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Magnetic resonance imaging of benign mediastinal masses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Burbank  FH; Enzmann  D; Keyes  GS; Brody  WR 《Radiology》1984,152(3):725-729
A hybrid digital subtraction angiography technique and noise-reduction algorithm were used to evaluate the carotid bifurcation. Temporal, hybrid, and reduced-noise hybrid images were obtained in right and left anterior oblique projections, and both single- and multiple-frame images were created with each method. The resulting images were graded on a scale of 1 to 5 by three experienced neuroradiologists. Temporal images were preferred over hybrid images (average score = 3.2 and 2.4, respectively). The percentage of nondiagnostic examinations, as agreed upon by two readers, was higher for temporal alone than temporal + hybrid (4 and 1, respectively). In addition, also by agreement between two readers, temporal + hybrid images significantly increased the number of bifurcations seen in two views (87%) compared to temporal subtraction alone (64%).  相似文献   
Computed tomography in dissection of the thoracic aorta   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The vasa vasorum and angioplasty   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Interruption of flow in the vasa vasorum may lead to medial necrosis and aneurysm formation. The purpose of this study was to determine whether angioplasty produces significant alterations in the morphology or blood flow of the vasa vasorum of the dilated artery. The morphology of the canine vasa vasorum was studied before and after angioplasty; in a separate experiment vessel wall blood flow (VWBF) in canine carotid arteries was measured after angioplasty to determine whether physiologic regulation of the blood flow was disrupted by arterial dilation. No morphologic changes could be demonstrated in the vasa vasorum of the dilated artery; however, VWBF was increased by 1194 +/- 215% (mean +/- standard error, p less than 0.01) between 90 and 120 minutes after angioplasty. VWBF in the adjacent nondilated arterial segment was also increased (720 +/- 177% between 10-30 minutes, p less than 0.01) but returned toward normal after 60 minutes. Adenosine caused a "paradoxical" decrease in VWBF (p less than 0.05) of the dilated arterial segment while causing increased VWBF (p less than 0.05) in the thoracic aorta. Angioplasty appears to produce persistent hyperemia in the dilated arterial wall. A paradoxical response to adenosine suggests that vasa vasorum in the dilated arterial segment are maximally vasodilated. This may be due to mechanical disruption of vasomotor tone or to release of vasoactive substances.  相似文献   
To prevent platelet aggregation following percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA), cyclooxygenase inhibitors such as acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) and indomethacin are recommended. However, ASA blocks both the proaggregating effects of thromboxane (TXA2) and the antiaggregating and vasodilating effects of prostacyclin (PGI2). The authors measured the contractile response of dilated canine carotid arteries in situ and in vitro using an isometric force transducer. Following PTA, contraction of the arterial wall was significantly reduced (p less than 0.01). By blocking cyclooxygenase with indomethacin (3 micrograms/ml), contraction was greatly improved (p less than 0.001). These results suggest that PTA may result in marked release of prostacyclin by the damaged arterial wall, which could account for the decreased responsiveness of the artery to exogenous norepinephrine.  相似文献   
Fibrosing alveolitis: CT-pathologic correlation   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Muller  NL; Miller  RR; Webb  WR; Evans  KG; Ostrow  DN 《Radiology》1986,160(3):585-588
Computed tomography (CT) was performed within 10 days of open lung biopsy in nine patients with fibrosing alveolitis. One-centimeter collimation contiguous scans through the chest were obtained in all patients. Additional 1.5-mm collimation scans were obtained in the area in which lung biopsy was later performed in six patients. In seven patients, CT demonstrated patchy involvement of the lung parenchyma, areas with a reticular pattern being intermingled with areas of normal lung. The reticular pattern was associated with cystic spaces 2-4 mm in diameter and was more severe in the lung periphery. Histologically, the reticular pattern corresponded to areas of irregular fibrosis. One patient had diffuse honeycombing (2-20-mm cysts), and one had honeycombing only in the lung periphery. In all patients, CT clearly defined the architectural changes seen on open lung biopsy. These changes were much better seen on the 1.5-mm than on the 10-mm collimation scans. CT may be helpful in determining the pattern and distribution of lung involvement in patients with fibrosing alveolitis and in guiding the surgeon to the most appropriate area(s) for biopsy.  相似文献   
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