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Late cure after a previously failed ablation of ventricular arrhythmias (VAs) is a relatively common phenomenon. The present study sought to delineate the incidence and electrophysiological characteristics of late cure in idiopathic VA patients.


Totally, 45 idiopathic VA cases (mean age 44?±?18 years, 27 males) either failed acutely or recurred within 12 h were enrolled in this study. Based on intensive clinical observations in the acute period, 19 (42%) patients demonstrated late cure in the first week after the procedure.


The late cure patients had significantly better acute and cumulative ablation effects during the procedure than did those without a late cure. Additionally, they had a prediction that originated from the right ventricular outflow tract, aortic-mitral continuum, and left summit area relative to other sites (13/18 vs 6/27, p?<?0.01). In a median follow-up of 24 [14, 46] months, 7/19 (37%) patients had their VAs recurred. The late cure group had significantly more patients cured at long-term follow-up than those without (12/19 vs 0/26, p?<?0.01). A cutoff value of the “time to eliminate VAs” >?7.0 s was able to predict a long-term recurrence of the VAs with 62.5% sensitivity and 85.7% specificity.


The late cure of VAs occurs in more than one third of patients who have a seemingly unsuccessful ablation session, which is clustered in the first week after the procedure. However, long-term recurrence of VAs occurred in 37% of the late cure patients, emphasizing the importance of long-term follow-up.


To assess the efficacy, safety, and cost-effectiveness of lifestyle intervention, compared with treatment as usual in people with prediabetes as defined by the American Diabetes Association. For older studies, we used the 1985 World Health Organization definition.


We systematically searched multiple electronic databases and referenced lists of pertinent review articles from January 1980 through November 2015. We performed an update search in MEDLINE on April 26, 2017. Based on a priori established eligibility criteria, we dually reviewed the literature, extracted data, and rated the risk of bias of included studies with validated checklists. To assess the efficacy of lifestyle intervention to prevent or delay further progression to type 2 diabetes, we conducted a random-effects meta-analysis. We assessed the certainty of evidence using the GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation) approach.


Pooled results of 16 randomized controlled trials showed that people with prediabetes who received lifestyle intervention had a lower rate of progression to type 2 diabetes after one (4% vs. 10%, RR 0.46 [CI 0.32, 0.66]) and three years of follow-up (14% vs. 23%, RR 0.64 [95% CI 0.53, 0.77]). The majority of the studies also showed a greater weight loss in lifestyle intervention participants, with a great variation between studies. Costs per quality-adjusted life-year were lower when the benefits of lifestyle intervention were analyzed over a lifelong time horizon compared to only the period of lifestyle intervention (three years) or to modeling over a ten-year period.


