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目的 探讨广州市社区人群流感抗体水平与人际接触状况的相关性。方法 采用Google数码地图随机抽取广州市行政区域范围内研究点,受检者接受问卷调查并抽取静脉血检测甲型流感(H3N2、HINl)抗体。结果 (1)Google数码地图随机选取50个点中符合研究入选条件40个(856户家庭2801人)作为研究对象,实际参加1821人(65.0%),乡村和市区人群分别占77.3%(1407/1821)和22.7%(414/1821),以18-59岁年龄段为主,其次为≥60岁老年人,2-17岁组比例最低;(2)愿意提供血样者占78.1%(1423/1821),H3N2和H1N1流感病毒抗体阳性率与年龄密切相关,以2~17岁年龄组最高;(3)受检人群间皮肤或近距离人际接触频率甚高,每天接触≥10人者高达49.8%~72.6%,无零接触者,且以6~17岁组比例最高;相对于工作日,休息日接触人数较少。结论 广州地区社区人群H3N2和HINl流感病毒抗体阳性率以及人际间近距离接触频率均与年龄有关。  相似文献   


In low back pain if serious pathology is suspected diagnostic imaging could be performed. One of the imaging techniques available for this purpose is computed tomography (CT), however, insight in the diagnostic performance of CT is unclear.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the prevalence and pattern of radiographic osteoarthritis (ROA) of the hand joints and its association with self reported hand pain and disability. METHODS: Baseline data on a population based study (age >/=55 years) were used (n = 3906). Hand ROA was defined as the presence of Kellgren-Lawrence grade >/=2 radiological changes in two of three groups of hand joints in each hand. The presence of hand pain during the previous month was defined as hand pain. The health assessment questionnaire was used to measure hand disability. RESULTS: 67% of the women and 54.8% of the men had ROA in at least one hand joint. DIP joints were affected in 47.3% of participants, thumb base in 35.8%, PIP joints in 18.2%, and MCP joints in 8.2% (right or left hand). ROA of other joint groups (right hand) co-occurred in 56% of DIP involvement, 88% of PIP involvement, 86% of MCP involvement, and 65% of thumb base involvement. Hand pain showed an odds ratio of 1.9 (1.5 to 2.4) with the ROA of the hand (right). Hand disability showed an odds ratio of 1.5 (1.1 to 2.1) with ROA of the hand (right or left). CONCLUSIONS: Hand ROA is common in the elderly, especially in women. Co-occurrence of ROA in different joint groups of the hand is more common than single joint disease. There is a modest to weak association between ROA of the hand and hand pain/disability, varying with the site of involvement.  相似文献   
纳洛酮催瘾试验2例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
宋祖军  樊爱珍 《医学争鸣》2000,21(7):874-874
0 引言 阿片类依赖一般根据 DSM- 3- R标准诊断并不困难 .但有时患者不愿意承认暗中使用阿片类药物 ,而医生需迅速作出有否依赖的判断 ,则需使用纳洛酮催瘾试验 .我们应用此方法催瘾 2例的情况及有关注意事项介绍如下 :1 病例报告 患者 2例 ,男性 ,年龄 2 5和 31岁 ,因卖毒品被公安部门当场抓捕 ,为尽快初步验证其是否吸食毒品 ,随来求证 .催瘾诊断时 ,分别给两人 im 0 .4mg盐酸纳洛酮 ,1例 15min内出现心慌、烦躁不安、打哈欠、流泪、流涕等轻度戒断反应 .另 1例 30 min内无反应 ,随追加 im 0 .4mg. 5 min后即出现明显的戒断症状 .收…  相似文献   
The reactions of seven contrast agents--pure barium sulphate, Micropaque, Gastrografin, Dionosil, Hytrast, Amipaque and Hexabrix--on the bronchi and lungs of rats were studied. This work was undertaken to find a safe gastrointestinal contrast agent for use in post-operative patients where aspiration may be an accompanying risk. Amipaque and Hexabrix produced no significant histological reaction in the lungs and would, therefore, appear to be suitable for use in such cases.  相似文献   
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