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目的:神经断端保留小间隙的静脉桥接模拟神经外膜形成神经再生室,为周围神经再生创造了良好的生理环境,从而保证神经束的良好对合。实验采用部分脱乙酰甲壳质作为套管材料,用小间隙桥接方法修复坐骨神经损伤,观察套管内的神经再生情况,并与传统外膜缝合法进行比较。方法:实验于2001-01/2002-10在北京大学人民医院创伤骨科实验室完成。①主要材料:实验所用中空圆柱形套管为北京大学人民医院与中国纺织科学院共同发明的一种部分脱乙酰甲壳质生物套管(专利号:01136314.2)。实验中所用套管尺寸为:管长4 mm,壁厚0.1 mm,内径1.5 mm。②实验动物:健康成年雄性SD大鼠20只,随机分成2大组,每组10只,每一大组全部10只动物的左腿坐骨神经为一组,右腿坐骨神经为另一组,每组10根坐骨神经。另取5只同样大鼠双侧坐骨神经未做处理作为正常对照组。③实验方法:外膜原位缝合组:切断坐骨神经,显微镜下神经外膜原位缝合;生物套管小间隙原位桥接组:切断坐骨神经,显微镜下小间隙套管桥接;断端旋转180°外膜缝合组:切断坐骨神经,显微镜下远端旋转180°后,神经外膜缝合;断端旋转180°生物套管小间隙桥接组:切断坐骨神经,显微镜下远端旋转180°后,小间隙套管桥接。④实验评估:术后第7,14,21,28,42天取坐骨神经,进行免疫组织化学染色及观察。结果:再生神经延套管中央走行,7 d时已有部分纤维通过2 mm间隙,14 d时有髓纤维数量明显多于近端。21 d后,套管组与原位外膜组新生有髓神经纤维数相近。再生纤维胞核数量较多,髓鞘纤细。套管结构完整。结论:此种部分脱乙酰甲壳质生物套管内的再生神经连续、整齐,髓鞘完整,其神经再生情况好于传统外膜缝合法。  相似文献   
Oxidative metabolism of the human eosinophil   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
We have compared the oxidative metabolism of human eosinophils (80%-90% purity) to that of neutrophils. Hexose monophosphate (HMP) shunt activity of eosinophils was higher than that of neutrophils under either resting or phagocytizing conditions. Eosinophil HMP shunt activity also was stimulated by phorbol myristate acetate, a membrane- active agent. Eosinophils showed a marked incorporation of 125I into trichloroacetic acid-insoluble material under resting conditions, which increased markedly during phagocytosis. Eosinophils likewise showed a greater reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium dye during phagocytosis than did neutrophils. Measurement of other parameters of oxidative metabolism indicated that eosinophils generated superoxide anion following phagocytosis and also elicited a burst of chemiluminescence similar to that observed during phagocytosis by neutrophils. Measurement of NADPH oxidase activity demonstrated that this enzyme was 3-6 times more active in fractions isolated from eosinophils than in corresponding fractions isolated from neutrophils; this was observed over a range of substrate concentrations. The eosinophil enzyme sedimented differently than the neutrophil enzyme with differential centrifugation; neither showed sedimentation characteristics of peroxidase. These data indicate that eosinophils possess a similar, although in some ways more potent, oxidative burst than neutrophils and are consistent with a role for NADPH oxidase in the initiation of that burst.  相似文献   
从兔股骨头中提取总RNA的方法特点   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:建立一种高效、快速的骨组织总RNA提取方法。方法:实验于2005-01/2006-01在昆明医学院实验动物中心和中国科学院昆明动物研究所中科院细胞与分子进化重点实验室完成。取健康新西兰大白兔1只,截取其股骨头,迅速置于液氮罐中保存,于研钵中研磨,使骨组织始终保存于液氮中,继续研磨,如此重复3次,然后利用Trizol使骨细胞结构迅速破坏,将粉末转入离心管,室温静置5min。随后加入氯仿等有机溶剂处理、离心,使RNA与细胞DNA、蛋白质及其他成分分离从而得到总RNA。最后鉴定RNA的质量、纯度及产率,取2μL提取出的RNA在体积分数为0.008的甲醛变性琼脂糖凝胶上进行电泳,主要观察RNA的28S、18S及5S三个条带是否清晰,有无降解和DNA污染。以99μLDEPC水稀释1μLRNA样品,紫外分光光度计测量其吸光度(A)值,A260/A280之比值表示RNA的纯度,同时根据吸光度值计算其质量浓度。结果:①对提取的兔股骨头RNA进行琼脂糖凝胶电泳,可显示清晰的28S、18S两个条带,5S条带亦可见,表明了RNA是完整的。②用紫外分光光度法测定兔股骨头中提取出的RNAA260/A280,结果表明由本法提取的RNA纯度高,无DNA和蛋白质的污染。③经紫外分光光度计吸收定量,每毫克兔股骨头组织能提取1.0~1.2μg的总RNA。结论:本法提取骨组织总RNA方便、快捷,质量高,可用于骨组织的分子生物学研究。  相似文献   
RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: The authors performed this study to evaluate cell volume regulation in human red blood cells (RBCs) after incubation in solutions of three contrast media: iohexol (830 mOsm), ioxaglate (520 mOsm), and iodixanol (300 mOsm). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Whole blood sampled from six healthy subjects was exposed to Ringer solutions containing 25% or 5% vol/vol iohexol (final osmolality, 440 or 340 mOsm, respectively), ioxaglate (final osmolality, 395 or 335 mOsm, respectively), iodixanol (final osmolality, 330 or 315 mOsm, respectively), or NaCl (control solutions with the same osmolality as that of the contrast media). In some experiments, control RBCs were subjected to a hyposmotic solution (100 mOsm). RBC volumes were obtained with a Coulter counter. RESULTS: The RBCs showed normal regulatory cell shrinkage after hyposmotically induced swelling. All 25% vol/vol contrast material solutions and their control solutions induced RBC shrinkage (range, 6% +/- 1 [standard error] to 22% +/- 3). The same was true for cells exposed to 5% vol/vol contrast material (range, 4% +/- 1 to 7% +/- 1). The shrinkage phase was followed by cell swelling (10% +/- 2 to 20% +/- 2 for 25% contrast material and their control solutions and 8% +/- 1 to 15% +/- 2 for 5% contrast material and their control solutions). No contrast material-exposed RBCs increased their volumes to the level reached with their control solutions. CONCLUSION: RBCs exposed to hyperosmotic iohexol, ioxaglate, or iodixanol solutions shrank and then swelled. The degree of shrinkage and subsequent swelling could not be explained simply with the osmolality of the test solutions. Physicochemical properties of the contrast media must be involved, putatively affecting electrolyte fluxes over the RBC membrane. Possible targets of these effects are the K+/Cl- symporter, K+ channels, and the Na+/K+/Cl- symporter.  相似文献   
Endostatin, the 20-kDa C-terminal fragment of collagen XVIII, has previously been shown to inhibit growth and induce regression of different experimental tumors in rodents. In this study, we show that recombinant murine and human endostatin, produced in 293 EBNA cells and yeast, respectively, inhibit ectotopic as well as orthotopic growing BT4Cn gliosarcomas in BD-IX rats. In rats in which s.c. gliomas were grown for a total of 29 days, systemic treatment with recombinant murine endostatin induced about 50% reduction of intratumoral blood flow and tumor size after only 10 days of therapy. In contrast, the blood flow to irrelevant organs was unaffected by endostatin, indicating its specificity of action. Tumors were not observed to increase in size or regrow after cessation of therapy. Furthermore, endostatin-treated rats with i.c. tumors had significantly longer survival time than did untreated controls. In the treated rats, endostatin therapy resulted in a reduced tumor blood vessel volume and an increased tumor cell density with an increased apoptotic index within a given tumor volume, as verified by flow cytometry and by staining with deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling. This work verifies the general anti-angiogenic and antitumor effects of endostatin and indicates that the protein may also be considered as a treatment strategy for malignant brain tumors.  相似文献   
古宏标  汤聿海  徐毅 《药学学报》1996,31(10):732-736
以培养血管平滑肌细胞(vascularsmcothmusclecell,VSMC)为模型,观察了间硝苯地平(m-nifedipine,m-Nif)对血管紧张素Ⅱ(angiotensinⅡ,ANGⅡ)促进VSMC增殖和蛋白质合成的影响。结果表明,m-Nif抑制ANGⅡ(100nmol·L-1)引起VSMC[3H]thymidine和[3H]leucine参入,并呈剂量依赖性。m-Nif(2×10-6mol·L-1)可抑制ANGⅡ对VSMC的刺激、DNA及蛋白质合成速率,分别降低了46%,58%,53%。提示m-Nif可抑制ANGⅡ对VSMC增殖和蛋白合成的促进作用。  相似文献   
