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Studies of migrants, along with geographic and temporal variations in incidence, indicate that colorectal cancer is especially sensitive to changes in environmental factors, including, most importantly, diet. The goal of this research was to examine the changes in dietary practices that may be consistent with the changing incidence of colorectal cancer in the Los Angeles Mexican-American population. Cancer incidence and dietary intake data were available for over 35,000 Latinos of Mexican national origin currently participating in the prospective Multiethnic Cohort Study, representing the largest sample of Mexican-origin Latinos of any such study in the United States. The dataset is unique in that changes in cancer rates and in dietary behaviors across three generations could be examined. Most of the change in colorectal cancer rates occurred between the first and second generations, and, correspondingly, nearly all the dietary change also occurred between the first and second generations. Although some food traditions were retained by Mexican Americans, the dietary changes due to acculturation were significant and support an association between colorectal cancer risk and certain dietary components, notably, alcohol as a risk factor and nonstarch polysaccharides and vegetables as protective factors.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: To investigate the dependence of occipital gray and white matter T(2) on the Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) refocusing interval, thereby testing the basis of a novel functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) method for blood volume quantification, and addressing recent questions surrounding T(2) contrast in the occipital lobe. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A CPMG sequence with 1 x 1 x 5 mm(3) resolution was used to quantify T(2) in a single axial slice at the midlevel of the occipital lobe in 23 healthy adult volunteers. Refocusing intervals of 8, 11, and 22 msec were compared. A Bayesian classifier was used to classify a 1 x 1 x 1 mm(3) T(1)-weighted three-dimensional data set into gray matter, white matter, and cerebrospinal fluid, with an average 95% a posteriori probability used as the threshold for inclusion into a tissue-specific region of interest (ROI). RESULTS: The usual T(2) contrast between the gray and white matter (i.e., T(2GM) > T(2WM)) was observed, with a highly significant effect of tissue type on the estimated T(2) (P < 10(-5)). The observed T(2) gradually decreased with increasing refocusing interval, for a decrease of 3.3 +/- 1.5 msec in gray matter and 3.0 +/- 1.5 msec in white matter between the 8 and 22 msec refocusing interval acquisitions. CONCLUSION: The observed T(2) shortening is consistent with the effect of the dramatic decrease in T(2) of partly deoxygenated blood on this range of refocusing rates.  相似文献   
We investigated the possibility that estrogen and exercise interact in the hippocampus and regulate brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a molecule increasingly recognized for its role in plasticity and neuron function. An important aspect of this study is to examine the effect of different time intervals between estrogen loss and estrogen replacement intervention. We demonstrate that in the intact female rat, physical activity increases hippocampal BDNF mRNA and protein levels. However, the exercise effect on BDNF up-regulation is reduced in the absence of estrogen, in a time-dependent manner. In addition, voluntary activity itself is stimulated by the presence of estrogen. In exercising animals, estrogen deprivation reduced voluntary activity levels, while estrogen replacement restored activity to normal levels. In sedentary animals, estrogen deprivation (ovariectomy) decreased baseline BDNF mRNA and protein, which were restored by estrogen replacement. Despite reduced activity levels in the ovariectomized condition, exercise increased BDNF mRNA levels in the hippocampus after short-term (3 weeks) estrogen deprivation. However, long-term estrogen-deprivation blunted the exercise effect. After 7 weeks of estrogen deprivation, exercise alone no longer affected either BDNF mRNA or protein levels. However, exercise in combination with long-term estrogen replacement increased BDNF protein above the effects of estrogen replacement alone. Interestingly, protein levels across all conditions correlated most closely with mRNA levels in the dentate gyrus, suggesting that expression of mRNA in this hippocampal region may be the major contributor to the hippocampal BDNF protein pool. The interaction of estrogen, physical activity and hippocampal BDNF is likely to be an important issue for maintenance of brain health, plasticity and general well-being, particularly in women.  相似文献   
A study of 77 consecutive cases of childhood rhabdomyosarcoma treated initially at the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles from 1950 to 1972 demonstrated an impressive improvement in survival of patients when intensive chemotherapy was combined with surgery and radiation therapy. The major improvement in survival occurred in Stage II and Stage III disease. Eight out of 9 patients with a primary lesion of the lower extremities developed intra-abdominal disease. A general approach for treatment of Stage II, III, and IV rhabdomyosarcoma is proposed which involves intensive chemotherapy, following biopsy, as the principle treatment, with radiation and surgery used as adjuvants.  相似文献   
