The Authors for the Live Organ Donor Consensus Group
JAMA. 2000;284:2919-2926.
Objective To recommend practice guidelines for transplantphysicians, primary care providers, health care planners, andall those who are concerned about the well-being of the liveorgan donor.
Participants An executive group representing the NationalKidney Foundation, and the American Societies of Transplantation,Transplant Surgeons, and Nephrology formed a steering committeeof 12 members to evaluate current practices of living donortransplantation of the kidney, pancreas, liver, intestine, andlung. The steering committee subsequently assembled more than100 representatives of the transplant community (physicians,nurses, ethicists, psychologists, lawyers, scientists, socialworkers, transplant recipients, and living donors) at a nationalconference held June 1-2, 2000, in Kansas City, Mo.
Consensus Process Attendees participated in 7 assignedwork groups. Three were organ specific (lung, liver, and kidney)and 4 were focused on social and ethical concerns (informedconsent, donor source, psychosocial issues, and live organ donorregistry). Work groups' deliberations were structured by a seriesof questions developed by the steering committee. Each workgroup presented its deliberations to an open plenary sessionof all attendees. This information was stored and shaped intoa statement circulated electronically to all attendees for theircomments, and finally approved by the steering committee forpublication. The term consensus is not meant to convey universalagreement of the participants. The statement identifies issuesof controversy; however, the wording of the entire statementis a consensus by approval of all attendees.
Conclusion The person who gives consent to be a live organdonor should be competent, willing to donate, free from coercion,medically and psychosocially suitable, fully informed of therisks and benefits as a donor, and fully informed of the risks,benefits, and alternative treatment available to the recipient.The benefits to both donor and recipient must outweigh the risksassociated with the donation and transplantation of the livingdonor organ.
Objective: Our purpose was to determine the incidence of gestational diabetes mellitus in an adolescent population and to determine the cost of screening. Study Design: A retrospective review of 509 adolescent pregnancies was performed. The incidence of gestational diabetes mellitus was determined and the cost of screening analyzed. Results: Five hundred nine adolescent pregnancies were screened for gestational diabetes mellitus with a 1-hour, 50 gm oral glucose challenge test. Twenty-three of the screens (4.5%) had positive results at a plasma glucose level of ≥140 mg/dl. Three-hour 100 gm oral glucose tolerance tests were performed on screen-positive women, six of whom were diagnosed with gestational diabetes mellitus, for an incidence of 1.18%. The cost per case diagnosed was $2733. Conclusions: The incidence of gestational diabetes mellitus in an adolescent population is low. The cost of universal screening may be prohibitive in this population. Large prospective studies are needed to better analyze outcome data and efficacy of screening in adolescent pregnancies. (Am J Obstet Gynecol 1998;178:1251-6.) 相似文献
This report highlights the association between tuberous sclerosis and Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. Ten patients with concurrent diagnoses of Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome and tuberous sclerosis were identified. Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome presented early in life, nine cases being diagnosed in the first year. Eight of the 10 cases were male. In eight cases, the syndrome was associated with supraventricular tachycardias, and in nine with cardiac rhabdomyomata. One child died from cardiac failure secondary to obstruction of the left ventricular outflow tract by a rhabdomyoma. Five of nine survivors showed resolution of Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome on follow up. The accessory pathway was localised in nine patients from surface electrocardiograms: six children had left sided pathways and three had right sided pathways. 相似文献
