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Needle puncture and other accidents that occur during surgery and other procedures may lead to viral infections of medical personnel, notably by hepatitis C (HCV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), now that hepatitis B can be prevented by vaccination. A new surgical glove called G-VIR, which contains a disinfecting agent for enveloped viruses, has been developed. Herpes simplex type 1 (HSV) was used as a standard enveloped virus in both in vitro and in vivo tests of the virucidal capacity of the glove. Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) were used as models for HCV and HIV, respectively. For in vitro study, a contaminated needle was passed through a glove and residual virus was titrated; for in vivo studies, animals were stuck with a contaminated needle through a glove. Despite variation in virus enumeration inherent in the puncture technique, statistical evaluation showed that infection was reproducibly and substantially reduced by passage through the virucidal layer. For BVDV, the amount of virus passing through the virucidal glove was reduced in 82% of pairwise comparisons with control gloves that lacked the virucidal agent; when plaque counts were adjusted to a common dilution, the median count for the virucidal glove was on the average reduced >10-fold. In experiments in which the proportion of wells infected with FIV was measured, the ratio of TCID(50) values (control glove to G-VIR) was >15, and probably much higher. For HSV, the amount of virus passing through the virucidal glove was reduced in 81% of comparisons with control gloves; the median of adjusted plaque counts was reduced on the average approximately eightfold or ninefold. In vivo tests with FIV and HSV in cats and mice, respectively, found smaller percentage reductions in infection than the in vitro tests but confirmed the virucidal effect of the gloves.  相似文献   
Structure of four amplified DNA novel joints   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The structures of four novel joints present in the amplified DNA of a Syrian hamster cell line highly resistant to N-(phosphonacetyl)-l-aspartate were analyzed. Novel joints J1, J2, and J4 were formed by recombination between two regions of wild-type DNA, whereas joint J3 is the end point of an inverted duplication. A fraction of the J3 copies displays a cruciform structure in the purified genomic DNA. The formation of J1 and J2 apparently involved a simple breakage and joining of the two wild-type sequences, whereas extra nucleotides are present at the junction point of J3 and J4. The two regions of the wild-type DNA which have recombined to form J1, J2, and J4 show few sequence similarities, indicating that these joints probably resulted from nonhomologous recombination. AT-rich regions are present in the vicinity of the breakpoint for the four joints and eight of 10 crossover points could be associated with putative topoisomerase I cleavage sites. Our results indicate that different types of novel joints are present in the amplified DNA of this cell line, which was isolated after several steps of selection.  相似文献   
Summary: The latent thermal cationic initiators, benzyl‐2,5‐dimethylpyrazinium hexafluoroantimonate (BDPH) and benzyl‐2‐ethylpyrazinium hexafluoroantimonate (BEPH), were synthesized to investigate the effect of substituted alkyl groups on cure and dynamic mechanical behaviors of difunctional epoxy system. The cure temperature and activation energy of the diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA)/BDPH were higher than those of the DGEBA/BEPH, resulting from the steric hindrance of the substituted groups. The cross‐linking density of the DGEBA/BDPH was higher than that of the DGEBA/BEPH, whereas the Tg's of both specimens are similar. This may be explained by the free volume and the intermolecular hydrogen bonding induced by the hydrogen of the substituted methyl groups. Consequently, the position and number of the substituted groups of the latent thermal initiator were very important in the control of the latent thermal and dynamic mechanical behaviors of the epoxy resin.

Dynamic DSC curves of DGEBA cured by each initiator.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody directed against a peptide (PS5) specified by RNA complementary to the mRNA coding for substance P (SP), was used to label SP receptors in the rat spinal cord as demonstrated by light and electron microscopy. An immunocytochemical method (avidin-biotin-peroxidase) was used on vibratome sections from rats perfused with paraformaldehyde. Immunoreactivity was observed principally in the two superficial layers of the dorsal horn, in lamina X and the region of motoneurons. The labeling was absent when the antibody was preincubated with the complementary peptide (PS5) used as immunogen. Competition between the anti-complementary peptide antibody and different ligands was tested by preincubation of tissue sections with the ligand in the presence of peptidase inhibitors before addition of the antibody. A specific agonist (SP) or antagonist (spantide, RP 67580) at 10−6M led to total absence of labeling. These results indicate that under our experimental conditions, the anti-complementary peptide antibody recognizes a SP binding site in the rat spinal cord. Electron microscopic study of the two superficial laminae of the dorsal horn showed that immunolabeling was mainly localized extracellularly at apposing neuronal plasma membranes. It was mostly associated with axodendritic or axosomatic appositions. Occasionally labeling was observed between two axon terminals. In all cases, these appositions were non junctional. Generally, neuronal processes involved in these appositions did not contain large granular vesicles. These observations suggest that SP may act in a diffuse, nonsynaptic manner probably on targets distant from SP release sites.  相似文献   
This study develops an explanatory framework for fear of neighborhood crime based on respondents' social context and local rates of assault injuries. Rates of assault injuries within zip codes are based on hospital discharge records. We find that only four variables have a significant unique contribution to fear of crime: respondent's sex, perceptions of neighborhood social capital, and the rates of struck by/against assault injuries for the 10–24 and 50+ age groups. We also find that the perception of neighborhood social capital moderates the impact of assault injury rates on fear of crime; those who perceive a high level of neighborhood social capital exhibit less sensitivity to assault injury rates. We include a map of assault injury rates and fear of crime by ZIP Code and describe the community context related to our results. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Comm Psychol 35: 483–498, 2007.  相似文献   
