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In this paper, the dielectric properties of human trabecular bone are evaluated under physiological condition in the microwave range. Assuming a two components medium, simulation and experimental data are presented and discussed. A special experimental setup is developed in order to deal with inhomogeneous samples. Simulation data are obtained using finite difference time domain from a realistic sample. The bone mineral density of the samples are also measured. The simulation and experimental results of the present study suggest that there is a negative relation between bone volume fraction (BV/TV) and permittivity/conductivity: the higher the BV/TV, the lower the permittivity/conductivity. This is in agreement with the recently published in vivo data.  相似文献   


To determine whether pharmacological treatment of depression in low-income minorities with diabetes improves A1C and quality of life (QOL).


This was a 6-month, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Patients were screened for depression using Whooley''s two-question tool at a county diabetes clinic. Depression was confirmed (or not) with the Computerized Diagnostic Interview Survey (CDIS) software program, and the severity of depression was assessed monthly by the Hamilton Depression Scale (HAM-D). Depressed subjects with A1C levels ≥8.0% were randomly assigned to receive either sertraline or placebo. Diabetes care was provided by nurses following detailed treatment algorithms who were unaware of therapy for depression.


A total of 150 subjects answered positively to at least one question on Whooley''s questionnaire. The positive predictive value for depression diagnosed by CDIS was 69, 67, and 84% for positive answers to question 1 only, question 2 only, or both, respectively. Of the 89 subjects who entered the study, 75 completed. An intention-to-treat analysis revealed significant differences between baseline and 6 months in HAM-D and pain scores, QOL, and A1C and systolic blood pressure levels in both groups, with no differences between groups for the first three but a significantly greater decrease with sertraline in A1C and systolic blood pressure levels. Changes in HAM-D scores and A1C levels were significantly correlated in all subjects (P = 0.45 [P < 10−6]).


In this low-income minority population, pharmacological treatment of depression significantly improved A1C and systolic blood pressure levels compared with placebo.The prevalence of depression among people with diabetes is more than twice that of the general population (1). Coexistence of depression in persons with diabetes is associated with worse glycemic control (2), which may be due to less adherence to self-care behaviors and medications (3). Eventually, there is increased morbidity (4) and mortality (5) and higher medical costs (6).The prevalence of untreated depression in people with diabetes is higher in minorities (1). Yet, screening for and treating depression are less common in this population (7). Very little research has been published on diabetes and depression with a focus on minority populations, who have significant disparities in outcomes (8), such as higher A1C levels (9), increased rates of complications (10), and more severe depression (8).Depression is associated with worse glycemic control (2). Some studies have evaluated whether treatment of depression will improve A1C levels (1120). However, these drug studies were open label, were of short duration, and/or were conducted in highly educated (more than high school education) Caucasian populations. Most showed that although depression was improved, A1C levels were not. We sought to determine whether use of antidepressants in a minority population with uncontrolled diabetes improved their A1C levels, quality of life (QOL), and depression compared with placebo.  相似文献   
ObjectivePublished reports on directional deep brain stimulation (DBS) have been limited to small, single-center investigations. Therapeutic window (TW) is used to describe the range of stimulation amplitudes achieving symptom relief without side effects. This crossover study performed a randomized double-blind assessment of TW for directional and omnidirectional DBS in a large cohort of patients implanted with a DBS system in the subthalamic nucleus for Parkinson's disease.Materials and MethodsParticipants received omnidirectional stimulation for the first three months after initial study programming, followed by directional DBS for the following three months. The primary endpoint was a double-blind, randomized evaluation of TW for directional vs omnidirectional stimulation at three months after initial study programming. Additional data recorded at three- and six-month follow-ups included stimulation preference, therapeutic current strength, Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) part III motor score, and quality of life.ResultsThe study enrolled 234 subjects (62 ± 8 years, 33% female). TW was wider using directional stimulation in 183 of 202 subjects (90.6%). The mean increase in TW with directional stimulation was 41% (2.98 ± 1.38 mA, compared to 2.11 ± 1.33 mA for omnidirectional). UPDRS part III motor score on medication improved 42.4% at three months (after three months of omnidirectional stimulation) and 43.3% at six months (after three months of directional stimulation) with stimulation on, compared to stimulation off. After six months, 52.8% of subjects blinded to stimulation type (102/193) preferred the period with directional stimulation, and 25.9% (50/193) preferred the omnidirectional period. The directional period was preferred by 58.5% of clinicians (113/193) vs 21.2% (41/193) who preferred the omnidirectional period.ConclusionDirectional stimulation yielded a wider TW compared to omnidirectional stimulation and was preferred by blinded subjects and clinicians.  相似文献   


To assess the impact of dutasteride compared with placebo on nocturia in men with lower urinary tract symptoms suggestive of benign prostatic hyperplasia, using pooled data from dutasteride phase III studies.


Nocturia was assessed using Question 7 of the International Prostate Symptom Score questionnaire. Efficacy measures included: mean change in nocturia at 24 months; proportion of patients with improvement/worsening in nocturia; nocturnal voiding frequency at baseline and study end, overall and by baseline subgroups; and nocturnal voiding frequency <2 at study end in patients with baseline score ≥2.


In total, 4,321 patients with a mean age of 66 years were evaluated. From month 12 onwards, mean nocturia improvements were significantly superior with dutasteride than with placebo (p ≤ 0.05). Reduction in nocturia was significantly better with dutasteride than with placebo across all baseline subgroups tested (p ≤ 0.05). Also at month 24, dutasteride therapy resulted in a greater proportion of subjects with nocturia improvement compared with placebo (p ≤ 0.05), with the largest treatment group differences in subjects with a baseline nocturia score of 2 or 3. Among patients with significant nocturia at baseline (score ≥2), significantly more subjects with dutasteride versus placebo had a score <2 at month 24 (26 vs. 19 %, p < 0.001).


After 24 months of treatment, dutasteride treatment provided significantly greater improvements in nocturia, and less worsening, compared with placebo, primarily in subjects with two or three nocturia episodes per night. Studies specifically designed to assess nocturia are required to prospectively confirm these findings.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Cardiac resynchronization via left ventricular or biventricular pacing is an option for selected patients with ventricular systolic dysfunction and widened QRS complex. Stimulation through a coronary vein is the technique of choice for left ventricular pacing, but this approach results in a failure rate of approximately 8%. We describe our initial experience with minimally invasive surgical implantation of left ventricular epicardial leads using video-assisted thoracoscopy. PATIENTS AND METHOD: A total of 14 patients with congestive heart failure, NYHA functional class 3.2 (0.6) and mean ejection fraction 22.9 (6.8)% were included in this study. Left bundle branch block, QRS complex >140 ms and abnormal septal motion were observed in all cases. Epicardial leads were implanted on the left ventricular free wall under general anesthesia using video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery. RESULTS: Lead implantation was successful in 13 patients. Conversion to a small thoracotomy was necessary in one patient. All patients were extubated in the operating room. None of the patients died during their hospital stay. Follow-up showed reversal of ventricular asynchrony and significant improvement in ejection fraction and functional class. CONCLUSIONS: Minimally invasive surgery for ventricular resynchronization using video-assisted thoracoscopy in selected patients is a safe procedure that makes it possible to choose the best site for lead implantation and provides adequate short- and medium-term stimulation.  相似文献   
Clinical Oral Investigations - This study aims to compare the bone tissue reaction, setting time, solubility, and pH of NeoMTA Plus, Biodentine (BD), and MTA Angelus (MTA-A). Initial and final...  相似文献   
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