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Constant cross talk between Candida albicans yeast cells and their human host determines the outcome of fungal colonization and, eventually, the progress of infectious disease (candidiasis). An effective weapon used by C. albicans to cope with the host defense system is the release of 10 distinct secreted aspartic proteases (SAPs). Here, we validate a hypothesis that neutrophils and epithelial cells use the antimicrobial peptide LL-37 to inactivate C. albicans at sites of candidal infection and that C. albicans uses SAPs to effectively degrade LL-37. LL-37 is cleaved into multiple products by SAP1 to -4, SAP8, and SAP9, and this proteolytic processing is correlated with the gradual decrease in the antifungal activity of LL-37. Moreover, a major intermediate of LL-37 cleavage—the LL-25 peptide—is antifungal but devoid of the immunomodulatory properties of LL-37. In contrast to LL-37, LL-25 did not affect the generation of reactive oxygen species by neutrophils upon treatment with phorbol esters. Stimulating neutrophils with LL-25 (rather than LL-37) significantly decreased calcium flux and interleukin-8 production, resulting in lower chemotactic activity of the peptide against neutrophils, which may decrease the recruitment of neutrophils to infection foci. LL-25 also lost the function of LL-37 as an inhibitor of neutrophil apoptosis, thereby reducing the life span of these defense cells. This study indicates that C. albicans can effectively use aspartic proteases to destroy the antimicrobial and immunomodulatory properties of LL-37, thus enabling the pathogen to survive and propagate.  相似文献   


Fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF2) is an important signalling molecule contributing to angiogenesis, tumour growth and progression and its expression is implicated in breast cancer (BC) development. We investigated whether –553 T/A FGF2 gene polymorphism is associated with the risk and progression of BC in Polish women.

Material and methods

The –553 T/A polymorphism was genotyped in 230 breast cancer patients and 245 control subjects, using a polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) approach. Moreover, FastQuant human angiogenesis array was used to measure FGF2 levels in tumour (n = 127) and serum (n = 76) samples.


The T/A genotypes (OR = 2.12, 95% CI: 1.20–3.74) (p = 0.08) and the combined heterozygotes T/A and homozygote A/A (OR = 2.18, 95% CI: 1.24–3.83) (p = 0.006) had an increased risk of BC. The median FGF2 levels in the tumours of A allele carriers were significantly increased compared to T/T patients, whereas in serum FGF2 levels were hardly altered among different genotype carriers. Significantly higher frequency of A allele was found in patients with lymph node metastases (OR = 2.53; 95% CI: 1.23–5.17) (p = 0.009) and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 positive tumour (OR = 3.22, 95% CI: 1.49–6.99) (p = 0.002). Furthermore, Kaplan-Meier survival analysis showed that the A allele predicted worse disease-free survival (DFS) in BC patients.


Our study shows for the first time that the –553 T/A FGF2 gene polymorphism may be associated with a risk of BC developing and progression in Polish women and may have prognostic value for the assessment of BC high-risk groups.  相似文献   


Formation of adhesions after laparoscopic hernia repair using the intra-peritoneal onlay mesh (IPOM) procedure can lead to intestinal obstruction or mesh erosion into intestinal lumen. The aims of this study included: measurement of adhesion formation with Dynamesh IPOM after laparoscopic intraperitoneal implantation, and assessment of the occurrence of isolated adhesions at the fastening sites of slowly absorbable sutures.

Material and methods

Twelve healthy pigs underwent laparoscopic implantation of 2 Dynamesh IPOM mesh fragments each, one was fastened with PDSII, and the other with Maxon sutures. An assessment of adhesion formation was carried out after 6 weeks and included an evaluation of surface area, hardness according to the Zhulke scale, and index values. The occurrence of isolated adhesions at slowly absorbable suture fixation points was also analyzed.


Adhesions were noted in 83.3% of Dynamesh IPOM meshes. Adhesions covered on average 37.7% of the mesh surface with mean hardness 1.46 and index value 78.8. In groups fixed with PDS in comparison to Maxon sutures adhesions covered mean 31.6% vs. 42.5% (p = 0.62) of the mesh surface, mean hardness was 1.67 vs.1.25 (p = 0.34) and index 85.42 vs. 72.02 (p = 0.95).


