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Sickle cell anemia (SCA) is an inherited hematological disorder that causes a large but neglected global health burden, particularly in Africa. Hydroxyurea represents the only available disease‐modifying therapy for SCA, and has proven safety and efficacy in high‐resource countries. In sub‐Saharan Africa, there is minimal use of hydroxyurea, due to lack of data, absence of evidence‐based guidelines, and inexperience among healthcare providers.


A partnership was established between investigators in North America and sub‐Saharan Africa, to develop a prospective multicenter research protocol designed to provide data on the safety, feasibility, and benefits of hydroxyurea for children with SCA.


The Realizing Effectiveness Across Continents with Hydroxyurea (REACH, ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01966731) trial is a prospective, phase I/II open‐label dose escalation study of hydroxyurea that will treat a total of 600 children age 1–10 years with SCA: 150 at each of four different clinical sites within sub‐Saharan Africa (Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, and Uganda). The primary study endpoint will be severe hematological toxicities that occur during the fixed‐dose treatment phase. REACH has an adaptive statistical design that allows for careful assessment of toxicities to accurately identify a safe hydroxyurea dose.


REACH will provide data that address critical gaps in knowledge for the treatment of SCA in sub‐Saharan Africa. By developing local expertise with the use of hydroxyurea and helping to establish treatment guidelines, the REACH trial results will have the potential to transform care for children with SCA in Africa. Pediatr Blood Cancer © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Summary. The 5′ terminal region of the genomic RNA of grapevine virus A (GVA), a tentative member of the Trichovirus genus, encompassing 5 466 nucleotides, was sequenced. Evidence was obtained that the RNA is capped. Two putative open reading frames (ORF) were identified: ORF 1 that codes for a 194 kDa polypeptide with conserved motifs of replication-related proteins of positive-strand RNA viruses, and ORF 2 that encodes a 19 kDa polypeptide with no significant homology with protein sequences from databases. This polypeptide, however, showed 44% similarity with the product expressed by a comparable ORF present in grapevine virus B (GVB). GVA genome had the same size and structural organization as that of GVB. It also had the same size of the genome of apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV), the type species of the Trichovirus genus, but differed substantially in the number (5 versus 3), size, and order of genes. Differences existed also in the degree of sequence homology between polymerases, which did not cluster together in phylogenetic trees. Definitive (ACLSV, PVT) and tentative (GVA, GVB) trichovirus species differ molecularly, biologically and epidemiologically to an extent that warrants the taxonomic revision of the genus. Received June 19, 1996 Accepted September 17, 1996  相似文献   
Two double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) segments of a virus with a bipartite genome identified in fig (Ficus carica L.) and denoted Fig cryptic virus (FCV) were cloned and sequenced. Viral dsRNAs are 1696 bp (RNA-1) and 1415 bp (RNA-2) in size. RNA-1 contains a single ORF (1419 nt) potentially encoding a 54 kDa protein and comprising the conserved amino acid motifs of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) domain of species of the genus Alphacryptovirus. Its full-length amino acid sequence has the highest identity with Raphanus sativus cryptic virus 2 (RsCV-2) (36%), Beet cryptic virus 3 (BCV-3) (36%) and Fragaria chiloensis cryptic virus (FCCV) (34%). RNA-2 has also a single ORF (1014 nt) coding for a polypeptide with a predicted molecular mass of 38 kDa, identified as the viral coat protein (CP). In a phylogenetic tree constructed with the amino acid sequences of the RdRp domain, FCV clusters in a clade comprising BCV-3 and a number of tentative species of the genus Alphacryptovirus. FCV is not mechanically transmissible. It was detected in fig orchards of six Mediterranean countries (Albania, Algeria, Italy, Lebanon, Syria and Tunisia) where it does not seem to induce a visible disease.  相似文献   
Evidence by functional imaging studies suggests the role of left DLPFC in the inhibitory control of nociceptive transmission system. Pain exerts an inhibitory modulation on motor cortex, reducing MEP amplitude, while the effect of pain on motor intracortical excitability has not been studied so far. In the present study, we explored in healthy subjects the effect of capsaicin-induced pain and the modulatory influences of left DLPFC stimulation on motor corticospinal and intracortical excitability. Capsaicin was applied on the dorsal surface of the right hand, and measures of motor corticospinal excitability (test-MEP) and short intracortical inhibition (SICI) and facilitation (ICF) were obtained by paired-pulse TMS on left motor cortex. Evaluations were made before and at different times after capsaicin application in two separate sessions: without and with high-frequency rTMS of left DLPF cortex, delivered 10 min. after capsaicin application. We performed also two control experiments to explore: 1: the effects of Left DLPFC rTMS on capsaicin-induced pain; 2: the modulatory influence of left DLPFC rTMS on motor cortex without capsaicin application. Capsaicin-induced pain significantly reduced test MEP amplitude and decreased SICI leaving ICF unchanged. Left DLPFC rTMS, together with the analgesic effect, was able to revert the effects of capsaicin-induced pain on motor cortex restoring normal MEP and SICI levels. These data support the notion that that tonic pain exerts modulatory influence on motor intracortical excitability; the activation of left DLPFC by hf rTMS could have analgesic effects, reverting also the motor cortex excitability changes induced by pain stimulation.  相似文献   
Two new compounds (1, 2) and 16 apocarotenoids (3-18) were isolated from the weed Chenopodium album. The structures of new apocarotenoids were determined to be (3R,6R,7E,9E,11E)-3-hydroxy-13-apo-alpha-caroten-13-one (1) and (6S,7E,9E,11E)-3-oxo-13-apo-alpha-caroten-13-one (2) by spectroscopic, NMR, and MS analysis. Five of the known compounds (5, 6, 13, 15, and 17) were previously reported only as synthetic compounds. Effects of these compounds on germination and growth of Lactuca sativa (lettuce) were studied in the 10(-4)-10(-7) M concentration range.  相似文献   
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