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The aim of the present study was to examine the essential problems in a retrospective study of 381 organ injuries in 260 patients, to identify problems, to define criteria, to describe decision rules, and to organize these rules into branch-chain decision trees or clinical algorithms. The basic hypothesis of this study is that criteria organized into a prioritized decision tree can provide objective standards to evaluate the quality of trauma care and to compare alternative approaches. The algorithm was designed to provide prompt therapy for the most life-threatening problems: respiratory and cardiac arrest, shock, head injury, tamponade, lacerations of the great vessels, cardiac contusion, ruptured parenchymal organs, lacerated viscera, and injury to other intraperitoneal organs. Resuscitation from shock, correction of circulatory problems, and monitoring of physiologic variables were prioritized to evaluate the presence of circulatory deficits and the adequacy of specific therapy to correct them. Concomitantly, diagnosis of the underlying problems was approached using peritoneal lavage, abdominal and chest x-rays, iv urograms, cystograms, endoscopy, upper and lower GI barium or hypaque studies, ultrasound, scintograms, and CT scans. In emergency conditions these are limited to a large extent by time factors. The diagnostic accuracy, priorities, and limitations of each of these were evaluated in emergency conditions. The algorithm was used to track management decisions in a prospective series; the mortality of 51 patients with satisfactory compliance was 4% and 44% in nine patients with major deviations from the algorithm.  相似文献   
The following study of cyclosporine pharmacokinetics was performed to investigate the effects of withdrawal of low-dose maintenance prednisolone (0.3-0.6 mg/kg body weight) from the routine immunosuppressive regimen given to 10 liver transplant recipients with stable liver function tests. After oral administration of cyclosporine (6.4-10.3 mg/kg) whole blood concentrations were measured by radioimmunoassay (RIA) with both a specific monoclonal antibody detecting parent drug and a non-specific antibody additionally detecting a cross-section of metabolites. Withdrawal of prednisolone produced no significant change in the mean time and concentration of maximum blood cyclosporine (3.3 h and 1160 micrograms/l, respectively), the initial and terminal elimination half-life (3.5 h and 18.4 h, respectively) and the area under the blood concentration versus time curve (AUC) measured with either the specific or non-specific monoclonal antibody. Measurements with these two antibodies indicated that the terminal elimination of cyclosporine metabolites was more rapid than for the parent drug (half-life: 14.5 vs 18.4, respectively).  相似文献   
We provide 1985 estimates of the work force of epidemiologists in the United States, the number of graduates from training programs in epidemiology, and a projection of the future need for these health professionals. Our methods included a search of mailing lists from professional organizations, mail contact with graduate training programs, telephone interviews with experts, and a review of job announcements in professional journals. The study indicates that the current work force of epidemiologists in the United States is estimated to include 4,600 persons, more than half of whom are physicians; most epidemiologists are located in either a state with a major federal public health agency or one with a large population; and programs in epidemiology graduate an average of 475 persons with one or two years of master's level education and approximately 80 with doctoral-level education each year. After considering the factors that influence the supply of epidemiologists, we project a substantial need for more epidemiologists in the future than current sources will provide.  相似文献   
This paper describes the Russian response to sexuality, sex education and AIDS. Using primarily Russian language sources, it analyses the background to the current Russian debate on sex education since the 1960s. The nature of the government response – the introduction of a health education programme designed largely to combat specific sexual diseases such as syphilis and gonorrhoea – is also explored. It is suggested that the demise of the Communist edifice has not significantly altered official attitudes towards sex and sexuality. Particular attention is devoted to the impact of the AIDS epidemic on government and popular reaction to this sex education programme. Given the adverse effects which the breakup of the FSU, economic crisis and the disintegration of the USSR Ministry of Public Health in November 1991, have had on the possibility of launching a unified, co-ordinated and systematically concerted sex education programme it is concluded that backward attitudes towards sexuality are likely to exist for many years to come and the same is true with regard to the widespread prejudices towards the victims of AIDS in the FSU.  相似文献   
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