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1. The effects of sarafotoxin S6c (S6c), a selective endothelin ETB receptor agonist, on renal haemodynamics and urine formation were examined in anaesthetized dogs. 2. Intrarenal arterial infusion of S6c at a rate of 1 or 5 ng/kg per min produced a transient increase in renal blood flow (RBF), with no change in systemic blood pressure and heart rate; RBF then decreased gradually to below the basal value. There were significant and dose-dependent increases in urine flow and free water clearance and decreases in urine osmolality during S6c infusion, whereas urinary excretion of sodium and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) remained unchanged. Simultaneously, S6c administration elicited a marked increase in urinary excretion of nitric oxide (NO) metabolites, N02? and N03? (UNO*V). 3. In dogs simultaneously administered S6c (5 ng/kg per min) and iVG-nitro-L-arginine (NOARG; 40 (jig/kg per min), a NO synthase inhibitor, the renal vasodilator effect of S6c was abolished and marked reductions in RBF and GFR were observed. The S6c-induced diuretic action was not affected by NOARG. In the presence of NOARG, there was a small amount of UNOxV at the basal level and the administration of S6c did not increase UNOxV. 4. These results suggest that an intrarenal arterial infusion of S6c enhances the production of NO in the kidney and that this enhancement contributes to the peptide-induced renal vasodilation. In contrast, it is unlikely that S6c-induced water diuresis is related to NO production stimulated by this peptide.  相似文献   
A 2-year-old boy presented with an accessory scrotum associated with penoscrotal transposition and a perineal lipoma. He also had a retrocerebellar arachnoid cyst. The accessory scrotum was resected with concurrent scrotoplasty. The retrocerebellar arachnoid cyst was seen on a subsequent brain computed tomography scan and was left untreated because there was no evidence that the volume was increasing.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine the association of dry mouth with oral symptoms and function, such as denture instability, discomfort, soreness in denture-bearing tissue, and dissatisfaction with chewing, tasting, or speaking in removable denture wearers. STUDY DESIGN: The subjects were 493 removable denture wearers with a mean age of 67.3 years. Perception of oral dryness was measured by a questionnaire. A multiple logistic regression analysis was used to determine the effect of the dry mouth on oral symptoms and function after controlling for age and gender. RESULTS: Oral dryness during eating was related to dissatisfaction with chewing (odds ratio, 10.5; P < .001) and speaking (odds ratio, 3.5; P < .05) and overall dissatisfaction (odds ratio, 6.3; P < .01) in complete denture wearers. Feeling of dry mouth was likely to be associated with soreness in denture-bearing tissues in both complete and removable partial denture wearers. CONCLUSIONS: There was a significant association of the perception of dry mouth among a group of denture wearers with oral symptoms and function.  相似文献   
1. Endothelium-derived nitric oxide (NO) is a potent vasodilator. Because the body oxidizes it to nitrate ions, NO3-, measurement of the serum concentration and the urinary excretion of NO3- may be an index for endogenous NO. We investigated the role of NO on hyperdynamic circulation in cirrhotic and partial portal vein-ligated rats by measuring NO3. 2. Liver cirrhosis was induced by administration of thioacetamide. Systemic and splanchnic haemodynamics and splenic-systemic shunting were determined by tracer microspheres. The concentration of NO3- was measured by using high-performance liquid chromatography with an anion-column. 3. We found that systemic and splanchnic hyperdynamic circulation existed to almost the same extent in cirrhotic and in portal vein-ligated rats as compared to the controls and sham-operated rats, respectively. Splenic-systemic shunting was markedly greater in portal vein-ligated rats than in cirrhotic rats. 4. Serum NO3- levels and urinary excretion of NO3- in cirrhotic rats tended to increase as compared to the controls. On the other hand, the levels in portal vein-ligated rats were significantly increased as compared to those of the sham-operated rats, and were significantly and negatively correlated to the splanchnic arterial resistance and total vascular resistance. The amount of urinary excretion of NO3- significantly correlated to splenic-systemic shunting (r = 0.61, P<0.05) only in portal vein-ligated rats. 5. We suggest that these high levels of NO3- in portal vein-ligated rats relate to the extensive formation of porto-collateral vasculature or acute changes in systemic and splanchnic haemodynamics due to portal vein-ligation.  相似文献   
Simple and concise measures for health status are desirable in clinical practice. The Asthma Bother Profile (ABP), which consists of 23 items, has been developed to assess how much asthma bothers patients. The Airways Questionnaire 20 (AQ20) is a simple instrument which consists of 20 items. The purpose of this study was to investigate how the ABP and AQ20 evaluate the health status of patients with asthma. A total of 166 patients with chronic asthma (age: 48 ± 16 yr, 77 males) completed pulmonary function testing, measurement of airway hyperresponsiveness, dyspnea rating, assessments of their anxiety and depression (HADS; Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale), and assessments of their health status. The health status was assessed using the ABP, AQ20, the short-form 36 health survey questionnaire (SF-36), the Living With Asthma Questionnaire (LWAQ) and the Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (AQLQ). The Japanese version of the ABP included only 15 'bother' items out of the original 23 items due to cultural differences. The scores on the ABP were widely distributed, whereas the scores on the AQ20 were skewed towards the milder end of the scale. The ABP had a strong correlation with the Avoidance and Distress constructs on the LWAQ, and Anxiety and Depression on the HADS (Rs = 0.56 ∼ 0.79), and its strongest correlation with the General Health (Rs = - 0.64) scale among the 8 subscales on the SF-36. The AQ20 had a less significant correlation with the LWAQ, AQLQ, and SF-36 than the ABP. The ABP and AQ20 were short and simple to complete, and both measures could easily be used in clinical practice. The ABP can evaluate patients more specifically with respect to distress and bother than the AQ20.  相似文献   
