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Keloids are benign fibrous growths that result from an abnormal connective tissue response in certain predisposed individuals. Blacks form keloids more often than whites; however, the reason for this racial difference is not known. Trauma, foreign-body reactions, infections, and endocrine dysfunction have all been proposed as precipitating factors. Keloids are found most commonly on the ear lobes, shoulders, upper back, and midchest. They extend past the area of trauma and once present tend to remain stable. Although sometimes pruritic, painful, or tender, they are usually asymptomatic. Histologically, keloids are characterized by thick collagen bundles, abundant mucinous ground substance, few fibroblasts, and few if any foreign-body reactions. Although there have been many therapeutic modalities, most have had limited success. The most commonly used therapeutic approach is a combination of cryotherapy, intralesional steroid injections, surgical excision, and pressure devices.  相似文献   
The role of caffeine or coffee in causing or promoting the incidence of serious disease is equivocal. Two design factors may account for the discrepancies in reported findings on the effects of coffee drinking: (a) imprecision of measurement and (b) confounding variables. A study of 2,714 white U.S. adults disclosed that, of 32 risk factors analyzed by linear and logistic regression, only sex and cigarette smoking were found to be important potential confounders of caffeine and coffee intake. Partial R2 values of the other 30 risk factors were relatively small and were inconsistent for each sex. It is unlikely that any of these factors could explain any of the reported associations between caffeine or coffee consumption and certain diseases. However, certain weak associations with caffeine or coffee intake should be included in the study design when they are known to be risk factors of a disease under investigation. These factors for men are dietary fat intake, vitamin C intake, and body mass index; and for women are vitamin use, alcohol intake, stress, and perceived health status.  相似文献   
In der Behandlung von Frakturen spielt die Analgesie eine wesentliche Rolle. Es stellt sich daher die Frage, ob in der Klinik h?ufig eingesetzte Analgetika wie Tramadol oder Diclofenac negative Wirkungen auf die Knochenbruchheilung haben.  相似文献   
The pulsed tunable dye laser (PTDL) is generally considered to have a very low incidence of adverse effects, allowing it to become the treatment of choice for the majority of port wine stains (PWS). The low incidence of adverse effects has led to difficulties in determining the true incidence and type of adverse effect seen with this laser. We therefore undertook a retrospective study of 701 patients with PWS, who received 3877 full treatments to determine the incidence and type of adverse effects seen following treatment with the PTDL. Blistering and crusting were seen in 5·9% and 0·7% of patients, respectively, but were transient events which usually healed without permanent sequelae. Hyperpigmentation was the most frequently observed adverse effect seen in 9·1% of patients but generally showed gradual resolution over 6–12 months. Hypopigmentation was infrequent, seen in 1.4% of patients. The most significant adverse effects were atrophic and hypertrophic scarring seen in 4·3% and 0·7% of patients, respectively. Our observations show that there is a small but definite risk of atrophic scarring with a predisposition for younger patients. Hypertrophic scarring can occur albeit rarely and there may be a predisposition towards the neck. In most cases test areas were not predictive of scarring. This underlines the need for a full discussion of scarring risk in patients with PWS undergoing treatment with the PTDL.  相似文献   
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