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To compare the clinical characteristics and psychiatric management of antipsychotic nonadherence among outpatients with schizophrenia who either do or do not have current or past comorbid substance use disorders, a national survey was conducted of psychiatrists engaged in the management of schizophrenia. Respondents reported on the presentation and management of one adult patient who had been under their care for at least 1 year and who had been nonadherent with oral antipsychotic medications at some point in the last year. The response rate was 69.3%. Patients with schizophrenia only (N = 190) were compared with patients with schizophrenia and a history of a co-occurring substance use disorder (N = 105). Approximately one third (35.6%) of antipsychotic nonadherent schizophrenia patients had a comorbid substance use disorder. Denial of illness was the most commonly cited primary reason for antipsychotic nonadherence. Psychiatrists were significantly less likely to discuss with comorbid patients than patients without comorbid substance use linkages between antipsychotic adherence and progress toward personal goals (64.5% vs. 78.9%), and significantly less likely to explore the meaning of taking medication to the patient's identity (59.2% vs. 73.3%). However, psychiatrists were approximately two times more likely to add another antipsychotic for patients with substance use disorders (22.8% vs. 11.0%). There were no perceived differences between the two groups in effectiveness of interventions to manage medication nonadherence. Comorbid substance use disorders are common among psychiatric outpatients with schizophrenia who are nonadherent with antipsychotic medications. Some psychological approaches tend to be used less often with patients with comorbid substance use disorders, although when they are used, psychiatrists report they are no less effective than they are for schizophrenia patients without comorbid substance use disorders. These findings suggest that some psychological interventions may tend to be underutilized in the management of medication nonadherence among patients with comorbid schizophrenia and substance use disorders.  相似文献   
造血干细胞移植研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
造血干细胞移植(hematopoietic stem cell transplantation,HSCT)是通过化学药物及放射治疗清除患者的骨髓,再将健康供者的造血干细胞植入患者体内,建立新的造血系统及免疫系统,从而达到治愈血液系统恶性肿瘤及骨髓衰竭的目的.自从1981年我国开始第一例异基因造血干细胞移植(allo-HSCT)以来,经过20余年的努力,HSCT技术已取得很大进步,根据北京市道培医院移植中心统计结果,白血病标危组同胞人类组织相容性抗原(HLA)配型相合组5年生存率为80%,HLA半相合(单倍体)及非血缘造血干细胞移植组5年生存率为70%-75%,白血病高危组长期生存率为35%-40%.  相似文献   
目的 了解住院患者对护理职业的认知状况,增强护士职业自豪感.方法 自行设计住院患者对护理职业认知调查问卷,对197例住院患者进行调查.结果 认为护理工作包括发药打针、健康指导和心理护理的患者占49.24%;认为护士在治疗康复中所起的作用重要和非常重要者占85.28%、一般和不重要占14.72%;认为护士学历应为大专及以上学历的患者占87.82%,中专占12.18%;认为医生和护士是平等关系的患者占76.65%、从属关系占18.78%;认为护理职业发展前途好和很好的患者占79.19%.不好和很差占5.58%.不同性别、年龄、文化程度住院患者对护理职业的评价比较,差异无统计学意义(均P>0.05);有选择护理职业意愿者56.85%.不愿意选择43.15%;112例住院患者愿意选择护理职业的主要原因是受人尊敬(66.96%)和工作稳定(29.46%).结论 住院患者正在逐步正视护理职业.护理工作者应提高职业自豪感,热爱护理工作,全心全意为人类的健康服务,为护理事业的发展做出贡献,以赢得应有的社会地位.  相似文献   
目的研究1个以光敏性癫痫为主要表现的肌阵挛性癫痫伴肌肉破碎红纤维综合征(MERRF)家系的临床特点、遗传学特征。方法整理一个以光敏性癫痫为主要表现的肌阵挛性癫痫伴肌肉破碎红纤维综合征家系的临床表现、辅助检查及影像学资料,分析其临床特点和遗传特征。结果该家系呈母系遗传,共4人(包括先证者3个同辈,1个子代)出现肌阵挛表现,先证者以光敏性癫痫为主要表现,其肌肉活检可见典型的破碎红纤维(RRF),先证者的线粒体DNA提示8344位点由A突变为G。结论 MERRF家系少见,可以光敏性肌阵挛癫痫为主要表现。  相似文献   