To study the epidemiology of Pseudomonas aeruginosa colonization in a 32-bed burn wound center (BWC), 321 clinical and 45 environmental P. aeruginosa isolates were collected by prospective surveillance culture over a 1-year period and analyzed by serotyping, drug susceptibility testing, and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis. Among 441 patients treated at the center, 70 (16%) were colonized with P. aeruginosa, including 12 (17%) patients who were colonized on admission and 58 (83%) patients who acquired the organism during their stay. Of the 48 distinct AFLP genotypes found, 21 were found exclusively in the environment, 15 were isolated from individual patients only, and 12 were responsible for the colonization of 57 patients, of which 2 were also isolated from the environment, but secondary to patient carriage. Polyclonal P. aeruginosa colonization with strains of two to four genotypes, often with different antibiotic susceptibility patterns, was observed in 19 patients (27%). Two predominant genotypes were responsible for recurrent outbreaks and the colonization of 42 patients (60% of all colonized patients). The strain with one of those genotypes appeared to be endemic to the BWC and developed multidrug resistance (MDR) at the end of the study period, whereas the strain with the other genotype was antibiotic susceptible but resistant to silver sulfadiazine (SSD(r)). The MDR strain was found at a higher frequency in sputum samples than the SSD(r) strain, which showed a higher prevalence in burn wound samples, suggesting that anatomic habitat selection was associated with adaptive resistance to antimicrobial drugs. Repeated and thorough surveys of the hospital environment failed to detect a primary reservoir for any of those genotypes. Cross-acquisition, resulting from insufficient compliance with infection control measures, was the major route of colonization in our BWC. In addition to the AFLP pattern and serotype, analysis of the nucleotide sequences of three (lipo)protein genes (oprI, oprL, and oprD) and the pyoverdine type revealed that all predominant strains except the SSD(r) strain belonged to recently identified clonal complexes. These successful clones are widespread in nature and therefore predominate in the patient population, in whom variants accumulate drug resistance mechanisms that allow their transmission and persistence in the BWC.  相似文献   
Chickens have two major regions encoding major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class Iα genes and MHC class IIß genes, the serological and functional B‐system and the Rfp‐Y‐system. Recently, they have been shown to assort in a genetically independent way although still located on the same microchromosome. Moreover, the monomorphic MHC class IIα gene maps at a third locus located 5 c m from the nearest class IIß genes, located in the B‐system ( Kaufman et al., 1995 ). A pedigree family was studied in three generations in order to assign MHC class IIß restriction fragments observed in Southern blot analyses to either the B‐system, the Rfp‐Y‐system or the B‐Lα locus. In this study, we demonstrate by classical genetic testing of chickens within this fully pedigreed family the existence of an MHC class II‐like polymorphic restriction fragment that segregates independently of the B‐system, the Rfp‐Y‐system and of the B‐Lα locus.  相似文献   
Summary: In the present contribution, the electrostatic spinning or electrospinning technique was used to produce ultra‐fine polyamide‐6 (PA‐6) fibers. The effects of solution conditions on the morphological appearance and the average diameter of as‐spun fibers were investigated by optical scanning (OS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques. It was shown that the solution properties (i.e. viscosity, surface tension and conductivity) were important factors characterizing the morphology of the fibers obtained. Among these three properties, solution viscosity was found to have the greatest effect. Solutions with high enough viscosities (viz. solutions at high concentrations) were necessary to produce fibers without beads. At a given concentration, fibers obtained from PA‐6 of higher molecular weights appeared to be larger in diameter, but it was observed that the average diameters of the fibers from PA‐6 of different molecular weights had a common relationship with the solution viscosities which could be approximated by an exponential growth equation. Raising the temperature of the solution during spinning resulted in the reduction of the fiber diameters with higher deposition rate, while mixing m‐cresol with formic acid to serve as a mixed solvent for PA‐6 caused the solutions to have higher viscosities which resulted in larger fiber diameters. Lastly, the addition of some inorganic salts resulted in an increase in the solution conductivity, which caused the fiber diameters to increase due to the large increase in the mass flow.

Average diameter of as‐spun fibers plotted as a function of the viscosity of the solutions.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that lactate could be a preferential energy substrate transferred from astrocytes to neurons. This would imply the presence of specific transporters for lactate on both cell types. We have investigated the immunohistochemical localization of two monocarboxylate transporters, MCT1 and MCT2, in the adult mouse brain. Using specific antibodies raised against MCT1 and MCT2, we found strong immunoreactivity for each transporter in glia limitans, ependymocytes and several microvessel-like elements. In addition, small processes distributed throughout the cerebral parenchyma were immunolabeled for monocarboxylate transporters. Double immunofluorescent labeling and confocal microscopy examination of these small processes revealed no co-localization between glial fibrillary acidic protein and monocarboxylate transporters, although many glial fibrillary acidic protein-positive processes were often in close apposition to elements labeled for monocarboxylate transporters. In contrast, several elements expressing the S100beta protein, another astrocytic marker found to be located in distinct parts of the same cell when compared with glial fibrillary acidic protein, were also strongly immunoreactive for MCT1, suggesting expression of this transporter by astrocytes. In contrast, MCT2 was expressed in a small subset of microtubule-associated protein-2-positive elements, indicating a neuronal localization.In conclusion, these observations are consistent with the possibility that lactate, produced and released by astrocytes (via MCT1), could be taken up (via MCT2) and used by neurons as an energy substrate.  相似文献   
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