Regulation of granulocyte formation was studied by correlating granulocytopoiesis in diffusion chambers with activities of putative regulatory cytokines in such chambers. The implantation procedure increased the levels in 1- and 2-d chambers of interleukin 6 (IL-6), G-CSF, TNF-alpha, and non-specific granulocyte/macrophage (G/M) colony-stimulating activities (CSA), assessed with bioassays and immunoassays. The activities subsided rapidly thereafter. They could be increased by vinblastine, cyclophosphamide, and a sterile inflammatory reaction (s.c. implanted copper rods; Cu-r). Anti-inflammatory indomethacin curtailed the IL-6, but raised the TNF-alpha, G-CSF, and CSA levels in Cu-r mice. Interferon inducer poly-I:C augmented G-CSF, but decreased TNF-alpha levels. Mouse blood cells cultured in chambers expanded their granulocyte/macrophage progenitor population rapidly during the first week of culture; this population being significantly larger on day 3 in perturbed than in unperturbed mice. A marked decline followed in the second week, significantly larger in mice given cytotoxic treatment than in controls. Peritoneal G-CSF and TNF-alpha may explain progenitor and granulocyte growth and development in diffusion chambers during the first week of culture. GM-CSF and IL-3 were apparently without any influence. None of the peritoneal cytokines assayed could explain the population decline during the second week, which was possibly caused by exhaustion of earlier progenitor cells, rather than by intra-chamber feedback mechanisms.  相似文献   
商陆多糖Ⅰ(PAP-I),0.3~3μg·ml-1和小鼠脾细胞培养3~5d可显著增强其杀伤P815肿瘤细胞活性及IL-2(250~500IU·ml-1)诱导的LAK细胞活性,最适浓度为1μg·ml-1。PAP-I及IL-2和脾细胞培养的上清液对P815肿瘤细胞无细胞毒作用,但能增强脾细胞及LAK细胞杀瘤活性。PAP-I,5,10及50mg·kg-1,ip可增强脾细胞杀伤P815和L929细胞的活性及IL-2诱导的LAK细胞活性。  相似文献   


Men having sex with men (MSM) remain the largest high-risk group involved in on-going transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STI), including HIV, in the Netherlands. As risk behaviour may change with age, it is important to explore potential heterogeneity in risks by age. To improve our understanding of this epidemic, we analysed the prevalence of and risk factors for selected STI in MSM attending STI clinics in the Netherlands by age group.


Analysis of data from the national STI surveillance system for the period 2006–2012. Selected STI were chlamydia, gonorrhoea, infectious syphilis and/or a new HIV infection. Logistic regression was used to identify factors associated with these selected STI and with overall STI positivity. Analyses were done separately for MSM aged younger than 25 years and MSM aged 25 years and older.


In young MSM a significant increase in positivity rate was seen over time (p?<?0.01), mainly driven by increasing gonorrhoea diagnoses, while in MSM aged 25 and older a significant decrease was observed (p?<?0.01). In multivariate analyses for young MSM, those who were involved in commercial sex were at higher risk (OR: 1.5, 95% CI: 1.2-1.9). For MSM aged 25 years and older this was not the case. Having a previous negative HIV test was protective among older MSM compared to those not tested for HIV before (OR: 0.8, 95% CI: 0.8-0.8), but not among younger MSM.


MSM visiting STI clinics remain a high-risk group for STI infections and transmission, but are not a homogenous group. While in MSM aged older than 25 years, STI positivity rate is decreasing, positivity rate in young MSM increased over time. Therefore specific attention needs to be paid towards targeted counselling and reaching particular MSM sub-groups, taken into account different behavioural profiles.
用[3H]TdR参入法检测小鼠脾细胞增殖能力及产生集落刺激因子(colony stimulating factor. CSF)含量.证明商陆多糖Ⅱ(PAP-Ⅱ)在31~500 μg·m-1范围内显著促进小鼠稗细胞增殖。PAP-Ⅱ,31~125 μg·ml-1可剂量依赖性地促进Con A(1,2.8μg·ml-1),LPS(3,10,30 μg·ml-1)诱导的淋巴细胞细咆增殖,随着PAP-Ⅱ剂量加大,对丝裂原诱导的淋巴细胞增殖反呈抑制作用。PAP-Ⅱ。10~500μg·ml-1呈剂量及时间依赖性地促进脾细胞产生CSF,其最适剂量为100 μg·ml-1。最佳时间为5 d,提示PAP-Ⅱ能增强免疫及促进造血功能。  相似文献   
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