implants or one or morehysterotomies were both significant risk factors, with estimatedrelative risks of 9.7 (95% confidence interval 2.5-37.2) and5.8 (95% confidence interval 1.6-20.2) respectively. Animalsthat had been exposed to one or more laparoscopies showed noincreased risk for developing endometriosis. These findingsprovide insight into the aetiology of the disease in women.  相似文献   
PROBLEM: Trophoblasts and endothelial cells represent a potential target for antibodies in women with recurrent spontaneous abortions. These antibodies have been shown to be associated with anti-phospholipid antibodies. Are they also present in women with unexplained pregnancy losses in the absence of anti-phospholipid antibodies? METHOD OF STUDY: The anti-trophoblast antibodies were tested by an immunofluorescence assay on cells purified from pooled first-trimester placentae, whereas the anti-endothelial cell antibodies were measured by enzyme-linked immunoadsorbent assay (ELISA) on cells isolated from the umbilical vein and were cultured to confluence. The cytotoxicity of trophoblasts was evaluated in a homologous system. The expression of adhesion molecules on endothelial cells was quantitated by ELISA using specific monoclonal antibodies, and the expression of tissue factor was quantitated by a chromogenic assay measuring the formation of factor Xa. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Complement-fixing antibodies to trophoblast represent a better marker to discriminate patients with recurrent spontaneous abortions from controls and are cytotoxic for the target cells. Anti-endothelial antibodies are also present in these patients and exhibit pro-inflammatory and pro-coagulant activities.  相似文献   
An infertile couple was referred for intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) because of primary infertility and oligoasthenoteratozoospermia (OAT) in the male. It was observed that although the sperm cells presented with an unusual head size and multiple tails they were able to fertilize the oocytes after ICSI. Subsequent molecular cytogenetic analysis demonstrated de-novo chromosome abnormalities in virtually all sperm cells with 40% diploidy and 24% triploidy in addition to aneuploidy for the sex chromosomes.   相似文献   
AIMS: To evaluate the effects of transient hypoglycaemia on the first day of life in 75 healthy term large for gestational age (LGA) infants, born to non-diabetic mothers, on their neurodevelopmental outcome at the age of 4 years. METHODS: Screening for hypoglycaemia was performed 1, 3, and 5 hours after birth, and continued if blood glucose levels were low. Treatment with intravenous glucose for hypoglycaemia was started if hypoglycaemia was severe or symptomatic. Patients' development and behaviour was examined at the age of 4 years by the Denver Developmental Scale, a non-verbal intelligence test, and the Child Behaviour Check List. RESULTS: There were no significant differences between children with neonatal normoglycaemia (n = 15) and hypoglycaemia (plasma glucose <2.2 mmol/l 1 hour after birth, or <2.5 mmol/l subsequently; n = 60) in Denver developmental scale scores and child behaviour checklist scores. Although total IQ did not differ between hypoglycaemic and normoglycaemic children, one subscale (reasoning) did (mean difference 9.3, 95% CI 1.3 to 17.2). The correlation between reasoning IQ and neonatal blood glucose levels was weak and not statistically significant. When other definitions for hypoglycaemia were applied, the difference in reasoning IQ was not found. There were no differences in any of the test scores between hypoglycaemic children who had and who had not been treated with intravenous glucose. CONCLUSION: Transient mild hypoglycaemia in healthy, term LGA newborns does not appear to be harmful to psychomotor development at the age of 4 years.  相似文献   
We analysed a Dutch family with autosomal dominant non-syndromic progressive sensorineural hearing loss and mapped the underlying gene defect by genetic linkage analysis to a 11.0 cM region overlapping the DFNA9 interval on chromosome 14q12-q13. Clinically, the Dutch family differs from the original DFNA9 family by a later age at onset and a more clearly established vestibular impairment. A gene that is highly and specifically expressed in the human fetal cochlea and vestibule, COCH (previously described as Coch5B2 ), was mapped to the DFNA9 critical region. Sequence analysis revealed a 208C-->T mutation in the COCH gene, resulting in a Pro51Ser substitution in the predicted protein in all affected individuals of the family but not in unaffected family members and 200 control individuals. The same mutation was also identified in three apparently unrelated families with a similar phenotype, suggesting the presence of a Dutch founder mutation. The function of COCH is unknown but several characteristics of the protein point to a structural role in the extracellular matrix. The mutant serine at position 51 is situated between cysteines and possibly interferes with proper COCH protein folding or its interaction with extracellular matrix proteins.   相似文献   
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