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Obstetrical sciatic palsy have been frequently seen in our hospital, but bibliography about this subject is rare, not only in Spanish but also in other languages. We review our experience about this pathology, and if it is possible, to contribute to prevent its occurrence.  相似文献   
Early diagnosis of stress fracture of the lumbar spine in athletes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Thirty-three athletes complaining of back pain of more than 1 months’ duration and with normal radiography of the lower spine were all studied by scintigraphy and in 24 of them with single photon emission computerized tomography. A stress fracture was considered present if localized increased uptake was seen at a vertebral level. Scintigraphy showed increased uptake in 17 of 33 patients and single photon emission computerized tomography in 16 of 24 patients.
Résumé 33 athlèes se plaignant de lombalgies depuis plus d’un mois avec des radiographies normales de la colonne lombaire ont étéétudiés. Tous ont eu une scintigraphie, et 24 un scanner. A été retenu comme signe de fracture de fatigue, l’existence d’une augmentation de densitéà un niveau vertébral. La scintigraphie montrait une telle augmentation chez 17 des 33 patients et le scanner chez 16 des 24 patients. On conclut que même si la scintigraphie est normale, on ne peut pas rejeter le diagnostic de fracture de fatigue.

Accepted: 22 October 1997  相似文献   
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