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治疗桡尺远侧关节慢性疾患手术的生物力学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 :对尺骨头切除术及Sauve′ Kapandji手术后尺骨传递载荷的变化进行生物力学比较分析。方法 :采用8侧青年新鲜尸体上肢标本 ,用MTS试验机控制加载 ,压敏感片方法测压力。计算出 2种手术后尺侧腕传递载荷的变化值。结果 :尺骨头切除术后传递至尺骨的载荷量显著减小 (P <0 .0 1) ;Sauve′ Kapandji手术后 ,尺骨传递轴向载荷的量接近正常标本水平。结论 :尺骨头切除后影响桡尺远侧关节的稳定性 ,使尺骨载荷量显著性降低 ,从生物力学角度看此手术不宜采用  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the effect of RGD peptide conjugated poly[ LA-(Glc-Lys) ]/βTCP/PLA nerve conduit for bridging peripheral nerve regeneration defect. Methods Forty-five male Wister rots were randomly divided into 3 groups, with 15 rats each. A 10 mm defect was created in the right sciatic nerve. In group A the gap was bridged by PLA tube. In group B RGD peptide conjugated poly[ LA-(Glc-Lys) ]/β-TCP/PLA nerve conduit was used to repair the defect. Autologous nerve graft was done in group C which served as control. Twelve weeks postoperatively nerve regeneration was evaluated by gross observation,electrophysiology, muscle weight and muscle morphometry of triceps surae, and ultrastructure of the regenerating nerve. Results Twelve weeks after the operation, nerve conduction velocity and muscle weight recovery of group B were better than those of group A. The differences were statistically significant( P < 0.05). There was no significant difference between group B and group C ( P > 0. 05). The results of histology and ultrastructure showed that nerve regeneration in group B and group C was significantly superior to that in group A.Conclusion RGD peptide conjugated poly[LA-(Glc-Lys)]/β-TCP/PLA conduit can achieve similar results in repairing sciatic nerve defect to that of autogentic nerve graft. It may be an ideal material to repair nerve defect.  相似文献   
肥厚性心肌病是一种常见疾病,梗阻型也称特发性肥厚性主动脉瓣下狭窄,具有特征性的临床表现,包括喷射性收缩期  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the effect of RGD peptide conjugated poly[ LA-(Glc-Lys) ]/βTCP/PLA nerve conduit for bridging peripheral nerve regeneration defect. Methods Forty-five male Wister rots were randomly divided into 3 groups, with 15 rats each. A 10 mm defect was created in the right sciatic nerve. In group A the gap was bridged by PLA tube. In group B RGD peptide conjugated poly[ LA-(Glc-Lys) ]/β-TCP/PLA nerve conduit was used to repair the defect. Autologous nerve graft was done in group C which served as control. Twelve weeks postoperatively nerve regeneration was evaluated by gross observation,electrophysiology, muscle weight and muscle morphometry of triceps surae, and ultrastructure of the regenerating nerve. Results Twelve weeks after the operation, nerve conduction velocity and muscle weight recovery of group B were better than those of group A. The differences were statistically significant( P < 0.05). There was no significant difference between group B and group C ( P > 0. 05). The results of histology and ultrastructure showed that nerve regeneration in group B and group C was significantly superior to that in group A.Conclusion RGD peptide conjugated poly[LA-(Glc-Lys)]/β-TCP/PLA conduit can achieve similar results in repairing sciatic nerve defect to that of autogentic nerve graft. It may be an ideal material to repair nerve defect.  