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Marathon races are performed over a broad range of environmental conditions. Hyperthermia is a primary challenge for runners in temperate and warm weather, but hypothermia can be a concern during cool-wet or cold conditions. Body temperature during the marathon is a balance between metabolic heat production and exchange with the environment described by the heat balance equation. During exercise, core temperature is proportional to the metabolic rate and largely independent of a wide range of environmental conditions. In temperate or cool conditions, a large skin-to-ambient temperature gradient facilitates radiant and convective heat loss, and reduces skin blood flow requirements, which may explain the tolerance for high core temperature observed during marathons in cool conditions. However, in warmer environments, skin temperatures and sweating rates increase. In addition, greater skin blood flow is required for heat loss, magnifying thermoregulatory and circulatory strain. The combined challenge of exercise and environment associated with marathon running can substantially challenge the human thermoregulatory system.  相似文献   
The nursing profession has historically advocated a strong commitment to social justice. As immigration issues have become increasingly politicized, nurses are being called upon to integrate principles of social justice when caring for immigrant populations. Nurse researchers have a particular challenge in winning and maintaining trust in immigrant communities. Data from several studies suggest that erosion of trust in the health care system, due to fears of detention and deportation, is resulting in adverse health outcomes among immigrants. The purpose of this article is to discuss a variety of strategies to establish and maintain trust in immigrant communities. These strategies were developed to maintain an academic–community partnership focused around obesity prevention among Mexican immigrant families. Strategies included: (a) Conceptualize trust as a dynamic continuum; (b) recognize the scope and impact of the stressors; (c) separate fact versus fiction; (d) identify deportation-related stressors and community responses; (e) manage trust and mistrust issues; (f) build bridges; and (g) establish a positive presence. Nurses are well poised to intervene to repair the damaged trust between immigrant communities and the health care system, using community-based participatory methods.  相似文献   
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