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A commercial double-test tablet (Rosco PGUA/indole) for detection of beta-glucuronidase (beta-GUR) activity and indole production was evaluated on a collection of 393 isolates of Enterobacteria. Both beta-GUR and indole were positive on 96.6% of Escherichia coli strains. beta-GUR, only, was also detected in 25 Shigella spp., four Enterobacter cloacae, eight Citrobacter freundii, and five Salmonella enteritidis strains, none of which were indole producers. An additional 261 consecutive clinical isolates of oxidase-negative nonswarming Gram-negative bacilli were studied in a parallel comparative field trial against conventional identification methods. For 200 strains, the standard method and PGUA/indole test were performed from the primary culture plate. The remaining 61 (23.4%) required subculture before testing. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of PGUA/indole test in the screening for E. coli were, respectively, 94.1%, 100%, 100%, and 87.1%. In our experience, PGUA/indole test is a rapid, precise, simple-to-perform, and economical method for screening E. coli. However, the need for a large inoculum may limit its application on primary cultures.  相似文献   
PDB is genetically heterogeneous. Mutations of the sequestosome1 gene have been reported in sporadic and familial forms of Paget's in patients of French Canadian and British descent. Mutational analyses in different ethnic groups are needed to accurately investigate hereditary diseases. We describe two novel mutations of sequestosome1 in 62 Italian sporadic patients, confirming the role of the encoded protein in this disorder. INTRODUCTION: Paget's disease of bone (PDB) is a relatively common disease of bone metabolism reported to affect up to 3% of whites over 55 years of age. The disorder is genetically heterogeneous, and at present, there is scientific evidence that at least eight different human chromosomal loci are correlated with its pathogenesis. Mutations of the sequestosome1 (SQSTM1) gene were identified as responsible for most of the sporadic and familial forms of Paget in patients of French Canadian and British descent. Such mutations were located at exon 7 and 8 levels, encoding for the ubiquitin protein-binding domain (UBA) and representing a mutational hot spot area. MATERIALS AND METHODS: To verify the involvement of this gene in Italian subjects affected by PDB, we performed mutational analysis in 62 sporadic PDB cases. RESULTS: We described three different mutations at exon 8 level: P392L, already described in the French Canadian population and families predominantly of British descendent, and two novel mutations consisting of the amino acid substitutions M404V and G425R. No significant differences in the clinical history of PDB have been observed in patients with SQSTM1 mutations in respect to those without. CONCLUSIONS: Even though our findings suggest a minor involvement of the SQSTM1 gene in the pathogenesis of sporadic Italian Paget's cases, the identification of different significant mutations within the SQSTM1 gene in unrelated, but clinically similar individuals, offers extremely convincing evidence for a causal relationship between this gene and PDB. Longitudinal studies are needed to assess the penetrance of genotype/phenotype correlations. Our findings confirm the evidence of a clustered mutation area at this level in this disorder.  相似文献   
Blood flow pattern recording of hepatic veins using pulsed Doppler technique is a valid method for the assessment of hemodynamic changes in right atrium. We describe a patient with severe aortic regurgitation secondary to acute infective endocarditis who underwent surgical repair. Before surgery and during the postoperative period, several evolutive studies (including conventional echo and hepatic veins pulsed Doppler recordings) were performed. The different central blood flow patterns were correlated with changing hemodynamic conditions during follow-up of the patient. These central flow velocities reflect changes in right atrial pressure contours, and are easily obtained non-invasively with pulsed wave Doppler ultrasound of the hepatic veins. They could be an useful method for assessing right heart filling dynamics, reporting characteristic patterns in other cardiac disease states.  相似文献   
Eighty-four postmenopausal women who were randomly allocated to one of four groups, completed a 1 year follow-up. The first group (n = 20) received 0.625 mg/day conjugated estrogens cyclically (CE; 25 days/month). The second (n = 23) received 0.625 mg/day of CE continuously, and the third (n = 17) received 50 micrograms/day of transdermal 17 beta-estradiol cyclically (24 days/month). All these groups also received 2.5 mg of medroxiprogesterone acetate sequentially for the last 12 days of hormone replacement therapy, while the fourth group (n = 24) constituted a treatment-free control group. Dual photon absorptiometry was carried out before therapy and was repeated after 1 year. Serum calcium, phosphate and osteocalcine levels, and the urinary calcium/creatinine and hydroxyproline/creatinine ratios, were measured prior to treatment and 6 and 12 months thereafter. All treatment groups showed an increase in bone mineral content. This increase was higher in the continuous CE treatment group (4.4%, P less than 0.05) and in transdermal group (7.1%, P less than 0.01). Concomitant biochemical effects at 6 and 12 months, reduction in urine calcium and hydroxyproline, reduction in blood calcium, phosphate and osteocalcine, were compatible with the observed effects on bone mineral.  相似文献   
Experimental models of hypersensitivity pneumonitis are important tools for the study of the pathogenesis of this disease. In this paper we review the characteristics of the main animal models developed until now. The HP models in rats seem to be particularly appropriate for studying pigeon fancier's disease and the HP induced by chemicals, as well as for studying mediators of acute lesions induced by immunocomplexes. However, the HP models developed in rats are of less value in the evaluation of other aspects of the pathogenesis of this clinical entity in humans. The murine models of HP offer several advantages: the ease and simplicity of intranasal administration, the ability to produce acute and subacute pulmonary lesions similar to those found in humans, the possibility of reproducing lesions similar to those of nonaffected exposed subjects and the possibility of pharmacologically modulating the process. Their disadvantages lie in the different pulmonary lymphocyte response and the difficulty in reproducing a model of chronic fibrosis. The HP models in rabbits are extraordinarily useful for evaluating the immunological mechanisms through which subjects repeatedly exposed to the antigen do not develop clinical manifestations. However, the rabbit has several immunological differences when compared to humans, and the effect of some immunomodulators in this animal is different. The models of HP in guinea-pigs have as advantages the ease in handling the animals, the possibility of pharmacological manipulation, and the ability to induce an acute phase that is very similar to that observed in humans. The drawback, however, is the low lymphocyte response and the striking eosinophilic reaction that contrast with the bronchoalveolar data found in HP in humans. In conclusion, there is no ideal model to reproduce all the findings observed in humans, suggesting that the experimental animal and the method of developing HP should be selected on the basis of concrete research aims.  相似文献   
In an endemic zone for Mediterranean spotted fever levels of antibodies to R. conorii were evaluated in serum samples from wild rabbits (Orytolagus cuniculus) and hares (Lepus granatensis) using an indirect microimmunofluorescence antibody test. The results of the study show that the wild rabbit may carry out in this area an important function in the maintenance of R. conorii in nature.  相似文献   
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