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The antidepressant mirtazapine is an optically active drug and currently marketed as a racemic compound consisting of its S(+) and R(-)-enantiomers in a 50:50 mixture. As stereochemistry of antidepressants has become increasingly important to consider for the relevance of their analgesic properties, we investigated the effect of (+/-)-mirtazapine and its enantiomers in an animal model of acute thermal nociception. Wistar rats were injected intrathecal with either (+/-)-mirtazapine, R(-)-mirtazapine, S(+)-mirtazapine from 1 to 0.001 mg/kg and vehicle (0.9% NaCl), respectively. The effects on thermal paw withdrawal thresholds were monitored using the Hargreaves test. (+/-)-Mirtazapine exerted pro- and antinociceptive effects in acute thermal nociception, whereas R(-)-mirtazapine showed solely antinociceptive and S(+)-mirtazapine pronociceptive properties. These results clearly demonstrate a differential effect of (+/-)-mirtazapine and its enantiomers on nociception. As R(-)-mirtazapine exerts the antinociceptive activity of the racemic mixture it may be a putative candidate for an enantioselective use as analgesic.  相似文献   
Enhanced actions or levels of endothelin-1 (ET-1), a potent vasoconstrictor, have been associated with decreased blood flow in the retina and peripheral nerves of diabetic animals and may be related to the development of pathologies in these tissues. Hyperglycemia has been postulated to increase ET-1 secretion in endothelial cells. We have characterized the mechanism by which elevation of glucose is increasing ET-1 mRNA expression in capillary bovine retinal endothelial cells (BREC) and bovine retinal pericytes (BRPC). Elevation of glucose, but not mannitol, from 5.5 to 25 mmol/l for 3 days increased membranous protein kinase C (PKC) activities and ET-1 mRNA in parallel levels by 2-fold in BREC and BRPC. These effects were reversed by decreasing glucose levels to 5.5 mmol/l for an additional 2 days. Glucose-induced ET-1 overexpression was inhibited by a general PKC inhibitor, GF109203X, and a mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase inhibitor, PD98059, but not by wortmannin, a phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitor. By immunoblot analysis, PKC-beta 2 and -delta isoforms in BREC were significantly increased relative to other isoforms in the membranous fractions when glucose level was increased. Overexpression of PKC-beta 1 and -delta isoforms but not PKC-zeta isoform by adenovirus vectors containing the respective cDNA enhanced in parallel PKC activities, proteins, and basal and glucose-induced ET-1 mRNA expression by at least 2-fold. These results showed that enhanced ET-1 expression induced by hyperglycemia in diabetes is partly due to activation of PKC-beta and -delta isoforms, suggesting that inhibition of these PKC isoforms may prevent early changes in diabetic retinopathy and neuropathy.  相似文献   
Anulus fibrosus in bulging intervertebral disks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Yu  SW; Haughton  VM; Sether  LA; Wagner  M 《Radiology》1988,169(3):761-763
In this investigation the association of radial tears of the anulus fibrosus and bulging of the intervertebral disk was studied. An index of disk bulging was measured in sagittal anatomic sections in 149 lumbar disks from 31 cadavers. The indexes of disk bulging were correlated with stages of disk development and the presence of an annular tear. The largest disk-bulging indexes were always associated with radial tears of the anulus. Eighty-four percent of the disks with radial tears had disk-bulging indexes greater than 2.5 mm. Most normal adult disks had an index of less than 2.5 mm. The results challenge the concept that the anulus fibrosus is intact in bulging disks, although ruptured in herniated disks.  相似文献   
Agenesis of the corpus callosum is a complex malformation of the brain that has been associated with varying degrees of limbic system maldevelopment. We retrospectively reviewed the records of 11 patients with callosal agenesis (seven total, four partial) who underwent magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, with particular attention to the associated malformations of the limbic system. Comparison was made with selected images from MR examinations of healthy volunteers and with necropsy specimens from other patients with callosal agenesis. Ten of 11 patients demonstrated limbic anomalies (severe motion artifact precluded evaluation of these structures in one patient). MR depicted not only the abnormalities intrinsic to callosal agenesis but also the frequently associated malformations of the limbic system.  相似文献   
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