The Dynamesh IPOM mesh, in spite of its anti-adhesive layer of PVDF, does not prevent the formation of adhesions. Adhesion hardness, surface area, and index values of the Dynamesh IPOM mesh are close to the mean values of these parameters for other commercially available 2-layer meshes. Slowly absorbable sutures used for fastening did not increase the risk of adhesion formation.  相似文献   
Background. Patients with degenerative aortic stenosis (AS) exhibit elevated prevalence of coronary artery disease (CAD) and internal carotid artery stenosis (ICAS). Our aim was to investigate prevalence of significant CAD and ICAS in relation to demographic and cardiovascular risk profile among patients with severe degenerative AS.Methods. We studied 145 consecutive patients (77 men and 68 women) aged 49-91 years (median, 76) with severe degenerative AS who underwent coronary angiography and carotid ultrasonography in our tertiary care center. The patients were divided into two groups according to the presence of either significant CAD (n=86) or ICAS (n=22).Results. The prevalence of significant CAD or ICAS was higher with increasing number of traditional risk factors (hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, smoking habit) and decreasing renal function. We found interactions between age and gender in terms of CAD (p=0.01) and ICAS (p=0.06), which was confirmed by multivariate approach. With the reference to men with a below-median age, the prevalence of CAD or ICAS increased in men aged >76 years (89% vs. 55% and 28% vs. 14%, respectively), whereas the respective percentages were lower in older vs. younger women (48% vs. 54% and 7% vs. 17%).Conclusions. In severe degenerative AS gender modulates the association of age with coronary and carotid atherosclerosis with its lower prevalence in women aged >76 years compared to their younger counterparts. This may result from a hypothetical “survival bias”, i.e., an excessive risk of death in very elderly women with severe AS and coexisting relevant coronary or carotid atherosclerosis.  相似文献   


CD36 plays an important role in long-chain fatty acid homeostasis in skeletal muscle and the myocardium. CD36 deficiency may lead to reduced myocardial uptake of long-chain fatty acid. Therefore, different mutations of the CD36 gene may contribute to the clinical heterogeneity of cardiac hypertrophy.

Material and methods

The objective of the study was to investigate whether there is an association between the sequence changes in CD36 and echocardiographic and electrocardiographic parameters in Caucasian patients with early onset coronary artery disease. The study group comprised 100 patients. Electrocardiography and echocardiography were performed in all patients. Amplicons of exons 4 to 6 including fragments of introns were studied using the denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography technique.


IVS3-6TC (rs3173798) heterozygotes had impaired left ventricle diastolic function. 573GA heterozygotes (rs5956) had higher frequency of pseudonormal left ventricular diastolic function and it was confirmed by the increase in wave A’ in the tissue Doppler. 591AT genotype was associated with borderline higher posterior wall end-diastolic thickness and lower E/A ratio. These results are consistent with electrocardiography parameters which could reflect left ventricular hypertrophy (higher RV5(6) and RV5(6) + SV1(2) parameters, depressed ST segments and tendency to longer Qtc II interval) in 591AT heterozygotes.


