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The paper describes the examinations of 353 patients with various cardiovascular pathologies and changes in the end-portion of the ECG ventricular complex. For that purpose potassium chloride, obsidan, orthostatic and hyperventilation tests were used. The examinations demonstrated that the ECG changes were of functional nature in 178 patients, of organic nature in 155 patients and of mixed nature in 20 patients which was important for reliable diagnostic and expertise conclusions.  相似文献   
The results of treatment with intrauterine transfusion are presented. The analysis comprised 48 successful transfusions into 29 foetuses. The reference group consisted of 11 transfusions which proved nonfeasible or ineffective and 54 untreated cases. Following blood treatment, the newborn mortality rate dropped more than threefold. Long-term follow-up of 21 children generally showed their good physical and mental development. We also present 4 cases of supsequent pregnancies after intrauterine blood treatment in a preceding pregnancy, showing that it is possible to save the next baby of the same mother.  相似文献   
A new in vivo model for studying brain metabolic and haemodynamic oscillatory phenomena during ischaemia is described. In this model acute or chronic occlusion of one or two carotid arteries in the rat is performed. Due to the partial ischaemia developed, oscillations in the level of intramitochondrial pyridine nucleotides (NADH) as well as flavoproteins (Fp) were recorded from the brain by monitoring the fluorescence of these respiratory chain components. The two fluorescent signals (NADH and Fp) were measured by using the time sharing or DC fluorometer/reflectometer. The changes in the reflected light at the excitation wavelengths (366 and 450 nm) were recorded simultaneously. Bilateral carotid artery occlusion induced immediate oscillations (6-9 waves per min) in the mitochondrial redox state as well as in tissue blood volume in both hemispheres. To verify the accuracy of the NADH monitoring system, including the correction technique for haemodynamic and other artifacts, we used the intracarotid artery saline bolus injection approach. The results could be summarized as follows: (1) unilateral carotid artery occlusion resulted in delayed development of oscillations, particularly in the ipsilateral hemisphere; (2) the oscillation phenomenon was reversible if recirculation restarted within 5 min. Occlusion for more than 30 min resulted in irreversible oscillations; (3) the oscillation appearances and intensities were affected by various physiological conditions. Vasoconstriction, induced by hyperoxia, stimulated the oscillations while vasodilation, induced by hypercapnia, depressed them. Anoxia, hypoxia and spreading depression (SD) abolished the oscillations. Glucose injection was not effective.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
A double-stemmed MTP joint silastic implant has been described that acts as a flexible spacer for a number of pathologic conditions that affect the lesser metatarsophalangeal joints. Preliminary results suggest that this is a feasible alternative to joint destructive procedures with advantages over previously described implants.  相似文献   
Results of an examination of 39 patients are described and critically assessed. An analysis of the resolving power of the method of ultrasonic angiography in pathological formations of major vessels of the neck is given.  相似文献   
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