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OBJECTIVE: To identify the etiology and impact of preterm delivery in twin gestations. STUDY DESIGN: Twin gestations delivered at 33.0 to 36.9 weeks were identified in a perinatal database, and categorized by indication for delivery. Deliveries were identified as indicated, or non-indicated (discretionary). Neonatal outcomes were measured by birth weight, length of stay, NICU admission, and ventilator utilization. Data were divided and analyzed by indicated or discretionary delivery, and gestational age at delivery. RESULTS: Analyzed were 3252 twin gestations (6504 infants), with 78% having indicated delivery. Of the 22% with discretionary delivery, nearly 40% required NICU admission. With each advancing week of gestation, there was a significant decrease in incidence of NICU admission and nursery days. CONCLUSION: The majority of preterm deliveries were indicated, though 22% were discretionary. It is vital to consider neonatal morbidity and costs related to gestational age when choosing discretionary delivery.  相似文献   
The increasing demands of clinical audit have resulted in the need for accurate data collection. The use of tumour maps allows standardization of the records of patients with head and neck cancer, which facilitates collation of data in multicentre studies and makes interdepartmental comparisons more meaningful. The aim of this study was to develop an improved standard set of tumour maps for recording the stage of head and neck tumours. A review of the existing tumour diagrams was performed to identify those anatomical areas that are not adequately represented or where ambiguity exists. The areas where improvements could be made were identified as: (1) the anterior commissure of the larynx; (2) axial and sagittal views of the larynx; (3) the pyriform fossa and cervical oesophagus; (4) the oropharynx and vallecula; (5) the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses; and (6) cervical nodal involvement. A new set of tumour maps is presented in an attempt to correct some of the limitations of the existing diagrams.  相似文献   
It has earlier been proposed by the author that the aetiology of schizophrenic symptomatology may be due to the presence of abnormally connected interhemispheric fibres which link specialised functions in the brains of schizophrenics that are not connected in normal subjects, and that the neuroleptic drugs may produce their action through a local anaesthetic-like effect in suppression of conduction in these fibres. This line of thought has been extended here to consider the possible mechanism of action of the neuroleptic drugs in more detail, as well as that of the tricyclic antidepressant drugs which are derivatives of the phenothiazine group. Pharmacological similarities with the local anaesthetics both structurally and functionally have been considered, as well as the effects that these drug groups may have in common with the lithium salts. It has been suggested that these drugs all produce their primary effect on cell membranes, though not necessarily at the synapse, that the time course of their clinical effect may correlate with their incorporation into various cell membranes within the CNS, and that they may thus bring about a fundamental alteration in cell membrane microstructure. The possible role of electroconvulsive therapy has also been considered. The corollary of this argument is that the affective disorders may be genetically determined diseases of cell membrane microstructure.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: We systematically assessed the efficacy and safety of appetite stimulants in the management of cancer-related anorexia. Literature databases were searched for randomized controlled trials of appetite stimulants in the treatment of cancer anorexia. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Studies were graded according to quality. Fifty-five studies met inclusion criteria. RESULTS: Only two drugs have evidence to support their use for anorexia (progestins and corticosteroids). There is strong evidence against the use of hydrazine sulfate. The outcomes of these trials have been mixed and patient population heterogeneous. CONCLUSION: The optimal dose, time to start, and duration of treatment for many appetite stimulants for cancer anorexia is still unknown. A more systematic approach to research methodology with universal outcome measure and prospective randomized studies are need. Combination regimens are needed but this cannot at the present time be supported by the data presented.  相似文献   
Retroperitoneal sarcomas are rare tumors representing 0.1% to 0.2% of all malignant tumors. They are usually revealed by an abdominal mass (33%), possibly associated with pain (41%). Edema of the lower limbs is reported in 10% of cases. Acute renal failure with anuria by bilateral ureteral compression, associated with invasion of the inferior vena cava has not been previously reported.  相似文献   
Abstract: This paper dicusses the use of esophageal dilatation with a Rigiflex TTS balloon. This method was used 45 times on 11 patients affected by anastomotic or a severe grade peptic esophageal stenosis. Fluoroscopic guidance was used in 36 procedures (80%) without effecting the mean duration of the treatment (12 minutes). The results were considered satisfactory when these goals had been achieved: a) dilatation of the stenosis over 15 mm; b) a dysphagia free-time of more than 6 months. A satisfactory result was achieved in 10 patients (90.9%), without deaths and major complications. 5 patients received 1 dilatation and the other 5 needed, 3-3-4-7–11 procedures respectively to obtain a satisfactory result. On these basis we consider that its great efficacy, security and tolerability depend on the following characteristics of the Rigiflex TTS balloon: 1) “radial” dilatation; 2) the possibility of introducing the balloon through the operative channel of the fiberscope; 3) direct visualization of the stenosis during dilatation. The following disadvantages with this method are: the absence of a tactile sensation of dilatation and the elevated cost of the instrument. We conclude that the Rigiflex TTS balloon is an important alternative to guide-wire techniques, especially for the treatment of severe esophageal strictures.  相似文献   
Febrile seizures     
A door-to-door survey was carried out to screen a community of 14,010 people (Parsis living in colonies in Bombay, India) for possible neurological diseases. High school graduates, social workers, and a medical student administered a screening questionnaire that, in a pilot study, had a high sensitivity for identifying febrile seizures in children under the age of 14 years. Neurologists used defined diagnostic criteria to evaluate individuals positive on the screening survey. There were 1,581 children under the age of 14 years. Twenty-eight children (19 boys, 9 girls) suffered from febrile seizures (17.7/1,000 population). The present prevalence study is the first from India and suggests that, contrary to expectation, the frequency of febrile seizures may be no different in developing and developed countries.  相似文献   
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