Detected variant alleles of CD36 may be associated with features of left ventricular hypertrophy and impaired diastolic function.  相似文献   
This study examined the effect of leptin on renal ouabain-resistant Na(+)-ATPase, which drives the reabsorption of about 10% of sodium transported in the proximal tubule. Chronic leptin administration (0.25 mg/kg s.c. twice daily for seven days) increased Na(+)-ATPase activity by 62.9%. This effect was prevented by the coadministration of superoxide dismutase mimetic, tempol, or the NADPH oxidase inhibitor, apocynin (2 mM in the drinking water). Acutely administered NO donors decreased Na(+)-ATPase activity. This effect was abolished by soluble guanylate cyclase inhibitor, ODQ, but not by protein kinase G inhibitors. Exogenous cGMP reduced Na(+)-ATPase activity, but its synthetic analogues, 8-bromo-cGMP and 8-pCPT-cGMP, were ineffective. The inhibitory effect of NO donors and cGMP was abolished by EHNA, an inhibitor of cGMP-stimulated phosphodiesterase (PDE2). Exogenous cAMP analogue and dibutyryl-cAMP increased Na(+)-ATPase activity and abolished the inhibitory effect of cGMP. Finally, the administration of superoxide-generating mixture (xanthine oxidase+hypoxanthine) increased Na(+)-ATPase activity. The results suggest that nitric oxide decreases renal Na(+)-ATPase activity by stimulating cGMP, which in turn activates PDE2 and decreases cAMP concentration. Increased production of reactive oxygen species may lead to the elevation of Na(+)-ATPase activity by scavenging NO and limiting its inhibitory effect. Chronic hyperleptinemia is associated with increased Na(+)-ATPase activity due to excessive oxidative stress.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND & AIMS: Visceral hypersensitivity, a hallmark of irritable bowel syndrome, is generally considered to be mechanosensitive in nature and mediated via spinal afferents. Both stress and inflammation are implicated in visceral hypersensitivity, but the underlying molecular mechanisms of visceral hypersensitivity are unknown. METHODS: Mice were infected with Nippostrongylus brasiliensis (Nb) larvae, exposed to environmental stress and the following separate studies performed 3-4 weeks later. Mesenteric afferent nerve activity was recorded in response to either ramp balloon distention (60 mm Hg), or to an intraluminal perfusion of hydrochloric acid (50 mmol/L), or to octreotide administration (2 micromol/L). Intraperitoneal injection of cholera toxin B-488 identified neurons projecting to the abdominal viscera. Fluorescent neurons in dorsal root and nodose ganglia were isolated using laser-capture microdissection. RNA was hybridized to Affymetrix Mouse whole genome arrays for analysis to evaluate the effects of stress and infection. RESULTS: In mice previously infected with Nb, there was no change in intestinal afferent mechanosensitivity, but there was an increase in chemosensitive responses to intraluminal hydrochloric acid when compared with control animals. Gene expression profiles in vagal but not spinal visceral sensory neurons were significantly altered in stressed Nb-infected mice. Decreased afferent responses to somatostatin receptor 2 stimulation correlated with lower expression of vagal somatostatin receptor 2 in stressed Nb-infected mice, confirming a link between molecular data and functional sequelae. CONCLUSIONS: Alterations in the intestinal brain-gut axis, in chemosensitivity but not mechanosensitivity, and through vagal rather than spinal pathways, are implicated in stress-induced postinflammatory visceral hypersensitivity.  相似文献   
Straburzyńska-Migaj E  Ochotny R  Cieśliński A 《Kardiologia polska》2007,65(4):354-60; discussion 361-2
BACKGROUND: There is increasing evidence for the importance of peripheral abnormalities in the pathogenesis and progression of heart failure (HF). Recently, glucose and insulin metabolism abnormalities have been intensively investigated in patients with HF. AIM: To investigate whether coexistence of impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) may decrease exercise tolerance and influence ventilatory response to exercise in patients with systolic HF. METHODS: Maximal cardiopulmonary exercise test with evaluation of peak VO2 and VE/VCO2 slope and oral glucose tolerance test were performed in 64 clinically stable patients with HF and LVEF <45%. RESULTS: Impaired glucose tolerance was diagnosed in 26 (41%) patients and normal glucose tolerance (NGT) in 38 (59%) patients. There were no significant differences in baseline clinical characteristics or LVEF between groups. There were significant differences in peak VO2 between IGT and NGT (15.4+/-4.1 vs. 18.7+/-4.2 ml/kg/min respectively; p=0.003) and VE/VCO2 slope (35.7+/-7.3 vs. 31.8+/-5.7 respectively; p=0.02). The IGT was independently related to peak VO2 and VE/VCO2 slope in multivariate regression analysis. CONCLUSION: The IGT is associated with worse exercise capacity and ventilatory response to exercise in patients with HF.  相似文献   
Multiple myeloma (MM) is a plasma cell malignancy characterised by bone marrow infiltration and the presence of a monoclonal protein in serum and/or urine. Interleukin-6 (IL-6) has been identified as one of the most important cytokines that contributes to myeloma cell survival and proliferation. Recent investigations suggest involvement of another cytokine, IL-10, in the activation of MM cells. The present study aimed to determine whether there is an association between the polymorphic features located within the promoter regions of IL-6 and IL-10 genes and progression the disease. IL-6 (-174 G/C) and IL-10 (-1082 A/G, -819 C/T, -592 A/C) promoter single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were determined by PCR-SSP technique using commercial primers. Our single centre results were compared with the data from literature and combined in cumulative analysis employing the Mantel-Haenszel method. In univariate analysis, only IL-10 ACC genotype tended to prevail in our (Polish) group of patients. None of IL-6 genotypes or IL-10 (-1082) alleles was found to associate with MM disease either in our single centre or in cumulative study. Among patients who died within 36 months of diagnosis, a significant prevalence (P < 0.05) of IL-6 heterozygous cases as opposed to IL-6 homozygotes was observed. IL-6 and IL-10 promoter gene polymorphisms were not found to associate with the susceptibility to the development of MM. However, the IL-6 polymorphic features appeared as factors that might affect the survival of MM patients. The latter observation warrants further study.  相似文献   
Classical evolutionary theory predicts the existence of genes with antagonistic effects on longevity and various components of early-life fitness. Quantitative genetic studies have provided convincing evidence that such genes exist. However, antagonistic pleiotropic effects have rarely been attributed to individual loci. We examine several classes of longevity-assurance genes: those involved in regulation of the gonad; the insulin-like growth factor pathway; free-radical scavenging; heat shock proteins and apoptosis. We find initial evidence that antagonistic pleiotropic effects are pervasive in each of these classes of genes and in various model systems--although most studies lack explicit studies of fitness components. This is particularly true of human studies. Very little is known about the early-life fitness effects of longevity loci. Given the possible medical importance of such effects we urge their future study.  相似文献   
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