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the effect of RGD peptide conjugated poly[ LA-(Glc-Lys) ]/βTCP/PLA nerve conduit for bridging peripheral nerve regeneration defect. Methods Forty-five male Wister rots were randomly divided into 3 groups, with 15 rats each. A 10 mm defect was created in the right sciatic nerve. In group A the gap was bridged by PLA tube. In group B RGD peptide conjugated poly[ LA-(Glc-Lys) ]/β-TCP/PLA nerve conduit was used to repair the defect. Autologous nerve graft was done in group C which served as control. Twelve weeks postoperatively nerve regeneration was evaluated by gross observation,electrophysiology, muscle weight and muscle morphometry of triceps surae, and ultrastructure of the regenerating nerve. Results Twelve weeks after the operation, nerve conduction velocity and muscle weight recovery of group B were better than those of group A. The differences were statistically significant( P < 0.05). There was no significant difference between group B and group C ( P > 0. 05). The results of histology and ultrastructure showed that nerve regeneration in group B and group C was significantly superior to that in group A.Conclusion RGD peptide conjugated poly[LA-(Glc-Lys)]/β-TCP/PLA conduit can achieve similar results in repairing sciatic nerve defect to that of autogentic nerve graft. It may be an ideal material to repair nerve defect.  相似文献   
目的:探讨在伴骨折的高危病人中药物预防脂肪栓塞综合征(FES)的疗效。方法:采取回顾性分析的方法,根据预防方法的不同,将损伤严重度评分(ISS)>16的1481例骨折病人分为四组:低分子右旋糖酐加地塞米松组、低分子右旋糖酐组、地塞米松组及空白组,观察ISS、FES发病率及死亡例数,然后进行两两对比分析。结果:共发生13例FES,死亡2例,各组ISS差异无显著性(P>0.05);联用组FES发病率仅0.30%,明显低于其它各组,且其差异均具显著性意义(P<0.05);而其它各组问差异无显著性(P>0.05)。结论:低分子右旋糖酐加地塞米松能有效地预防高危病人FES发生。  相似文献   
RGD多肽接枝聚复合导管桥接神经缺损的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨RGD多肽接枝聚/β-TCP/PLA复合神经导管桥接周围神经缺损的治疗效果.方法 45只雄性成年Wister大鼠,随机分为3组,每组15只.切断右侧坐骨神经形成10 mm缺损,A组采用单纯PLA神经导管桥接缺损,B组采用RGD多肽接枝聚/β-TCP/PLA复合神经导管桥接缺损,C组采用自体神经移植.术后12周进行大体观察、电生理、小腿三头肌恢复率、组织学、超微结构等测定.结果 B组运动神经传导速度和肌肉湿重恢复率明显优于A组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);B组与C组相近,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).组织学、超微结构测定发现B、C组神经再生情况明显优于A组.结论 在坐骨神经损伤修复中,RGD多肽接枝聚/β-TCP/PLA复合神经导管桥接修复效果与自体神经移植相近,可作为一种较理想的神经缺损修复材料.  相似文献   
多发伤中股骨干骨折的一期扩髓髓内钉固定   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的探讨多发伤中股骨干骨折一期扩髓髓内钉固定是否会增加并发症的发生率及死亡率。方法采用回顾性对比研究,依据下列标准选择病例:(1)年龄为14~65岁;(2)多发伤,且ISS>16;(3)住院时间不少于48h;(4)病史中无明显影响全身状况的疾病,如糖尿病,慢性心、肺、肾功能不全等;(5)有股骨干骨折,且进行了扩髓髓内钉手术,不包含外固定支架或钢板、牵引及石膏固定和非扩髓髓内钉固定者。将符合上述标准的192例按受伤至手术时间划分为两组,A组为≤24h手术者(一期扩髓组,76例),B组为>24h手术者(116例),将两组间合并伤情况、ISS、住院时间、ICU时间、并发症、死亡率及合并休克率情况进行比较。结果经统计学处理,两组的股骨开放伤发生率(A组56.6%,B组34.5%,χ2=7.545,P<0.001)、合并休克率(A组48.7%,B组31.0%,χ2=6.078,P<0.001)及住院时间[A组(16.1±6.5)d,B组(29.3±9.3)d,t=10.766,P<0.001]差异有显著性,而在其他方面差异均无统计学意义。结论在多发伤患者中,只要能控制休克,保证生命体征平稳,对股骨干骨折行一期扩髓髓内钉固定不会增加患者的并发症发生率及死亡率,可促进患者早日康复,缩短住院时间,从而减少住院费用。  相似文献   
休克的类型 Weil和Shubin将之分为四类,各类均有其血流动力学特点。心源性休克在血流前向不足的情况下,心肌功能障碍可导致心源性休克。它多由于左室功能障碍,偶可源于右室;常伴随衰竭心室之后有过量液体积聚。此型休克典型的血流动力学特点是心脏指数低、周围血管阻力高、充盈压力(左心衰竭的楔压和右  相似文献   
通过对创伤死亡250例进行损伤严重度评分(ISS)法的回顾性评价,结果显示:以颅脑伤为主死亡者占绝对多数(81.6%),但其死亡平均ISS值(27.13)明显低于以非颅脑伤为主死亡者(33.43),且多局限在21~30分值段内(占78.92%),而非颅脑伤死亡者则位于2150分值段,说明AIS 4级和5级颅脑损伤死亡率极高,但评分过低。并指出将ISS>20者定为严重损伤较为合适,而ISS值≥50者则极难存活。通过对比分析发现0~10分死亡者100%,11~20分死亡者60%,21~30分死亡者33.5%,31~40分死亡者26.7%,41~50分死亡者10%与医源性及其他因素有关,争取11~50分之间的救治成功率是临床的重点,并评价了ISS法的不足。  相似文献   
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