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Although idiopathic portal hypertension (IPH) is clinically characterized by portal hypertension and marked splenomegaly, we have experienced a case of spontaneous portal-systemic shunt without splenomegaly in whom the liver histology resembled IPH but with normal portal pressure. We admitted a 64 year old man who had suffered from hepatic encephalopathy for 2 years. Laparoscopy revealed a dark grey liver with a sharp edge and a concave surface. Examination of a liver biopsy specimen revealed peri-portal fibrosis consistent with IPH. A single, large, portal-systemic shunt was identified by percutaneous transhepatic portography. The shunt arose from the left gastric vein and flowed through the left renal vein into the inferior vena cava. No varices were identified. There were no morphological changes in the hepatic or portal veins. Portal vein pressure was normal. There was a slight difference between the portal pressure and the wedged hepatic vein pressure, suggesting a presinusoidal block. This case raises important questions concerning the aetiology of IPH and the relationship between portal hypertension and the development of collateral venous circulation.  相似文献   
A mouse hybridoma (1G12) producing sperm-immobilizing MoAb to human sperm was established and characterized in order to study the antigens relevant to sperm immobilization by antibodies. MoAb 1G12 had strong sperm-immobilizing and agglutinating activities and also showed a fertilization-blocking activity on in vitro fertilization tests. The antibody absorption experiments showed that MoAb 1G12 reacted not only to ejaculated sperm but also human seminal plasma, suggesting that the corresponding antigen might be a sperm coating antigen. The MoAb also reacted with peripheral blood lymphocytes. In histochemical studies, the epithelia of corpus epididymis were most strongly stained. Ejaculated sperm were stained with a granular pattern for their entire surface by immunofluorescence. MoAb 1G12 recognized polymorphic glycoproteins of 15–25 kD in the ejaculated sperm extract in Western blot analysis. After deglycosilation of the sperm extract, only a single staining band of under 15 kD was detected by MoAb 1G12. This suggests that the antigen epitope recognized by MoAb 1G12 might be a peptide of the core portion of the glycoprotein. MoAb 1G12 might be a useful tool for studying the mechanism of egg–sperm interaction, and also be applied to identifying the corresponding antigen by using gene technology.  相似文献   
We investigated the quantitative relationship between the atrial refractory period and the dispersion of refractoriness with respect to atrial vulnerability in 19 adult mongrel dogs. The atrial effective refractory period (AERP) was measured at the sinus node area (SNA), the low posterior right atrium (LRA), and the distal coronary sinus. The study was performed under the following conditions: (1) control status; (2) hypothermia (30°C); (3) vagus nerve stimulation; and (4) a combination of (2) and (3). The subjects were separated into two groups: atrial fibrillation (AF) (+) group (n = 23), which developed AF by atrial extrastimulus due to increased vulnerability, and AF (−) group (n = 39), which did not develop AF. The mean AERP was 97 ± 23 msec (mean ± SD) in the AF (+) group and 124 ± 23 msec in the AF (−) group, with a significantly shorter refractory period seen in the former (P < 0.001). The dispersion of refractoriness was 59 ± 24 msec in the AF (+) group and 29 ± 18 msec in the AF (−) group, with a significant increase noted in the former (P < 0.001), On X-Y coordinates (where X denotes the AERP, and Y denotes the dispersion of refractoriness) the data from the AF (+) group were clustered in the upper left region of the graph while the data from the AF (−) group were clustered in the lower right region. These two groups were separated by a linear equation of Y = 0.86X - 57 with a predictability of 90.3%. No difference in the time from SNA stimulation to LRA excitation was found between the groups. On the basis of these results, we suggest that increased atria) vulnerability can be predicted from an analysis of the quantitative relationship between the atrial refractory period and the dispersion of refractoriness.  相似文献   
Three patients with subungual exostoses, two involving the great toe and one the fourth toe, are presented. Local excision was performed, and the specimens were processed for light and electron microscopy. Light-microscopic study revealed that the tumours consisted of a proliferative fibrocartilaginous cap that merged into mature trabecular bone at its base. Electron-microscopic examination revealed that the tumour was composed of two types of cells: one was rich in cell organelles including rough endoplasmic reticulum, well-developed Golgi apparatus, and glycogen granules; the other cell had few such cell organelles. The former cells seemed to be osteoblasts actively engaged in bone formation, and the latter to be osteocytes related to those situated deeper in bone matrix in normal bone. However, ossification or calcification in subungual exostosis is rather casual, and osteocytes in this disorder may lack the capacity to elaborate compact bone.  相似文献   
