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This article describes recent developments in cardiology and cardiovascular disease that are likely to be relevant to primary healthcare professionals and their patients. The following subject areas are covered: Primary prevention: recent developments in pharmaco-logical interventions, drug interactions, and drugs that are likely to cause harm; cardiovascular risk estimation and shared decision making with patients; and new developments in 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. Secondary prevention: new models of care, including nurse-led care for the provision of hypertension and secondary prevention clinics; new drugs for the treatment of angina and myocardial infarction; ambulatory electrocardiography for the diagnosis of arrhythmias in primary care; and new developments in the treatment of atrial fibrillation - direct thrombin inhibitors and implantable devices. Tertiary prevention: recent developments in cardiac rehabilitation; recent evidence concerning revascularisation procedures and appropriateness criteria for referral; and implantable defibrillators.  相似文献   
Although anxiety is a well-established obstacle to the delivery of effective health care, there have been no attempts to measure it in the optometric consulting room. In this paper, we introduce physiological and psychological techniques that may be used to evaluate anxiety and arousal in the consulting room and present data from a small group of patients attending for a routine eye examination. Specifically, arousal was assessed before, during, and after the examination by measuring skin conductance in five patients. Anxiety was evaluated using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Our data confirm the ability of these techniques to quantify arousal and anxiety in the optometric consulting room and reveal a previously unknown but important facet of the eye examination. We conclude that these techniques are suitable for use in further experimental work and may be used to identify factors capable of reducing anxiety in the optometric consulting room.  相似文献   
◆概述 随着年龄变化,由于在维持骨骼质地、强度的塑形和重建两方面出现异常,人的骨骼逐渐变得松脆。当在妇女绝经后骨骼的重塑形速度加快,以及在成年人继发性甲状旁腺机能亢进时,骨组织中的矿物质含量减少,成熟骨被幼稚骨所替代,其强度逐渐降低。 在每一个骨骼重塑形出现不平衡的部位都可以出现骨结构的破坏。这种不平衡是由于骨吸收量的增加和较少的骨重建所造成的。在骨骼的重塑形过程中,网状结构的缺损导致皮质骨变薄、空隙增大,骨小梁变稀疏,其连接强度降低。  相似文献   
Thrombosis of the cerebral dural venous sinuses, cortical draining veins, and deep cerebral veins is a rare clinical finding. Because of its low incidence and multiple etiologies, the optimum therapy for this condition will only be elucidated by a multicenter, randomized prospective study. At our institution, we favor early and aggressive management of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis with transfemoral, venous intradural infusions of the fibrinolytic agent urokinase. To date, treatment of only 13 patients using this technique has been reported in the English literature. This report adds 12 more such treated patients. Despite the presence of preinfusion infarcts in 5 patients, four of which were hemorrhagic, we incurred no major therapeutic morbidity. Functional sinus patency was achieved in 11 of 12 patients, with our only true failure occurring in an individual with symptoms of at least 2 months' duration. Good to excellent clinical outcome was achieved in 10 of 11 patients (one newborn had inadequate follow-up).  相似文献   
Conventional treatments have not slowed down the ever expanding low back pain (LBP) problem. Traditional treatment has most probably contributed to the growth of the problem. Therefore, in a search for new solutions, 'functional restoration' has been devised. In connection with chronic LBP the term has been associated with a full-day program lasting from 3 to 5 weeks. it includes multidisciplinary treatment of patients in groups with intensive physical and ergonomic training, psychological pain management, back school, as well as teaching in social/work related issues. The key concepts are 'acceptance of the pain', 'activity', 'self-responsibility', 'multidisciplinary' and 'quantitative functional evaluation (QFE)'. The latter is aimed so that the participants can feel the physical improvement, encouraging them to be able to go back to work, or at least to lead a more active life style. Several controlled studies suggest a lasting effect in terms of regaining their ability to work and improving pain behavior for a good part of disabled chronic LBP patients. However, it is noteworthy that randomized studies seemingly show poorer results than studies not employing randomized controls.  相似文献   
Isolates of Borrelia turicatae, Borrelia parkeri, and the Florida canine borrelia (FCB) were examined to further phylogenetically characterize the identities of these spirochetes in the United States. DNA sequences of four chromosomal loci (the 16S rRNA gene, flaB, gyrB, and glpQ) were determined for eight isolates of B. turicatae and six isolates of B. parkeri, which grouped the spirochetes into two distinct but closely related taxa (>98% sequence identity) separate from Borrelia hermsii. The FCB was clearly separated with the group identified as B. turicatae, confirming this bacterium as a relapsing fever spirochete. Therefore, the potential for tick-borne relapsing fever in humans and other animals exists in Florida and future efforts are needed to determine the enzootic hosts and distribution of this spirochete in the southeastern United States. Analysis of plasmids demonstrated both linear and circular forms in B. turicatae but only linear plasmids in B. parkeri, which should be of interest to investigators concerned with plasmid diversity and evolution within this group of spirochetes.  相似文献   
Poorly differentiated neuroendocrine cells can be difficult to recognise. Sensitive methods are needed to label cells that have lost their ultrastructural features and have reduced concentrations of neuroendocrine markers. In gastric neoplasms, enterochromaffin-like cells might dedifferentiate and lose their characteristic granules and secretory vesicles, making detection of such cells increasingly difficult. However, chromogranin A (CgA) immunogold labelling could provide sensitive and specific detection of gastric neuroendocrine cells. We present ultrastructural findings, CgA immunogold labelling as well as conventional immunohistochemical findings of two human enterochromaffin-like cell carcinoids. Electron-dense granules of poorly differentiated cells were less intensely labelled than granules in well-differentiated cells. Granules with atypical shape as well as punctuate granules previously found in neuroendocrine neoplasms were also CgA labelled. The CgA labelling efficacy after antigen retrieval in an alkaline solution was higher after heating in an autoclave at 135 degrees C compared to a microwave at 100 degrees C for both granules and secretory vesicles without significant deterioration of the ultrastructure. In conclusion, the use of CgA immunogold labelling could ensure a specific classification of cells with neuroendocrine granules and be a supplement to immunohistochemical examination of poorly differentiated tumours.  相似文献   
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