We report here on the ionic mechanisms underlying the depolarizing afterpotential (DAP) in neocortical pyramidal cells, with special interest in those underlying the burst afterdischarge. Injections of short depolarizing current pulses under whole-cell current clamp with a CsCl-based internal medium generated, in most pyramidal cells, a single action potential with a plateau phase (plateau-AP), followed by a slowly decaying DAP both in the absence and presence of TTX. Under voltage-clamp, the same cells displayed a slow tail current (tail-I) at the offset of depolarization. When intracellular free Ca2+ was chelated with 10 mm BAPTA or when extracellular Ca2+ was replaced with equimolar Ba2+, neither the slow DAP nor the slow tail-I was observed. Extracellular application of Co2+ or Cd2+ reduced Ca2+ currents and the slow tail-I. Cation substitution experiments revealed that the channel generating the slow tail-I was permeable to K+ and Cs+ more than to Na+ (PKPCs > PNa > PNMDGPTEA). The cationic slow tail-I was not reduced by applying antagonists of the metabotropic glutamate receptor (MCPG, 1 mm ) and the muscarinic receptor (atropine, 1–10 μm ). Thus, the slow DAP was produced by activation of the cationic channel whose gating is solely dependent on [Ca2+]i. An increase in [K+]o from 3 to 6 or 9 mm enhanced the slow DAP, and resulted in a generation of burst afterdischarges. An anticonvulsant, phenytoin (PT; 1–10 μm ) suppressed the slow DAP while enhancing the plateau-AP in the presence of TTX, most likely by blocking the cationic channel.  相似文献   
The effects of glucocorticoids on the proportion of lymphocytes in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid in relation to humoral and cellular immunity were studied in 56 patients with steroid-dependent intractable asthma. To analyze the mechanism responsible for reduced numbers of BAL lymphocytes, we divided the subjects into 4 groups according to their BAL lymphocyte proportions: 0—4.9%, 5.0-9.9%, 10.0-14.9%, and 15.0-20.0%. Serum IgG levels and the peripheral lymphocyte count were significantly reduced in patients with a low proportion of BAL lymphocytes (less than 9.9%) than in those with more than 10% BAL lymphocytes. Delayed cutaneous reactivity to purified protein derivative was suppressed in patients with a low proportion of BAL lymphocytes (less than 4.9%). The mean proportion of BAL neutrophils tended to increase as the proportion of BAL lymphocytes decreased. These results show that the reduction in BAL lymphocytes produced by glucocorticoids is associated with suppressed humoral and cellular immunity, and that under such conditions the proportion of BAL neutrophils increases.  相似文献   
The effects of long-term glucocorticoid therapy on airway inflammation were examined in 84 asthma patients. The proportion of lymphocytes in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid was significantly decreased in patients with steroid-dependent intractable asthma (SDIA) compared to results in non-SDIA patients, while BAL neutrophils were significantly increased in SDIA patients compared to results in non-SDIA patients. Regarding age, in patients under the age of 69 (except those between 30 and 39), BAL lymphocyte number was significantly decreased in SDIA compared with non-SDIA subjects, and in patients between 50 and 69, BAL neutrophils were significantly increased in SDIA compared with non-SDIA subjects. The number of BAL lymphocytes was significantly lower in patients with serum cortisol levels of less than 5.0 μg/dl than in those with levels of more than 5.1 μg/dl. BAL lymphocyte number was also significantly lower in patients who had received glucocorticoid therapy for more than 6 years than in those who had received such therapy for 2 years. These results show that long-term glucocorticoid therapy decreases the number of lymphocytes and increases neutrophil numbers in the airways.  相似文献   
Effects of different inspiratory concentrations of sevoflurane (fluorometyl-1,1,1,3,3,3,-hexafluoro-2-propylether) on blood pressure, heart rate and efferent activities of cardiac sympathetic, cardiac parasympathetic and renal sympathetic nerves were examined using rats either under the resting condition or during noxious mechanical stimulation of a hindpaw. Under the resting condition, an increase in the inspiratory concentration of sevoflurane from 2.1% to 4.2% gradually caused a decrease in blood pressure and heart rate. With the increase in the sevoflurane concentration, cardiac sympathetic nerve activity decreased, whereas renal sympathetic nerve and cardiac parasympathetic nerve activities did not change significantly. When noxious mechanical stimulation was applied to a hind-paw by pinching, blood pressure and heart rate, renal sympathetic and cardiac sympathetic nerve activities all increased at the 2.1% concentration of sevoflurane. The responses of these parameters were attenuated at the 3.1% concentration of sevoflurane and almost disappeared at the 4.2% concentration. Cardiac parasympathetic nerve activity did not change significantly during the pinching stimulation throughout the 2.1–4.2% concentration increase.(Kurosawa M, Meguro K, Nagayama T et al.: Effects of sevoflurane on autonomic nerve activities controlling cardiovascular functions in rats. J Anesth 3: 109–117, 1989)  相似文献   
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