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Waibler Z  Detje CN  Bell JC  Kalinke U 《Immunobiology》2007,212(9-10):887-894
Upon infection with many different viruses, plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDC) produce large amounts of type I interferon (IFN-alpha/beta). To address why upon vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) infection pDC, but not conventional myeloid DC (mDC), are induced to produce IFN-alpha, pDC and mDC were differentiated from bone marrow cells (BM-DC). Upon VSV infection BM-pDC produced IFN-alpha, whereas BM-mDC did not. Notably, upon infection with VSV-M2, a VSV variant expressing a M51R mutant matrix (M) protein that showed a reduced sequestration of host cell metabolism, BM-pDC and BM-mDC mounted massive IFN-alpha responses. Both DC subsets showed comparable RNA levels of retinoic acid inducible gene-I (RIG-I) and Toll-like receptor (TLR) 7 and were able to respond upon triggering with double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) or single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) analogs. Moreover, upon VSV-M2 infection IFN-alpha production by both DC subsets was largely dependent on viral replication. Interestingly, upon virus infection BM-pDC, but not BM-mDC, up-regulated mRNA levels of nuclear export factors Nup96/98, probably reflecting cellular mechanisms to circumvent viral escape strategies. Collectively, these results indicated that cell types induced to produce IFN-alpha upon viral infection are not primarily defined by cellular receptor configurations but rather by complex virus/host cell interactions.  相似文献   
Binocular disparity, the slight differences between the images registered by our two eyes, provides an important cue when estimating the three-dimensional (3D) structure of the complex environment we inhabit. Sensitivity to binocular disparity is evident at multiple levels of the visual hierarchy in the primate brain, from early visual cortex to parietal and temporal areas. However, the relationship between activity in these areas and key perceptual functions that exploit disparity information for 3D shape perception remains an important open question. Here we investigate the link between human cortical activity and the perception of disparity-defined shape, measuring fMRI responses concurrently with psychophysical shape judgments. We parametrically degraded the coherence of shapes by shuffling the spatial position of dots whose disparity defined the 3D structure and investigated the effect of this stimulus manipulation on both cortical activity and shape discrimination. We report significant relationships between shape coherence and fMRI response in both dorsal (V3, hMT+/V5) and ventral (LOC) visual areas that correspond to the observers' discrimination performance. In contrast to previous suggestions of a dichotomy of disparity-related processes in the ventral and dorsal streams, these findings are consistent with proposed interactions between these pathways that may mediate a continuum of processes important in perceiving 3D shape from coarse contour segmentation to fine curvature estimation.  相似文献   
Multiple-antibiotic-resistant Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium is a food-borne pathogen that may be more virulent than related strains lacking the multiresistance phenotype. Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium phage type DT104 is the most prevalent of these multiresistant/hypervirulent strains. Multiresistance in DT104 is conferred by an integron structure, designated Salmonella genomic island 1 (SGI1), while we recently demonstrated DT104 hyperinvasion mediated by rumen protozoa (RPz) that are normal flora of cattle. Hyperinvasion was also observed in other Salmonella strains, i.e., other S. enterica serovar Typhimurium phage types and other S. enterica serovars, like S. enterica serovar Infantis, possessing SGI1, while DT104 strains lacking SGI1 were not hyperinvasive. Herein we attempted to identify SGI1 genes involved in the RPz-mediated hyperinvasion of Salmonella strains bearing SGI1. Transposon mutagenesis, coupled with a novel reporter system, revealed the involvement of an SGI1 gene previously designated SO13. Disruption of SO13 expression led to an abrogation of hyperinvasion as assessed by tissue culture invasion assays and by bovine challenge experiments. However, hyperinvasion was not observed in non-SGI1-bearing strains of Salmonella engineered to express SO13. That is, SO13 and another SGI1 gene(s) may coordinately upregulate invasion in DT104 exposed to RPz.  相似文献   
The weight gain associated with several antipsychotic drugs, most notably the newer 'atypical' compounds olanzapine and clozapine, introduces problems of compliance and morbidity in the treatment of schizophrenia. The mechanisms underlying this process have been little studied due to the lack of models of the effects of antipsychotic drugs on weight gain and/or feeding behaviour in vivo. Here, we report how the effects of olanzapine (0.5 mg/kg, i.p.) on ingestive behaviour were investigated in the food-deprived rat using a runway to food goal paradigm. Compared with vehicle-treated animals, olanzapine delayed the reductions in food intake and in running speed that occurred after the first trial blocks, without effects on starting speed. These results indicate that olanzapine can increase feeding behaviour through a suppression of satiety, suggesting a mechanism for its effects on weight gain and also providing an acute model for further assessment of the underlying pharmacology.  相似文献   