Lifestyle intervention is an efficacious, safe, and cost-effective measure to reduce the risk of progression to type 2 diabetes in people diagnosed with prediabetes. More research is necessary to compare the efficacy of various modes, frequencies, and intensities of lifestyle intervention across studies.  相似文献   
Of those in the general population hospitalized for suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in Argentina, many reattempt suicide and are readmitted. However, few studies in Argentina have examined suicidal ideation and suicide-related behaviors among people living with HIV (PLHIV) and none have examined these factors among nonadherent PLHIV, though the prevalence of suicidal ideation in this group may be higher than in the general population and also than in other groups of PLHIV. This study of PLHIV in Buenos Aires, Argentina, examined the correlates of suicidal ideation in nonadherent PLHIV. Nonadherent patients with HIV (N?=?118) were recruited from two clinics providing outpatient healthcare services to PLHIV in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Participants completed assessments on demographic characteristics, depression and suicidality, stigma, and self-efficacy. Participants were HIV-infected men (51%) and women (49%) with a median age of 40 years (IQR?=?11). About half had completed high school or more, two-thirds were employed, and had a mean monthly income of 4196.79 (SD?=?3179.64) Argentine pesos (USD$221). Thirty-three (28% [95% CI 20.3, 37.3]) participants reported suicidal ideation in the past two weeks, and one-third (35.6% [27.1, 44.9]) reported lifetime suicidal ideation. In bivariate analyses, attending a public clinic, being female, younger, unemployed, and experiencing greater stigma and depression were associated with suicidal ideation. In multivariable logistic regression, stigma interacted with the number of years since HIV diagnosis to predict suicidal ideation. The impact of stigma on suicidal ideation decreased with time since HIV diagnosis, suggesting that suicidal ideation may arise following HIV diagnosis due to perception of HIV-related stigma. Interventions to reduce perceived stigma during the period following HIV diagnosis may reduce suicidal ideation in this population. Organizational initiatives that explore HIV stigma microagressions in the healthcare setting may be needed to optimize health outcomes.  相似文献   
The goal of this study is to investigate the relationship between the Val66Met polymorphism in the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and body mass index (BMI) in two sizable and well-characterized populations of British women: the British Women''s Heart and Health Study (BWHHS) (age 60–79 years) and the mothers from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (age 16–44 years). We genotyped the Val66Met polymorphism (rs6265) in these two populations, and conducted a linear regression analysis to test for an association between this polymorphism and BMI. Both study populations indicated an association between BMI and the Val66Met polymorphism, with individuals carrying the Met–Met genotype having a lower mean BMI than those with the Val–Met or Val–Val genotypes (in the BWHHS): mean BMI difference=−0.911 kg/m2, 95% confidence interval (CI): −1.70 to −0.12, P=0.023; in the mothers from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC): mean BMI difference=−0.57 kg/m2, 95%CI: −1.08 to −0.054, P=0.03). In a pooled analysis of these two studies, together with one further published study that provided data in a suitable format for inclusion in our meta-analysis, we found a pooled difference of −0.76 (95% CI: −1.16, −0.036) for adult women; I2–test for heterogeneity=51%, P=0.13. Our study indicated an association between BDNF and BMI in two general population studies of women. The exact role of BDNF in weight regulation merits further investigation.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Human rhinoviruses and enteroviruses (Picornaviridae) are suspected to be major viral etiological causes of bronchiolitis in infants. OBJECTIVES: In the present study, we assessed the potential role of the respiratory picornaviruses as causative agents of bronchiolitis in French infants. STUDY DESIGN: From September 2001 to June 2002, we prospectively selected 192 infants < or =36 months of age and hospitalized for acute bronchiolitis. The detection of common respiratory viruses (respiratory syncytial virus, influenza virus A and B, parainfluenza virus 1, 2, 3 and adenovirus) was performed using classical immunofluorescence antigen and cell-culture detection assays on nasopharyngeal aspirates whereas the detection of human metapneumovirus (HMPV) was performed by a real-time RT-PCR assay. The presence of rhinovirus and/or enterovirus was assessed in respiratory samples by a picornavirus RT-PCR detection assay followed by a differential Southern blotting procedure. RESULTS: A potential causative virus was detected in 72.5% of the 192 study infants. RSV (30%), rhinovirus (21%), enterovirus (9%), influenza virus A (6%) and human metapneumovirus (4%) were the most frequent causative agents detected. Rhinoviruses or enteroviruses were detected as the only evidence of respiratory viral tract infection in 57 (30%) of 192 infants, whereas rhinovirus or enterovirus occurred in mixed viral infection detected in 25 (13%) of 192 study cases (30% versus 13%, p<10(-3)). CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that respiratory picornaviruses are one of the leading etiological causes of bronchiolitis in French infants. These findings highlight the need to implement a rapid picornavirus RT-PCR detection assay for the clinical diagnosis of respiratory infections in pediatric patients with bronchiolitis.  相似文献   
This cross-sectional observational study aimed to explore the relationship between B cell count and ultrasound (US)-detected synovitis, in patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with rituximab. Thirty-seven consecutive RA patients treated with RTX were recruited for the study. The patients underwent clinical [i.e., Disease Activity Score 28 joints (DAS28)], laboratory, and US assessment of 12 joints. Each joint was semiquantitatively (0–3) scored on B-mode and power Doppler mode. The scores were summed, and a global index was created for BM (BMS) and PD scores (PDI) synovitis. BM subclinical synovitis was evident in all patients, with PD synovial signal detected in 16 patients (43.2 %). No correlation was found between DAS28 and US scores. B cells were detected in 27 (72.9 %) patients, but there was no association in the mean B cell count and disease activity as measured by DAS28 (DAS28 < 2.6 = 34.53, DAS28 > 2.6 = 49.45, p = 0.52) and PDI score (PDI < 1 = 49.48, PDI > 1 = 35.44, p = 0.54). There was no correlation between the B cell count and DAS28, BMS, and PDI (r = 0.020, p = 0.907; r = ?0.151, p = 0.371; r = ?0.099, p = 0.558, respectively). In RTX-treated RA patients, no relationship could be established between US-detected synovitis and peripheral blood B cell count.  相似文献   