Single-photon emission tomography (SPET) and positron emission tomography (PET), when coupled to suitable radioligands, are uniquely powerful for investigating the status of neurotransmitter receptors in vivo. The serotonin subtype-4 (5-HT4) receptor has discrete and very similar distributions in rodent and primate brain. This receptor population may play a role in normal cognition and memory and is perhaps perturbed in some neuropsychiatric disorders. SB 207710 [(1-butyl-4-piperidinylmethyl)-8-amino-7-iodo-1,4-benzodioxan-5-carboxylate] is a selective high-affinity antagonist at 5-HT4 receptors. We explored radioiodinated SB 207710 as a possible radioligand for imaging 5-HT4 receptors in vivo. Rats were injected intravenously with iodine-125 labelled SB 207710, euthanised at known times and dissected to establish radioactivity content in brain tissues. Radioactivity entered brain but cleared rapidly and to a high extent from blood and plasma. Between 45 and 75 min after injection, the ratios of radioactivity concentration in each of 12 selected brain tissues to that in receptor-poor cerebellum correlated with previous measures of 5-HT4 receptor density distribution in vitro. The highest ratio was about 3.4 in striatum. SB 207710 was labelled with iodine-123 by an iododestannylation procedure. A cynomolgus monkey was injected intravenously with [123I]SB 207710 and examined by SPET. Maximal whole brain uptake of radioactivity was 2.3% of the injected dose at 18 min after radioligand injection. Brain images acquired between 9 and 90 min showed high radioactivity uptake in 5-HT4 receptor-rich regions, such as striatum, and low uptake in receptor-poor cerebellum. At 169 min the ratio of radioactivity concentration in striatum to that in cerebellum was 4.0. In a second SPET experiment, the cynomolgus monkey was pretreated with a selective 5-HT4 receptor antagonist, SB 204070, at 20 min before [123I]SB 207710 injection. Radioactivity in all brain regions was reduced almost to the level in cerebellum by 176 min after radioligand injection. These findings show that [123I]SB 207710 is an effective radioligand for imaging brain 5-HT4 receptors in vivo.For preliminary accounts of this work, see Pike VW et al., J Nucl Med 1998; 39 (Suppl):185; Eur J Nucl Med 1999; 26:991.  相似文献   
In the rat isolated perfused kidney, 2-chloroadenosine and L-N6-phenyl-isopropyl adenosine (L-PIA) produced a modest vasodilatation. After kidneys had been pretreated with methoxamine (to elevate vascular tone) and forskolin (to activate adenyl cyclase and reduce vascular tone), both purine agonists produced vasoconstriction at low doses and vasodilatation at higher doses. This was consistent with the working hypothesis that vasoconstriction resulted from activation of A1-purinoceptors mediating adenyl cyclase inhibition and vasodilatation from activation of A2-purinoceptors stimulating adenyl cyclase. These kidney preparations also demonstrated a marked potentiation of purine-mediated vasoconstriction in the presence of various concentrations of 8-p-sulpho-phenyltheophylline (8-SPT), a drug reported in the literature to be a competitive antagonist of A1- and A2-purinoceptors. Maximal renal vasoconstriction to 2-chloroadenosine and L-PIA was observed in the presence of 10 mM 8-SPT; the fact that this vasoconstriction was sensitive to the selective A1-receptor antagonist 8-(2-amino-4-chlorophenyl)-1,3-dipropylxanthine (PACPX) and that the order of potency of agonists for this effect was L-PIA greater than 2-chloroadenosine greater than D-PIA greater than N6-ethylcarboxamide adenosine (NECA) was consistent with activation of vascular A1-purinoceptors. While these data are consistent with the hypothesis that purines activate vascular A1- and A2-receptors in the rat isolated kidney, the nature of the results did not allow definitive classification of the receptors mediating the purine effects.  相似文献   
We examined data from 162 families who participated in the prevention program Parents and Youth with Schools, which targeted at-risk high school youth and parents, to understand parent retention in the 15-session Parents as Partners program. We obtained reports from youth, parents and parent interventionists, which included both time-invariant and time-varying data regarding demographic factors; parent, youth and family characteristics; and parents’ response to intervention. Utilizing event history analysis, we examined data sequentially in order to determine those variables that predicted continued parent attendance. In the model examining all areas simultaneously, the predictors of parent retention across the full program were parent minority status and age, teen anger and parent–teen conflict over school attendance, as well as parents’ reports of group support and interventionists’ report of parents’ commitment. Overall, the analyses indicated that participants’ characteristics, as well as their measureable response to the intervention, can alert researchers to potential program disengagement. Monitoring indicators of disengagement will help researchers focus resources early in the intervention process in order to maximize parent attendance and increase the success of prevention programs.  相似文献   
BackgroundThis analysis was conducted to identify the participant characteristics associated with noncompliance in an oral contraceptive (OC) clinical trial.Study DesignWe studied ovarian suppression among normal-weight and obese women during the use of levonorgestrel (LNG)-containing combination OCs. Participants underwent twice weekly phlebotomy during the study cycle and received up to $360 for participation. Along with other study assays, we analyzed 903 specimens from 181 women to measure LNG to assess OC compliance. Consistently undetectable LNG levels indicated noncompliance. To evaluate predictors of OC noncompliance during this study, we compared the characteristics of compliant and noncompliant participants using multivariable logistic regression. We assigned each participant to a relative poverty level based on US census data; all other individual characteristics came directly from participant responses during the baseline interview.ResultsOne hundred eighty-one women completed the study; 31 were noncompliant (17%). In multivariable analyses, poverty level was the strongest predictor of noncompliance. Compared with those women in the quartile with the lowest level of residential poverty, other women were far more likely to be noncompliant, especially women in the quartile with the greatest prevalence of poverty (adjusted odds ratio, 8.4; 95% confidence interval, 1.5–46.1). Additional factors associated with noncompliance were education level less than a bachelor's degree and Hispanic ethnicity. Other demographic and psychometric measures were not associated with compliance.ConclusionsWe found that noncompliance was strongly associated with residential poverty level, an indirect measure of individual income. In the United States, poverty is associated with female obesity, Hispanic ethnicity and low education, which were also associated here with noncompliance. Study compensation may motivate poor individuals to participate in clinical trials for income. Noncompliance in clinical trials, particularly differential noncompliance, jeopardizes study validity.  相似文献   
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