Interleukin-5 contributes both in eosinophilopoiesis and neural development. Serum interleukin-5 levels were measured with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay technique in 68 children with epilepsy receiving sodium valproate monotherapy and compared with the levels of 60 healthy controls and 14 children with epilepsy receiving carbamazepine. Eosinophilia was observed in 35.3% of children receiving valproate. Interleukin-5 in valproate users was significantly higher compared with children receiving carbamazepine and controls. Valproate users who exhibited eosinophilia had higher interleukin-5 levels compared with those without eosinophilia. However, the interleukin-5 level was also elevated, although to a lesser degree, in children without eosinophilia. The majority of valproate responders had high interleukin-5 levels. A positive correlation between interleukin-5 levels and the eosinophil count was also noted. We postulate that valproate contributes to the pathogenesis of eosinophilia, probably inducing interleukin-5 production. The finding that serum interleukin-5 was significantly elevated in valproate responders and even in valproate users without eosinophilia suggests that the increase in interleukin-5 might represent one of valproate's antiepileptic mechanisms.  相似文献   
Dandruff is a chronic condition of the scalp requiring vigilant treatment to ameliorate the symptoms of scaling and itching. Frequent shampooing is key to controlling these symptoms while contributing to the cosmetic appearance of the hair. The success of the treatment depends not only on the ability of the shampoo to control the dandruff but also on patient compliance engendered by the cosmetic attributes of the shampoo. This double-blind cross-over study enrolled 40 women with mild to moderate dandruff. Following a 1-wk washout with an unmedicated basic cleansing shampoo, all subjects used each of the two study shampoos for 1 wk. Subjects preferred the 1% pyrithione zinc conditioning shampoo over the 2% ketoconazole shampoo by 75% in terms of overall performance. The dermatologist investigator confirmed the subject preference by noting that hair-combing ease, hair smoothness, and hair frizz/flyaway were statistically significantly better in subjects who used the 1% pyrithione zinc conditioning shampoo for 1 wk. This study suggests that hair condition is an important consideration in the treatment of dandruff due to compliance.  相似文献   
Evaluation of graft-host bone interactions after failed vascularized fibular grafting of femoral head necrosis may elucidate the reasons for failure of the procedure. According to the authors' study, the vascularized fibula implanted into the femoral head before collapse has the potential for restructuring the major segment of the affected head and delaying joint degeneration for many years if circumferential graft-host union is established.Asymmetric bone healing and non-union between the graft and the necrotic subchondral bone in the weight-bearing area lead to failure, progression of symptoms, and subsequent early hip replacement.  相似文献   
Purpose A pig ulcer model in which ulceration is reproducibly induced in the pars oesophagea (a tongue of the oesophageal squamous epithelium that extends into the pig stomach) by bile duct ligation (BDL) was used in this study to determine whether Helicobacter heilmannii (Hh) is a predisposing factor in the ulceration of this region. The infection with Hh and its relationship to ulceration and mucus integrity was examined.Methods We microscopically investigated the occurrence of spontaneous pars oesophageal ulceration in 33 pigs from a local abattoir and 5 pigs nurtured in pens in our surgical laboratory (JSM). Further groups of 5 and 6 JSM pigs underwent a sham operation and a BDL, respectively. Giemsa staining was used to detect Hh and purified mucin was characterized by gel filtration.Results Ten of 33 and 2 of 5 of the stomachs of abattoir and JSM pigs, respectively, were positive for Hh by Giemsa stain. Three of the 33 abattoir pigs showed ulceration in the pars oesophagea and none of these was Hh-positive. All six of the bile duct-ligated pigs showed ulceration in the pars but only 2 of these were Giemsa-positive. Only 8 of 33 of the abattoir pigs had 50% large polymeric mucin that was eluted in the void/excluded volume of a Sepharose 2B column.Conclusions There was no consistent correlation between an infection of the pig stomachs by Hh, an ulceration of the pars oesophagea, and mucin degradation. There was a significant difference between the percentage of polymeric mucin from the abattoir pigs and that of the JSM group (P < 0.003), the JSM group vs sham-operated pigs (P < 0.011), and JSM vs BDL pigs (P < 0.0005), but there appeared to be no association between the infectivity with Hh and mucin degradation.  相似文献   
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