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输尿管结石(以下称UST)是一种常见病、多发病,好发于青、中年,男性多于女性,在临床工作中直接应用B超检查,往往显示不够理想,多数病人均有不同程度肾积水及典型的临床症状。我们采用硫酸镁静脉滴注,肌肉注射654—2、维生素K3后,临床症状稍缓解,给病人口服10毫升膀胱快速显像剂并饮水300—500毫升再进行检查多数都达到理想效果。 相似文献
119例囊性脊柱裂手术治疗效果及远期随访新乡医学院一附院神经外科(453100)相里昆,周文科,梁宗浩,史跃亭脊柱裂是小儿神经系统常见的先天畸形。本文就我院经手术治疗的囊性脊柱裂119例,其中获随访者61例进行分析。临床资料1.一般资料本组119例中... 相似文献
目的 观察马来酸麦角新碱注射液联合缩宫素注射液预防宫缩乏力性产后出血的临床疗效。方法 选取2019年1月-2019年3月就诊于湘乡市人民医院分娩的产妇586例作为研究对象,按照用药情况分为观察组(295例)和对照组(291例)。对照组在胎儿娩出后使用缩宫素注射液,阴道分娩产妇肌肉注射10 IU,剖宫产宫体注射20 IU后;另取缩宫素10 IU加入500 mL葡萄糖溶液中缓慢静滴。观察组在对照组用药基础上使用马来酸麦角新碱注射液,即胎儿娩出后,阴道分娩产妇肌肉注射10 IU缩宫素和0.2 mg麦角新碱,剖宫产宫体注射20 IU缩宫素和0.2 mg麦角新碱后;另取缩宫素10 IU加入500 mL葡萄糖溶液缓慢静滴。观察两组患者产后2 h、24 h出血量及产后出血发生率,比较两组额外止血措施的使用情况及不良反应。结果 治疗后,对照组产后出血发生率为13.4%,观察组为2.7%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。治疗后,观察组产后2 h、产后24 h出血量均明显少于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。治疗后,观察组额外使用宫缩剂的比例为8.5%,显著低于对照组的19.2%,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。治疗期间,观察组恶心的发生率为18.0%,高于对照组的13.1%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 马来酸麦角新碱联合缩宫素对于预防宫缩乏力性产后出血效果显著,且安全性良好。 相似文献
Objective To determine the immune responses induced by recombinant Salmonella ty-phimurium expressing the secreting antigen ESAT-6 of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Methods ESAT-6 cod-ing gene was cloned and identified by PCR and sequencing. Prokaryotic expression plasmid pYA33-esat car-rying the ESAT-6 coding sequence was constructed firstly and electro-transformed into an attenuated strain X4550 of Salmonella typhimurium, the recombinant bacteria was named as X4550(33-esat). C57BL/6 mice were immunized intranasally (I. N) with 108 CFU recombinant bacteria at day 0 and 18. Cells from spleen, lung, mesenteric lymph node (MLN) and Peyer's patch (PP) were collected from mice after second immu-nization, and the specific IFN-γ-secreting cells and IL-4-secreting cells were detected by ELISPOT assay u-sing ESAT-6 peptide as stimulus. Furthermore, CTL effects were in vivo evaluated by CFSE assay. Results The results showed that cellular immune responses specific for ESAT-6 could be detected by ELISPOT assay. In lung and PP cells, immune responses against ESAT-6 were biased toward Th1 type, the frequency of IFN-γ-secreting cells was much higher than that of IL-4-secreting cells. In splenocytes and MLN cells, the anti-gen specific immune responses acted as Thl and Th2 balance, the frequency of IFN-γ-secreting cells was close to that of IL-4-secreting cells. CFSE assay indicated that recombinant bacteria could induce the high level of CTL effects specific for ESAT-6 peptide. Conclusion These results suggested that recombinant Sal-monella typhimurium X4550(33-esat) not only can induce cellular immune responses, but also can elicit specific CTL responses after I. N immunization. It also provided the useful information for the control of infec-tious disease of tuberculosis. 相似文献
