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OBJECTIVE: Studies in Western world patients suggest the possible existence of a subgroup of patients with bulimia nervosa (BN) who display multiple problems with impulsivity, such as suicidal attempts. We assessed impulsive behaviors among BN patients in Japan to discuss them crossculturally. METHOD: Impulsive behaviors in 64 BN patients were assessed and multi-impulsivity (MI) was defined according to the definition proposed by Fichter, Quadflieg, and Rief (Psychological Medicine, 24, 591-604,1994). RESULTS: Nineteen patients (30%) met the definition of MI. BN patients with MI had more severe clinical features, such as concurrent depressive and anxious symptoms, global functioning, and higher prevalence of borderline personality disorder than BN patients without MI. DISCUSSION: These results showed the similarities between BN patients with MI in Japan and those patients in the Western world in clinical and psychopathological characteristics and a life-time incidence of each impulsive behavior. These findings may suggest culturally free bases for linkage between BN and MI.  相似文献   
The main drawback of the classic MACS-lift is the poor lifting effect in the medial neck and submandibular area, which results in a suboptimal aesthetic outcome in cases of severe excesses of neck skin, as well as poor outcome in cases of severe platysmal banding. To overcome these limitations, we describe a modification of the original technique, which maximizes the rejuvenation effect on the neck while keeping the proven advantage of short and less visible scars. Modifying the technique by introducing a 4th SMAS suture to perform lateral platysma plication through a caudally extended dissection 3?C4?cm below the mandibular arch/jaw line creates a more accentuated submandibular angle resulting in a sharper, more defined jaw line. Combined with extensive submandibular liposuction/lipectomy and in some cases closed platysma myotomy, this technique creates a concave submandibular space which enables redraping of a large volume of midneck skin, often eliminating the need for additional posterior or anterior cervicoplasty (??convex becomes concave??).  相似文献   
Recovery from anesthesia is ideally routine and uneventful. After extubation, the recovering postoperative patient ought to breathe without supportive care or additional oxygenation. It has been demonstrated in previous studies that postoperative pulmonary complications are clinically relevant in terms of mortality, morbidity, and length of hospital stay. Compromised postoperative ventilation can be described as the condition in which the postoperative patient does not have satisfactory spontaneous ventilation support and adequate oxygenation. Causes of impaired ventilation, oxygenation, and airway maintenance can be mechanical, hemodynamic, and pharmacologic. This review describes prevalence and differential diagnosis, including co-morbidities of postoperative apnea. The physiological mechanisms of breathing and prolonged postoperative apnea are also reviewed; these mechanisms include influences from the brainstem, the cerebral cortex, and chemoreceptors in the carotid and aortic body. Causes of prolonged postoperative apnea and management are also discussed.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To report a retrospective review of patients with a testicular germ cell tumour treated in a large cancer centre who developed a second tumour, as 1.8-5% of such patients will subsequently develop a new primary tumour in the contralateral testis. PATIENTS AND METHODS: From a database of 570 men treated for testicular cancer in the West of Scotland between 1989 and 1998, all those who developed bilateral testicular tumours were identified. RESULTS: Nineteen men (3.3%) developed a second primary testicular malignancy; the mean age at diagnosis of the first tumour was 29.5 years, with the mean (range) interval to diagnosis of the second tumour of 76 (11-181) months (except for one man with synchronous tumours). The first tumour was teratoma in 11 and seminoma in seven; one patient had synchronous bilateral teratoma. The second primary was teratoma in 10 and seminoma in eight. Known risk factors for carcinoma in situ were present in nine patients, i.e. a small atrophic contralateral testis in five, a family history of testicular cancer in two, a history of infertility in two and unilateral undescended testis in one. Two patients had had contralateral testicular biopsies at the first diagnosis; both were negative for intratubular germ cell neoplasia (IGCN). Eight patients had chemotherapy to treat the first tumour and 14 for the second. All underwent bilateral orchidectomy. Overall, 18 of 19 men are alive and disease-free, with a median follow-up of 51 months. Pathology for 12 of the second testicular tumours was available for review; there was no IGCN in any of the slides from three patients, it was only present focally around the tumour in seven, and was diffuse in two patients. CONCLUSIONS: Chemotherapy for the first testicular tumour does not eliminate the risk of developing a contralateral tumour. Despite careful follow-up, in most patients the second primary tumour was not diagnosed early enough to avoid chemotherapy. The focal nature of IGCN in the second testis in most patients questions the value of biopsy of the contralateral testis. Improved methods of detecting patients at risk of second testicular tumours are needed.  相似文献   
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