Blood coagulation is initiated when plasma factor VII(a) binds to its essential cofactor tissue factor (TF) and proteolytically activates factors X and IX. Progressive inhibition of TF activity occurs upon its addition to plasma. This process is reversible and requires the presence of VII(a), catalytically active Xa, Ca2+, and another component that appears to be associated with the lipoproteins in plasma, a lipoprotein-associated coagulation inhibitor (LACI). A protein, LACI(HG2), possessing the same inhibitory properties as LACI, has recently been isolated from the conditioned media of cultured human liver cells (HepG2). Rabbit antisera raised against a synthetic peptide based on the N-terminal sequence of LACI(HG2) and purified IgG from a rabbit immunized with intact LACI(HG2) inhibit the LACI activity in human serum. In a reaction mixture containing VIIa, Xa, Ca2+, and purified LACI(HG2), the apparent half-life (t1/2) for TF activity was 20 seconds. The presence of heparin accelerated the initial rate of inhibition threefold. Antithrombin III alpha alone had no effect, but antithrombin III alpha with heparin abrogated the TF inhibition. LACI(HG2) also inhibited Xa with an apparent t1/2 of 50 seconds. Heparin enhanced the rate of Xa inhibition 2.5-fold, whereas phospholipids and Ca2+ slowed the reaction 2.5-fold. Xa inhibition was demonstrable with both chromogenic substrate (S-2222) and bioassays, but no complex between Xa and LACI(HG2) could be visualized by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Nondenaturing PAGE, however, showed that LACI(HG2) bound to Xa but not to X or Xa inactivated by diisopropyl fluorophosphate. Thus, LACI(HG2) appears to bind to Xa at or near its active site. Bovine factor Xa lacking its gamma-carboxyglutamic acid-containing domain, BXa(-GD), through treatment with alpha-chymotrypsin, was used to further investigate the Xa requirement for VIIa/TF inhibition by LACI(HG2). LACI(HG2) bound to BXa(-GD) and inhibited its catalytic activity against a small molecular substrate (Spectrozyme Xa), though at a rate approximately sevenfold slower than native BXa. Preincubation of LACI(HG2) with saturating concentrations of BXa(-GD) markedly retarded the subsequent inhibition of BXa. The VII(a)/TF complex was not inhibited by LACI(HG2) in the presence of BXa(-GD), and further, preincubation of LACI(HG2) with BXa(-GD) slowed the inhibition of VIIa/TF after the addition of native Xa. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that inhibition of VII(a)/TF involves the formation of a VIIa-TF-XA-LACI complex that requires the GD of XA.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
Yeung  HN; Kormos  DW; Sebok  DA 《Radiology》1988,167(2):537-540
A method for separating binary chemical-shift components with a single image data acquisition by means of stimulated echoes is demonstrated. With a strategy analogous to the modified Dixon method, three stimulated echoes were acquired to form three complex images. In each of the images, the complex pixel intensities were imparted, by design of the pulse sequence, with a phase factor carrying chemical-shift or field inhomogeneity information. With these three images, true fat/water separation can be obtained in biologic tissues. Studies at high field strength (4.7 T) on a toluene phantom, a pseudo-binary chemical-shift system, were used to evaluate the applicability of the method. Its clinical feasibility was demonstrated on a healthy human subject in a 0.6-T whole-body imaging system.  相似文献   
目的评价复方甘草酸苷注射液(美能)治疗慢性荨麻疹的疗效和安全性。方法对照组40例,5%葡萄糖注射液(或生理盐水)150ml加入10%葡萄糖酸钙注射液10ml及维生素C注射液2.0g静滴;治疗组45例,在对照组基础上加用复方甘草酸苷注射液20~60ml静滴,两组均1次/d,疗程6周。结果复方甘草酸苷治疗组有效率88.89%,平均起效时间2.1周,明显优于对照组60.00%和4.2周,两组有效率相比差异有显著性(P<0.05)。结论复方甘草酸苷注射液治疗慢性荨麻疹起效时间短,疗效较好。  相似文献   
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