<正>椎间盘退变(intervertebral disc degeneration,IDD)为多种因素综合影响所致,患者长期过高或过低压力负荷都可作为IDD病因之一([1])。有报道表明,软骨终板发生钙化所引发椎间盘营养物质供应下降可能为启动IDD的关键性因素。而椎间盘在老化或营养物质供应异常时,由椎间盘细胞所合成的部分细胞因子对细胞活性及细胞之间的信息交流产生一定影响([1])。有报道表明,软骨终板发生钙化所引发椎间盘营养物质供应下降可能为启动IDD的关键性因素。而椎间盘在老化或营养物质供应异常时,由椎间盘细胞所合成的部分细胞因子对细胞活性及细胞之间的信息交流产生一定影响([2]),最终 相似文献
<正>在临床上颈部穿通伤约占外伤的5%[1-2]。据不完全统计,颈部穿通伤的死亡率最高,因为颈部包括许多重要的血管和组织,如颈外动脉及其分支、颈总动脉、颈内静脉、椎动脉、腮腺、咽腔、喉腔、脊髓节段、气管,颅底与下颌骨之间还有后组颅神经等,结构复杂,任何一项解剖结构暴露都有生命危险[2-3]。本文报道1例颈部穿通伤引起的埋于体内20余年的颈胸部异物。1病例简介患者58岁,中年男性,主诉:吞咽梗阻、声嘶20余天,于2017年12月4日就诊于我院门诊,门诊查体:左 相似文献
Objective To determine the immune responses induced by recombinant Salmonella ty-phimurium expressing the secreting antigen ESAT-6 of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Methods ESAT-6 cod-ing gene was cloned and identified by PCR and sequencing. Prokaryotic expression plasmid pYA33-esat car-rying the ESAT-6 coding sequence was constructed firstly and electro-transformed into an attenuated strain X4550 of Salmonella typhimurium, the recombinant bacteria was named as X4550(33-esat). C57BL/6 mice were immunized intranasally (I. N) with 108 CFU recombinant bacteria at day 0 and 18. Cells from spleen, lung, mesenteric lymph node (MLN) and Peyer's patch (PP) were collected from mice after second immu-nization, and the specific IFN-γ-secreting cells and IL-4-secreting cells were detected by ELISPOT assay u-sing ESAT-6 peptide as stimulus. Furthermore, CTL effects were in vivo evaluated by CFSE assay. Results The results showed that cellular immune responses specific for ESAT-6 could be detected by ELISPOT assay. In lung and PP cells, immune responses against ESAT-6 were biased toward Th1 type, the frequency of IFN-γ-secreting cells was much higher than that of IL-4-secreting cells. In splenocytes and MLN cells, the anti-gen specific immune responses acted as Thl and Th2 balance, the frequency of IFN-γ-secreting cells was close to that of IL-4-secreting cells. CFSE assay indicated that recombinant bacteria could induce the high level of CTL effects specific for ESAT-6 peptide. Conclusion These results suggested that recombinant Sal-monella typhimurium X4550(33-esat) not only can induce cellular immune responses, but also can elicit specific CTL responses after I. N immunization. It also provided the useful information for the control of infec-tious disease of tuberculosis. 相似文献
为了探讨课程思政与第二课堂融合对提高护理本科生人文素质的效果,并分析收获度的影响因素.对某大学2018级50名护理本科生进行课程思政与第二课堂融合教学改革.结果 显示对护理专业喜欢度和认同度较高、课程成绩较好的学生,感受到课程思政与第二课堂融合对其人文素质的收获作用较大,尤其是“敬畏生命、尊重患者”方面,但科学报国和评... 相似文献
湘乡地区高危女性颈管分泌物解脲支原体和人型支原体感染的耐药性研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的了解湘乡地区女性生殖道解脲支原体(Uu)及人型支原体(Mh)感染的耐药情况,知道临床合理用药.方法采用我院妇科和皮肤科门诊高危女性生殖道颈管分泌物培养 药敏试验进行耐药性分析.结果1017例女性患者中,Uu、Mh、Uu Mh阳性率分别为48.28%,8.36%,7.47%;药敏试验结果显示:Uu对壮观霉素、可乐必妥、司帕沙星的耐药率居10种抗菌药之前列,耐药率分别为92.26%、87.06%,84.3%;Uu对交沙霉素、强力霉素、克拉霉素敏感,敏感率分别为95.31%,91.85%,87.78%;Mh对强力霉素、交沙霉素敏感,敏感率分别为76.47%,74.12%.结论Uu对壮观霉素、可乐必妥、司帕沙星的耐药率高.Mh则对壮观霉素、红霉素、罗红霉素耐药Uu和Mh均对交沙霉素和强力霉素敏感,今后可以考虑作为治疗它们的首选抗生素. 相似文献