A 75‐year‐old woman presented with a 2‐year history of a pigmented nodular lesion on her left sole and a 9‐year history of a red infiltrative plaque on the vulva. The plantar lesion was a 15‐mm ulcerated nodule located at the center of a 25‐mm atypical pigmentation region; the nodule was clinically suspected to be a malignant melanoma. Histopathological analysis of the vulvar lesion biopsy sample indicated extramammary Paget’s disease (EMPD). There was no evidence of metastasis in the computed tomography (CT) and 18F‐fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography scans. We simultaneously performed a wide excision of both lesions and a left inguinal sentinel lymph node biopsy. Melanoma cells were identified in the sentinel lymph nodes, and left radical lymph node dissection was performed after a course of neoadjuvant chemotherapy. All the lymph nodes that were resected during the second operation tested negative for melanomas, and the plantar lesion was diagnosed as a stage IIIB malignant melanoma (pT4b, Na2, M0). Thereafter, we administrated four courses of chemotherapy, and 8 months after the operation, there was no evidence of recurrence or metastatic lesions. We present a case report of double cancer: a plantar malignant melanoma and vulvar EMPD, and also discuss the possible genetic mutations responsible for these two tumors.  相似文献   
We examined the relationship between MRI lesions and electro-clinical findings with special attention to the localising value of aura sensations and the sides of interictal epileptiform discharges in 327 patients with symptomatic localisation-related epilepsy. As a result, while autonomic as well as psychic auras were correlated with temporal lesions, simple motor seizures were associated with extra-temporal ones. Within the group of patients with temporal lobe epilepsy, autonomic but not psychic auras concurred significantly more often with medial temporal structural lesions. Furthermore, there was a significant difference between concordance rates between sides of MRI lesions and EEG foci as a function of laterality: while the right-sided MRI lesions constantly showed ipsilateral EEG foci, EEG foci concurring with the left-sided MRI lesions proved to be often falsely lateralising. From these results, we assumed that lateral as well as medial temporal involvement is needed in the genesis of the psychic aura in contrast to the autonomic aura, which could be induced without lateral temporal involvement, and lesions in the left hemisphere are more apt to induce secondarily epileptogenic than those in the right hemisphere.  相似文献   
Abstract At present, the evaluation of anti-ulcer drugs is generally accomplished simply by calculating the cumulative healing rate at a certain point of time during treatment, which does not implicate any analysis of the healing speed of the ulcer. If the cumulative healing rate of an ulcer is expressed as a function of drug administration time, t, then it will be possible to calculate parameters concerning the healing speed of ulcers and thus evaluate drug efficacy as the time series analysis of the cumulative healing rate. A new method of evaluating anti-ulcer drugs by a statistical analysis of healing speed is proposed. A non-linear regression analysis was performed between two variables, t (time of drug administration: week) and y (non-healing rate: %), to obtain the exponential function y = Ae?kt. The theoretical values calculated from the exponential equation were in close proximity to the observed values. With this analysis, four parameters concerning the healing speed were defined, namely the healing rate constant, the initiation time of healing, the half-life of non-healing rate and the time necessary for 50% healing. With this method, the efficacy of drugs on peptic ulcer healing was dynamically analysed, the non-healing rate (y) being expressed as an exponential function of length of time (t) of treatment, thus obtaining digital parameters for healing speed.  相似文献   
A human lung cancer cell strain (PC-1) was established in vitroand maintained in continuous growth for more than two and ahalf years. The material used for explanation was a metastaticlymph node of a case of poorly differentiated epidermoid carcinomaconsisting predominantly of small anaplastic cells of a polygonalcell type. The cultured cell grew attached to a glass surfacein layered heaps and were epidermoid ultrastructurally. Chromosomal analysis of the cells at the 7th passage culturerevealed that all mitotic cells with the chromosome number of46 or more exhibited the karyotypic abnormality of Dp+. Tumorsdeveloped after hetcrotransplantation of the cultured cellsinto the hamster's cheek pouch showed features of epidermoidcarcinoma with keratinization indicating neoplastic cell originof the strain. Doubling time of the total cell population was72 hours. Histogenesis of the small cell anaplastic carcinoma was discussed.  相似文献   
Pre-operative evaluation of the quantity of functional remnant hepatic parenchyma after hepatectomy was carried out to predict the optimal amount of hepatic resection using the trimethadione (TMO) tolerance test. This test is an estimate based on serum diamethadione (DMO)/TMO ratio (DMO is the only metabolite of TMO) 4 h after oral administration of TMO, and computed tomography (CT) scans of the liver in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The percentage of remnant hepatic parenchyma was calculated pre-operatively from the remaining non-cancerous portion and the whole hepatic parenchyma, excluding the HCC portion, using the CT scans. Presumptive remnant DMO/TMO ratio was calculated by multiplying the percentage of remnant hepatic parenchyma and pre-operative serum DMO/TMO ratio in 45 patients with HCC undergoing resection. The presumptive remnant DMO/TMO ratios were 0.31 ± 0.10 (mean ±s.d.) in 42 patients who survived hepatectomy and 0.13 ± 0.02 (below 0.15) in the three patients who died from postoperative hepatic failure. Of these surviving patients, two patients who had the presumptive remnant DMO/TMO ratios under 0.15 developed postoperative severe complications. Thus, hepatectomy may not be indicated in patients where presumptive remnant DMO/TMO ratio is 0.15 and lower. These findings suggest that pre-operative measurement of presumptive remnant DMO/TMO ratio, when obtained with the CT of the liver and TMO tolerance test, is useful for prediction of the quantity of functional remnant hepatic parenchyma after hepatectomy in patients with chronic liver disease.  相似文献   
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