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A 16-year-old boy with Prader-Labhart-Wi11i syndrome (PLWS) had hypotonia, feeding difficulties, failure to thrive, strabismus and bilateral inguinal hernias with cryptorchidism during infancy followed by hyperphagia, marked early-onset obesity with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum, short stature, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and some of the facial characteristics of the individuals with the PLWS. IQ is estimated around 90. Cytogenetic studies showed mosaicism: 45,X, t(Y;15) with partial deletion 15 (15pter → 15ql2); 46,X, t(Y;15), dic(15)(15pter → 15ql2::15ql2 → 15pter) and 47,X,t(Y;15), dic(15), dic(15). The dic(15) was bisatel1ited, NOR-positive on both arms and represented inv dup(15). Thus, the 2 lines with the dic(15) showed partial trisomy 15 (15pter → 15q 12) and partial pentasomy 15 (15pter → 15ql2), respectively. The cell line ratios were different in lymphocyte and fibroblast cultures. The unique cytogenetic findings in this patient, the reports of a variety of chromosome 15 aberrations in PLWS; as well as aberrations of other chromosomes, suggest that the condition is a contiguous gene syndrome rather than an aneuploidy syndrome.  相似文献   
Hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin (HPFH) is a genetically heterogeneous and clinically benign condition characterized by persistent expression of fetal hemoglobin (Hb F) into adulthood. In the G gamma beta + type, no major deletions in the globin gene cluster occur; adult heterozygotes produce approximately 20% Hb F, which results from overproduction of G gamma chains, with no apparent increase in production from the adjacent A gamma gene. We have recently described a point mutation 202 base pairs 5' to the cap site of the G gamma gene in an individual with G gamma beta + HPFH. This mutation abolishes a normal ApaI restriction endonuclease site, and thus can be detected by blotting of genomic DNA. We present here further data on the ApaI mutation: (1) It occurs in six of seven families with G gamma beta + HPFH. (2) In three families, detailed haplotype analysis using 11 polymorphic restriction sites in the beta globin cluster has been done. The two that carry the missing ApaI site are identical but the third, which has a normal ApaI pattern, differs from the other two in at least two sites, one of which is a new polymorphic Nco I site between the delta and beta globin genes. This suggests the possibility of a different HPFH mutation in the third family. (3) The haplotype of the G gamma beta + HPFH chromosome carrying the ApaI mutation is different from that of 108 beta A chromosomes of black individuals that have been tested. (4) The G gamma ApaI site is normal in 61 beta A and 109 beta S alleles from non-HPFH black individuals, including 22 who share the same haplotype for the intragenic G gamma, A gamma HindIII polymorphisms. These data add support to the possibility that the -202 mutation is actually causative of the G gamma beta + HPFH phenotype.  相似文献   
Two new human myeloma cell lines have been established from a 36-year- old woman with refractory IgG kappa multiple myeloma in whom bilateral malignant pleural effusions developed. The malignant plasma cells from each effusion were set up in a liquid culture using an L-15 medium containing catalase, glutathione, selenous acid, ascorbic acid, insulin, transferrin, additional glutamine hydrocortisone, and 2- mercaptoethanol and designated as M-3 medium. Two IgG kappa cell lines, LB -831 and LB-832, were established and proved to be Epstein-Barr virus negative using the internal repeat sequence DNA probe. Characteristic plasma cell morphology was evident by light and electron microscopy. Immunotyping revealed an IgG kappa , B1+, B2-, Ia (HLA- DR)+, CALLA+ phenotype for each cell line as well as for the original pleural fluid and bone marrow myeloma cells. The supernatants also contained IgG kappa, beta 2 microglobulin, and large amounts of osteoclast-activating factor (indicating bone-resorbing activity). Cytogenetic analysis of the LB-831 cell line revealed a nearly triploid highly abnormal karyotype with numerous clonal chromosomal abnormalities involving chromosomes 1, 3, 5, 7, 13, and 15; several structurally abnormal marker chromosomes; and a putative homogeneously staining region on chromosome 7p at band p22. Analysis of the LB-832 cell line revealed several additional clonal abnormalities. These additional cytogenetic changes suggest that in vivo sequential clonal evolution occurred in this patient. Therefore, two new but related cell lines have been established, which should prove useful for further biological studies.  相似文献   
Brady  MB; Brogdon  BG 《Radiology》1986,161(3):657-658
Cardiac herniation with volvulus is a catastrophic complication of right intrapericardial pneumonectomy. This case illustrates diagnostic radiographic findings that may be essential for early diagnosis and survival, since the clinical signs are nonspecific.  相似文献   
Renal allografts: prospective analysis of Doppler sonography   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fifty-six consecutively transplanted renal allografts were prospectively evaluated with serial Doppler sonographic examinations. Thirty-eight episodes of transplant rejection in 32 patients (63% proved pathologically) and 24 episodes of acute tubular necrosis (ATN) in 24 patients were encountered. The Doppler spectral waveform was characterized by means of the pulsatility index (PI), systolic/diastolic ratio (SDR), diastolic/systolic ratio (SDR), diastolic/systolic ratio (DSR), and resistive index (RI). Accuracy was optimized with use of top normal values as follows: PI = 1.8, SDR = 4.0, DSR = 0.25, RI = 0.75. There were no significant differences in the indices for those patients undergoing rejection versus those with ATN. The sensitivity for predicting transplant rejection was adversely affected by the history of either ATN or a previous rejection episode in the same allograft. Comparison with concurrent radionuclide examinations revealed similar sensitivities for rejection with scintigraphy and sonography. Differentiation of ATN from rejection was more reliable with scintigraphy than with sonography.  相似文献   
Randomized trial of umbilical arterial catheter position: clinical outcome   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In order to determine if umbilical arterial Catheter position affects the incidence of necrotizing enterocolitis, clinical outcome was analysed in 308 infants whose umbilical arterial catheter had been randomly allocated to a high ( n =162) or a low ( n =146) position. Necrotizing enterocolitis was classified as suspected or confirmed; all renal, lower limb and local catheter complications were also recorded. High umbilical arterial catheters were in place for longer than low catheters, provided more samples and were removed as an emergency less often. Lower limb blanching and cyanosis were more common with low catheters. Eleven cases of confirmed necrotizing enterocolitis occurred in the "high" group and nine in the "low" group. One case of fatal aortic thrombosis was encountered in the high group. Positioning umbilical arterial catheters in a high position allowed longer functional use and did not increase the incidence of necrotizing cnterocolitis.  相似文献   
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