In the current health care environment of competition and marketforces, concern has arisen that the classic principle of servingdisadvantaged persons may not be fulfilled due to pressuresfrom managed care. Reach Out, a $12 million national programof the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, was developed to recruitleaders from among practicing physicians to organize projectsto care for the uninsured and underserved. Physician volunteerismwas a key component of all projects.Thirty-nine Reach Out projects were implemented and carriedout across the United States, with average funding per projectof $300,000 distributed over a period of 4 years. Seven modeltypes emerged, the most common of which, the free clinic andthe referral network, accounted for two thirds of the total.At the program's conclusion, 199,584 patients were enrolledand 11,252 physicians recruited. Project execution was morecomplex than initially supposed, and major progress commonlywas not evident until the third or fourth year, but at leasttwo thirds of the projects are likely to continue with localsupport.With strong physician leadership and a funded administrativecore, organized community efforts can develop and sustain aneffective program. Programs such as Reach Out cannot solve thenational problem of access to health care, but they can makea small but important impact on the number of uninsured andunderserved persons without access to health care.相似文献
Choreoathetosis, seizures, and impaired mental development continue to occur in children undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass
(CPB) and profound hypothermia with or without circulatory arrest. Although there is some evidence that the hypothermia itself
may be causing these neurologic problems, skepticism remains because of lack of evidence from experimental studies simulating
the clinical setting. In this experimental study, we examined the effect of profound and moderate hypothermia on the brain
while maintaining normal flow rates during CPB. Ten adult mongrel dogs equally divided into two groups were anesthetized and
subjected to CPB and varying levels of hypothermia (group 1, ≤15°C; group 2, ≤32°C). Both groups were kept at the desired
temperature for 1 hour prior to rewarming and discontinuation of CPB. The dogs were euthanized 4–6 weeks later and neuropathologic
studies were performed. The mean CPB flow rates during cooling and at the desired rectal temperature were comparable in both
groups: group 1, 108 ± 10 ml/kg/min versus 106 ± 7 ml/kg/min in group 2 (p= NS) and 95 ± 12 ml/kg/min in group 1 versus 101 ± 5 ml/kg/min in group 2 (p= NS). Because of the difference in temperature between the two groups, the mean cooling time (onset of CPB to desired rectal
temperature) was longer in group 1 (70 ± 14 minutes) than in group 2 (28 ± 11 minutes, p= 0.007). Hence, the total mean CPB time was also longer in group 1 (198 ± 25 minutes) than in group 2 (143 ± 13 minutes,
p= 0.002). The lowest mean blood and rectal temperature achieved in group 1 were 11 ± .9°C and 12 ± 1°C versus 29 ± .4°C (p < 0.001) and 30 ± .6°C (p= 0.001), respectively, in group 2 (p= 0.001). Neuronal loss and degeneration was noted in all dogs in group 1 ranging from 2 to 8 cells per 1000 cells counted
compared to none in group 2 (p= 0.05). These lesions occurred in both the basal ganglia and the cortex, although they were more marked in the caudate when
compared to the cortex and cerebellum. Both in the cortex and in the caudate, neuronal loss was more marked around the capillaries.
We conclude that the use of profound hypothermia of ≤15°C and maintenance of normal flow rates during cooling at this temperature
for 1 hour produces neuronal loss and degeneration in the brain. These lesions being more marked around capillaries points
to the vulnerability of the neurons, probably because of their high lipid content to injury from the cold perfusate. 相似文献
Objective : To identify similarities and differences in neuropsychiatric correlates in children with Tourette's syndrome (TS) and those with ADHD. Method : The sample consisted of children with Tourette's syndrome with ADHD( N = 79), children with Tourette's syndrome without ADHD ( N = 18), children with ADHD ( N = 563), psychiatrically referred children ( N = 212), and healthy controls ( N = 140). Results: Disorders specifically associated with Tourette's syndrome were obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and simple phobias. Rates of other disorders, including other disruptive behavioral, mood, and anxiety disorders, neuropsychologic correlates, and social and school functioning were indistinguishable in children with Tourette's and ADHD. However, children with Tourette's syndrome plus ADHD had more additional comorbid disorders overall and lower psychosocial function than children with ADHD. Conclusions: These findings confirm previously noted associations between Tourette's syndrome and OCD but suggest that disruptive behavioral, mood, and anxiety disorders as well as cognitive dysfunctions may be accounted for by comorbidity with ADHD. However, Tourette's syndrome plus ADHD appears to be a more severe condition than ADHD alone. 相似文献
We describe a case of glioblastoma treated with chemoradiotherapy that spread to the dura mater with direct invasion of the skull base, protrusion into the homolateral nasal fossa, and penetrated of the frontal sinus, the orbital wall and the ethmoidal sinuses. Only eight cases of glioblastoma showing this development have been described in the literature; one of these, however, had a sarcomatous component which was absent in our case. 相似文献