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The proportion of T-lymphocyte subsets of the regional lymph node lymphocytes of 36 gastric cancer patients was analysed using single and two color flow cytometry technique. The antibodies against human T-lymphocyte were anti-CD3, CD4, CD8, CD4 X Leu8, CD4 X 4B4 and CD8 X CD11. The results were as follows. 1) Using single color analysis, the proportion of CD3+ and CD4+ cells in the metastatic lymph node was decreased and that of CD8+ cells was not changed compared with the non-metastatic lymph node. Therefore, the ratio of CD4 to CD8 was reduced. Using two color analysis, proportion of CD4+ Leu8- cells and CD4+ 4B4- cells was reduced. On the contrary, that of CD8+ CD11+ cells was increased in the metastatic lymph node compared with the non-metastatic lymph node. 2) The proportion of CD3+, CD4+ and CD4+ 4B4- cells was decreased in the non-metastatic lymph node of patients with lymph node metastasis compared with that of patients without lymph node metastasis. 3) The proportion of T-lymphocyte subsets was not changed in the metastatic lymph node, whether the volume including cancer cell is much or not. These results suggest that the metastatic lymph node was less defensive against lymph node metastasis in the gastric cancer.  相似文献   
Five years after treatment in a controlled trial, in which all had received self-exposure homework, a group of 40 agoraphobic outpatients retained marked improvement in agoraphobia, mood, and free-floating anxiety. Frequency of spontaneous panics decreased as much in those who had placebo and self-exposure as in those who received imipramine and self-exposure. Few patients, however, were completely well at 5 years and over half had received further treatment for agoraphobia during the follow-up. Patients who were still highly phobic at the end of the clinical trial were more often prescribed psychotropic medication during follow-up and remained phobic at 5 years. Phobic improvement had generalized more in those patients with very low than in those with moderate pretreatment Hamilton depression scores. Frequency of initial spontaneous panics did not predict outcome. Improvement in agoraphobia was associated with improved marital adjustment. Those who began with the best marital, work, and social adjustment were more improved in their phobias 5 years later.  相似文献   
The subacute sclerosing panencephalitis is one of the few child dementiae. An eight cases study is the opportunity of analysing the clinical, electrical and evolutive particularities of this very serious prognosis disease. The circumstantial comment of a thirteen-year-followed-case illustrates the clinical features, the electrical evolution, and the late C.T. scan aspects.  相似文献   
This article describes two studies that examine the nature of effective clinical performance among radiologic technology students. The first study includes the perspective of staff technologists on student performance, while the second study includes the perspective of clinical instructors, important dimensions of performance that are identified include organization, relationship with peers and staff, relationships with patients, flexibility, and initiative. These dimensions are linked to specific student behaviors in clinical practice.  相似文献   
Paramyxovirus-like inclusions in two cases of pycnodysostosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
M N Beneton  S Harris  J A Kanis 《BONE》1987,8(4):211-217
We describe the biochemical and histological features of two related patients with pycnodysostosis. Examination of bone biopsies taken from both patients showed the presence of large nonfunctional osteoclasts which contained paramyxovirus-like inclusions similar in size and arrangement to those found in Paget's disease of bone. No radiographic, histologic or biochemical evidence for Paget's disease was found in either patient. The presence of osteoclast inclusions may not be specific for Paget's disease, therefore, and could be the result rather than the cause of abnormal osteoclast metabolism.  相似文献   
The incidence of congenital rubella was found to be 2.3 times higher in Asian than non-Asian births in England and Wales. This was attributed in part to higher susceptibility to rubella in Asian than non-Asian women, as shown by antenatal serological data from public health laboratories in Leeds, Luton, and Manchester. Examination of the ethnic origin of pregnant women requesting laboratory testing after contact with rubella or rash and of women with laboratory confirmed rubella in pregnancy also suggested that the disease was being underdiagnosed in pregnant Asian women. Failure to prevent congenital rubella by termination of infected pregnancies may therefore contribute to the increased incidence of the syndrome in Asians. Health education programmes about the dangers of rubella in pregnancy and of the need for vaccination can readily be promoted in the Asian community through existing ethnic organisations. Protection of other ethnic minorities likely to be at similar increased risk may require a vaccination programme aimed at national elimination of rubella.  相似文献   
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