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We evaluated the effect of a prosthetic collar on the proximal femoral bone in 204 hips without any signs of loosening after 5 years. The patients were operated on at 5 centers, using different prosthetic designs, but the same cementing technique. Resorption was more often found in cases with a true and large collar (Lubinus, HD2, Scanhip) than in cases with a flanged or tapered stem (Chamley, Exeter). The resorption was also more pronounced with the former designs. It was concluded that, in spite of theoretical advantages, a large collar is not only unnecessary but may also have negative long-term effects.  相似文献   
In a major uroflow study new variables are introduced to meet the needs, and to use the possibilities of automatic processing of uroflow signals. It is found that the new variables provide excellent discrimination between male and female patients with bladder outflow impairment and healthy controls. In comparison to some conventional variables they have the advantage of unambiguous determination and low sensitivity to random measurement errors.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: Between 1985 and 1989, the surgical management of neonates with complete transposition (TGA) underwent a transition from atrial to arterial repair. We sought to examine the intermediate outcomes and their associated risk factors in neonates repaired during the era of transition. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Twenty-four institutions entered 829 neonates age less than 15 days in a prospective study. Diagnosis was simple TGA (n=631), TGA with ventricular septal defect (VSD) (n=167), TGA with VSD and pulmonary stenosis (TGA/VSD/PS) (n=30), or TGA with PS (n=1). Repair was by arterial switch (n=516), atrial repair (Senning=175, Mustard=110) or Rastelli (n=28). Time-related events were analysed by parametric hazard function modeling and incremental risk factors for mortality, re-intervention, and late functional assessment were sought. RESULTS: Survival estimates at 6 months, 5, 10, and 15 years are 85, 83, 83, and 81%, respectively. The hazard function for death after repair has two phases: an early rapidly declining phase and an ongoing constant one. Constant phase mortality is less likely after the arterial switch operation and in children with simple TGA. During follow up, at least one re-intervention was required in 167 children (pacemaker, n=35; percutaneous intervention, n=32; baffle re-intervention, n=27; re-operation, n=125). Freedom from re-intervention at 6 months, 5, 10 and 15 years is 93, 82, 77, and 76%, respectively. Of survivors, 87% have been followed up to the last 3 years, including an assessment of functional ability of 562 children (83%). Functional class 15 years after repair is class I in 76%, II in 22%, III in 2%. The proportion in functional class I decreased over time. Psychosocial deficits, especially learning disorders are prevalent. CONCLUSIONS: Survival 15 years after TGA repair is good with most children functioning well, and results are best after an arterial switch operation. There is an ongoing risk of death that is less after the arterial switch operation. With the exception of Rastelli patients, the likelihood of survivors needing re-intervention after 5 years is low. There is need for improved neurodevelopmental outcomes.  相似文献   
To determine whether the improved survival of very low birthweight (VLBW) infants (< 1500 g) born in Australia can be attributed to currently high rates of Caesarean section, we examined the associations between neonatal mortality and Caesarean section in singleton liveborn VLBW infants (500–1499 g) born during 1986–93 in Victoria, Australia, using data from the Victorian Perinatal Collection Unit. The infants included in this study had completed > 23 weeks of gestation, had no life-threatening malformations and had not been delivered by a repeat Caesarean without a trial of labour (n = 2763). For infants weighing 500–749 g, 750–999 g, 1000–1249 g and 1250–1499 g, the neonatal mortality rates were 56.1%, 25.7%, 13.0% and 4.3% respectively, and the Caesarean section rates were 33.1%, 42.3%, 54.8% and 55.8%. Nearly half of these births (n = 1269) were associated with one or more obstetric indications for Caesarean section (non-breech malpresentaion, fetal distress, prolapsed cord, placenta praevia, pre-eclampsia and hypertension). Overall, the odds ratio (OR) for neonatal death associated with Caesarean section was 0.92 [95% confidence interval 0.60–1.41], after adjustment for gestational age, birthweight, year of birth, type of hospital, presence or absence of labour, presentation and obstetric indications for Caesarean section. However, when the vertex-presenting (n = 1702) and breech-presenting (n = 746) infants were considered separately, the adjusted ORs for neonatal death were 1.98 [0.96–4.10] and 0.52 [0.29–0.96] respectively. For those infants without obstetric indications for Caesarean section, the adjusted ORs for neonatal death in vertex-presenting (n = 950) and breech-presenting (n = 446) infants were 3.80 [1.11–13.0] and 0.47 [0.23–0.6]. These recent population - based data support the view that Caesarean section does not enhance the neonatal survival of VLBW babies when obstetric complications are absent.  相似文献   
In guided tissue regeneration (GTR) procedures, flap recession or sloughing may occur as an unwanted sequel to the placement of a membrane. This study was designed to assess the applicability of laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) in the evaluation of blood perfusion in the mucoperiosteal flap covering the membrane. Five Labrador dogs were initially used inthe study, but one animal was later excluded due to post‐operative problems. Maxillary premolar teeth were extracted and full thickness mucoperiosteal flaps were raised. Following removal of the buccal bone plate, 4 titanium implants were placed on each side. An experimental biodegradable polylactic‐acid membrane was placed over the fixtures on one side to allow for GTR. The mucoperiosteal flap was repositioned and secured with sutures. The contralateral side served as control with no membrane. Blood perfusion was measured in the flaps before surgery, immediately after suturing and at 24, 48 and 72 h postoperatively. A laser Doppler flowmeter was used to assess the blood perfusion. In 3 animals the membrane was exposed within 2 weeks post‐operatively, and in these 3 animals the LDF values were lower on the membrane side than on the control side. The mean LDF value was lower on the membrane side for each of the 4 periods studied. The tindings suggest that LDF can be a valuable method to study blood perfusion of oral mucosal flaps and that there may be a relationship between a reduced relative LDF value and subsequent exposure of the membrane to the oral environment.  相似文献   
Four hundred twenty-seven optic discs of 233 unselected patients suffering from chronic primary open-angle glaucoma were morphometrically evaluated and compared with the optic nerve heads of 253 unselected normal subjects. Only one randomly chosen eye per patient was taken into consideration. We found that glaucoma leads to a change in the characteristic configuration of the neuroretinal rim that in normal eyes is significantly (P < 0.001) largest at the lower disc pole, smaller at the upper and nasal disc side, and smallest in the temporal disc region. Based on this information, significant (P < 0.001) morphometric differences between early glaucomatous and normal discs are: (a) the neuroretinal rim area in the lower temporal disc sector is smaller than in the upper temporal disc sector; the smallest rim width is outside the horizontal temporal disc sector (pathognomonic); the quotient of horizontal to vertical c/d ratio is lowered; and (d) the lower temporal, upper temporal, and total rim area are decreased. No significant difference in overall optic disc size and form exists between normal and glaucomatous eyes. Smaller optic nerve heads are not more susceptible to glaucoma.Parts of this study have been presented at the 85th meeting of the German Ophthalmic Society held in Heidelberg, 20–23 September, 1987. This study was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, grant DFG Jo/155/2-1, Ernst-Muck Foundation, and Meyer-Schwarting-Foundation  相似文献   
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