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The risk of cerebral infarction (CI) in an individual is dependent on the interplay between genetic risk factors and environmental influences. Binding of thromboxane A2 (TXA2) to its receptor (TP) modulates thrombosis/hemostasis and plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of CI. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between human TP gene single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and haplotypes and CI in a Japanese population. A genetic association study was performed in 194 CI patients and 365 non-CI subjects by specifically characterizing 6 SNPs in the human TP gene (rs2271875, rs768963, rs2238634, rs11085026, rs4523 and rs4806942). Analysis demonstrated that there were significant differences in the overall distribution of genotypes and dominant or recessive models of rs2271875 and rs768963 between the CI and the non-CI groups. Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that the C allele of rs768963 was significantly associated with CI (p = 0.029), even after adjusting for confounding factors (odds ratio: 2.41). Further, the C-T-C haplotype of rs768963-rs2238634-rs4806942 was significantly more frequent in the CI group (23.0%) than in the non-CI group (17.7%). These results suggest that specific SNPs and haplotypes may have utility as genetic markers for the risk of CI and that TP or a neighboring gene is associated with the increased susceptibility to CI.  相似文献   
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) is caused by opportunistic infection of JC virus which belongs to Papovavirus, and presents with progressive demyelinating lesion in the central nervous system. PML was originally reported as a rare complication of hematologic disorders, but later greatly increased in number in association with acquired immunodeficeincy syndrome (AIDS). Original neuropathological features of PML consist of demyelination lacking inflammatory reaction or necrosis, accompanying oligodendroglial nuclear inclusions in the periphery of demyelination. The lesion is preferentially localized to gray-white junction of the cerebral hemisphere and manifests as characteristic demyelinating lesion, called scallopping. Detection of JC virus is essential for the final diagnosis of PML and is achieved via immunohistochemical detection of JC virus with antibodies raised against their components, ultrastructural demonstration of virions characteristic of JC virus, or detection with in-situ hybridization of the genome of JC virus. JC virus can replicate only in oligodendroglial cells, but astrocytes are frequently infected by the virus. The resume of immunological function through therapeutic intervention develops new pathology in PML, exhibiting severe inflammatory reaction with edema and necrosis. This new pathological feature is called immune reconstruction syndrome and clinically presents with severe progression in symptoms of the central nervous system. Nevertheless, treatment of PML is directed for the elimination of the viruses by host immune system. The modification of the above immune reconstruction syndrome is essential for successful outcome of such therapeutic trial.  相似文献   


Despite considerable knowledge about musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) and physical, psychosocial and individual risk factors there is limited knowledge about physical activity as a factor in preventing MSD. In addition, studies of physical activity are often limited to either leisure activity or physical activity at work. Studies among military personnel on the association between physical activity at work and at leisure and MSD are lacking. This study was conducted to find the prevalence of MSD among personnel in the Royal Norwegian Navy and to assess the association between physical activity at work and at leisure and MSD.  相似文献   
Lateral unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) is a valid alternative treatment in the event of arthritis confined to the lateral compartment. This paper examines its indications, technique and short to medium-term results. A total of 159 Miller–Galante cemented UKA prostheses (Zimmer, Warsaw, Indiana) were implanted consecutively (131 medial and 28 lateral) by the same surgeon. This study investigates 28 lateral UKAs in 27 patients. Twenty-five implants in 24 patients (including a subject operated bilaterally) were followed up for 12–60 months. Three patients were discarded on account of to short a follow-up period. The Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) knee score was used to compare the pre- and post-operative results of the lateral UKA patients. The HSS score improved from a pre-op mean of 59.92 (range 48–68) to 88.04 (range 71–95) at the last follow-up. There was a positive increase in the pain, function and ROM components of the score. The lateral UKA prosthesis can be regarded as a sound alternative to total knee replacement. Correct patient selection on the basis of optimum surgical indications, however, is essential. No benefits of funds were received in support of the study.  相似文献   
Stomach rupture can occur as a consequence of the expansion of compressed air during rapid ascent after diving. We present the case of a middle-aged woman who suffered a gastric tear from surfacing too quickly after diving, and discuss the diagnosis and management of such patients by reviewing previously reported similar events. Gastric barotrauma should be suspected in divers who complain of abdominal pain, even in the absence of frank signs of peritoneal irritation. Although pneumoperitoneum is always present in these patients, it can also occur as a consequence of pulmonary barotrauma, making gastroscopy or radiological contrast studies, or both, essential for a definitive diagnosis. Surgical repair represents the treatment of choice for an active full-thickness tear and, if associated with arterial gas embolism or decompression sickness, should ideally be performed in a center where a category I (intensive care-capable) hyperbaric unit is available. Received: March 18, 2002 / Accepted: September 3, 2002 Reprint requests to: L.V. Titu  相似文献   


This study explored the feasibility of using an Internet survey of people with fibromyalgia (FM), with a view to providing information on demographics, sources of information, symptoms, functionality, perceived aggravating factors, perceived triggering events, health care utilization, management strategies, and medication use.  相似文献   
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