Granular cell tumors of the neurohypophysis are rare, solitary lesions, mostly presenting in the adult age. They rarely grow to a sufficient size to cause mass effect related symptoms and they may be found in most cases incidentally at autopsy. Because of their rarity as of now they have been described only as case reports or included in small clinical series.


We report a series of 11 patients, who underwent surgery for granular cell tumors of the neurohypophysis between 1996 and 2013 in a single center.


Mean follow-up time after treatment was 92.2 months (range 9–231 months). Mean age at surgery was 40.7 years (range 12–66 years). There were 7 males (63.6 %) and 4 females (36.4 %). Main symptoms at presentation were: hyperprolactinemia (72.7 %), visual impairment (45.5 %) and headache (36 %). Except for 2 patients, all the others underwent surgery as primary treatment at our Institution, through a transsphenoidal (54.5 %) or a transcranial approach (45.5 %). Overall- and progression-free survival times for the entire series (calculated from the time of diagnosis) were 112.9 and 100.5 months respectively. There was one case of perioperative death in a patient who had undergone repeat transcranial surgery for residual tumor.


Although extremely rare, granular cell tumors of the neurohypophysis have to be considered in the differential diagnosis of suprasellar masses, to avoid misleading interpretation and consequent wrong therapeutic management. Early diagnosis, extensive tumor removal, opportune indication of adjuvant radiotherapy are the keys to manage these cases.
目的 评价X线骨骼平片与放射性核素全身骨显像在多发性骨髓瘤(multiple myeloma,MM)患者骨损害的应用价值。方法 对20例初发MM患者X线骨骼平片和放射性核素(99MTC—MDP)全身骨显像对比研究。结果 X线骨骼平片穿凿样溶骨性骨破坏占90%(18/20例),病理性骨折占80%(16/20例),弥漫性骨质疏松占80%(16/20例)。放射性核素骨显像阳性率45%(9/20例),其表现是放射性核素浓聚灶、稀疏区,分布不均。结论 放射性核素骨显像对MM骨损害检查不如x线骨骼平片敏感、特异性高。X线骨骼摄片检查仍是诊断MM骨骼损害的首选。  相似文献   
衰弱和射血分数保留性心力衰竭是具有密切关联的疾病,二者具有共通的病理生理学机制,如慢性炎症、氧化应激、内分泌代谢和神经激素调节异常等,通过上述多种潜在机制的相互作用加速了二者的疾病进程,从而共同导致老年患者的不良预后。目前针对衰弱及射血分数保留性心力衰竭的干预方式有限,尤其是药物治疗尚存在局限性,深入认识衰弱和射血分数保留性心力衰竭的病理生理学机制有助于探索二者潜在的治疗靶点,以期改善老年患者的预后。  相似文献   
Exfoliative toxin D (ETD) was identified recently as a new exfoliative toxin serotype. Like other exfoliative toxins, ETD induces intra-epidermal cleavage through the granular layer of the epidermis of neonatal mice. The distribution of ETD production was investigated in Staphylococcus aureus isolates from infected and colonised patients in France. The etd gene was found in 55 (10.5%) of 522 isolates tested. Isolates responsible for bullous impetigo and generalised staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome did not harbour etd, but etd was significantly more frequent in isolates causing cutaneous abscesses and furuncles. Most etd- and Panton-Valentine leukocidin-positive strains belonged to the clone of community-acquired methicillin-resistant S. aureus spreading currently throughout France.  相似文献   
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