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The purpose of this study was to quantify the variability and stability of 1st morning body mass (BM) fluctuations during daily exercise in the heat while following traditional fluid intake guidance. Data from 65 men were examined retrospectively. BM fluctuations were monitored over 4 to 15 consecutive days. Group daily variation in BM was 0.51+/-0.20 kg. Group coefficient of variation was 0.66+/-0.24%, normally distributed, and not related to either absolute BM (r = 0.04) or number of measurements (r = 0.34). Three days resulted in a similar variability estimate compared to 6 or 9 d, although precision was improved with 9 d. In conclusion, 3 consecutive BM measurements provide an accurate assessment of daily BM variability, which is less than 1% for active men when replacing 100% of sweat losses during exercise. The data also suggest that daily BM is a sufficiently stable physiological parameter for potential daily fluid balance monitoring.  相似文献   
Aim: The aim of this study was to determine if asthmatic children have viruses more commonly detected in lower airways during asymptomatic periods than normal children. Methods: Fifty‐five asymptomatic children attending elective surgical procedures (14 with stable asthma, 41 normal controls) underwent non‐bronchoscopic bronchoalveolar lavage. Differential cell count and PCR for 13 common viruses were performed. Results: Nineteen (35%) children were positive for at least one virus, with adenovirus being most common. No differences in the proportion of viruses detected were seen between asthmatic and normal ‘control’ children. Viruses other than adenovirus were associated with higher neutrophil counts, suggesting that they caused an inflammatory response in both asthmatics and controls (median BAL neutrophil count, 6.9% for virus detected vs. 1.5% for virus not detected, p = 0.03). Conclusions: Over one‐third of asymptomatic children have a detectable virus (most commonly adenovirus) in the lower airway; however, this was not more common in asthmatics. Viruses other than adenovirus were associated with elevated neutrophils suggesting that viral infection can be present during relatively asymptomatic periods in asthmatic children.  相似文献   
Objective: To identify risk factors for development of dehydration in under five year olds with acute watery diarrhoea.Design: Hospital based unmatched case-control study.Setting: Diarrhoea Treatment Unit, Government Medical College Hospital, Nagpur, India.Participants: The study included 387 cases of diarrhoea having severe or moderate dehydration and 387 controls suffering from diarrhoea with mild or no dehydration.Risk factors: The study included infancy, female sex, religion, residing in urban slums or rural area, under nutrition, cessation of breast feeding during diarrhoeal episode, fluid intake decreased/stopped during diarrhoea, ORS not received, home available fluids (HAF) not received, both ORS and HAF not received, non-washing of hands by mother before preparation of food, after defaecation, after disposal of faeces, history of measles in the previous six months, frequency of stools >8/d, frequency of vomiting more than twice per day and temperature more than 99°F, as risk factors for development of dehydration.Statistical analysis: Univariate analysis included OR, 95% CI for OR and Chi-square test. Multivariate analysis was carried out by unconditional multiple logistic regression (MLR).Results: This study identified the significance of infancy, religion, severe undernutrition, non-washing of hands by mother before preparation of food, frequency of stool >8/d, frequency of vomiting >2/d, history of measles in previous six months, withdrawal of breast feeding during diarrhoea, withdrawal of fluids during diarrhoea and not giving ORS, HAF or both during diarrhoea, in the outcome of development of moderate or severe dehydration.Conclusions: Timely intervention in the preventable risk factors included in this study may prevent the development of moderate or severe dehydration in the children suffering form acute watery diarrhoea.  相似文献   
Twenty patients with poor prognosis B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL) underwent uniform high-dose chemoradiotherapy followed by rescue with multiple monoclonal antibody-purged autologous bone marrow (BM) (12 patients) or T-cell-depleted allogeneic BM from HLA-identical siblings (8 patients) in a pilot study to assess the feasibility of BM transplantation (BMT) in this disease. All had poor prognosis disease by either staging, BM pattern, tumor doubling time criteria, or cytogenetics. All patients achieved remission criteria (defined as < or = 2 adenopathy, absence of splenomegaly, < or = 20% of the intertrabecular space involved on BM biopsy) before BMT. Despite the use of fludarabine, a median of three treatment regimens were required to achieve BMT eligibility. After BMT, all patients achieved complete hematologic engraftment. Toxicities were not significantly different between autologous versus allogeneic BMT. Two toxic deaths were observed. Of 19 evaluable patients, 17 clinical complete clinical remissions (89%) were observed, with 2 patients (1 allogeneic and 1 autologous) exhibiting persistent BM disease. Complete clinical remissions were documented at the phenotypic and molecular level for the majority of patients in whom dual fluorescence for CD5 and CD20 (15 of 15; 100%) and Ig gene rearrangements (11 of 14; 79%) were performed. Although long-term follow-up is needed to assess any potential impact on the disease-free and overall survival of these patients, this study shows the feasibility of using high-dose chemoradiotherapy and BMT in patients with poor prognosis B-CLL.  相似文献   
The peroral pneumocolon examination   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This randomised, double-blind study conducted at nine sites in the UK and the Netherlands compared the safety and antidepressant efficacy of venlafaxine and dothiepin. Ninety-two geriatric patients (aged 64-87 years) with major depression were randomly assigned to receive either venlafaxine or dothiepin for up to 43 days. The dose of venlafaxine or dothiepin was titrated up to a maximum of 150 mg per day for the first 15 days, and thereafter could range from 50 to 150 mg per day. Adjusted mean scores on the MADRS and the HAM-D decreased significantly (p 0.05) from baseline to the end of the study in both groups. A response to therapy was observed in 60% of patients in the venlafaxine group and 53% of patients in the dothiepin group on the MADRS, and in 60% of patients in both groups on the HAM-D. Suicidal ideation scores on the MADRS were significantly (p=0.042) lower in the venlafaxine group at week 6. Treatment-emergent study events were the primary reason for withdrawal in only 7% of venlafaxine-treated patients and 8% of dothiepin-treated patients. The results confirm the efficacy and tolerability of venlafaxine for treating major depression in the elderly.  相似文献   
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