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We report a 31-year-old female with t(8;21)(q22;q22) acute myeloid leukemia (AML), M2 in the FAB classification. Complete remission was achieved with daunorubicin and cytarabine induction therapy followed by three courses of high-dose cytarabine consolidation. Only 3 months later, the patient relapsed with granulocytic sarcomas (GSs) in her rhinopharynx, external acoustic meatus, and bone marrow. She received focal radiation for the GSs and successfully underwent reinduction chemotherapy. Subsequently, she received a matched related donor peripheral blood stem cell transplantation followed by high-dose chemotherapy and is now in a second remission. We summarized 79 reported cases of t(8;21) AML with GS and reviewed the literature to identify differences in the characteristics of t(8;21) AML with GS between adults and children. To our knowledge, this is the first report of pharyngeal GS in t(8;21) AML, and focal irradiation plus more intensive postinduction therapy during first remission, such as allogeneic-SCT, may be effective in adult t(8;21) AML patients with GS.  相似文献   
Purpose. To elucidate the current status of cancer rehabilitation in institutions nationwide.

Method. A questionnaire survey regarding the current status of cancer rehabilitation in 1693 healthcare institutions was conducted by mail. The survey first asked whether rehabilitation was being conducted for cancer patients and, in facilities in which it was being conducted, it then asked about the content of the rehabilitation, the stage of the cancer patients, etc. Facilities in which cancer rehabilitation was not being conducted were surveyed in regard to whether there was a need for cancer rehabilitation.

Results. Valid replies were obtained from 1045 (62.0%) institutions and 864 (82.7%) of them conducted rehabilitation for cancer patients. A high proportion of the content of the rehabilitation was found to be related to physical function. Activities of daily living guidance and training were also found to be conducted in a high proportion. Low proportions of the facilities conducted content that was specialized for cancer. Of the 181 facilities in which rehabilitation was not being conducted for cancer patients, 171 (94.5%) replied that they felt that rehabilitation was needed for cancer patients.

Conclusions. Based on the results of this fact-finding survey it will be necessary to consider strategies for popularizing and developing rehabilitation programmes for cancer patients in Japan.  相似文献   
Platelet counts measured by automated blood cell counter often show spuriously high values when measuring samples contain particles of equal size to platelets. The major cause of spuriously high platelet counts in samples with fragmented red cells (FRC) is thought to be the FRC themselves. We studied the correlation between FRC and spuriously high platelet counts in 40 patients demonstrating FRC on blood smears. FRC were measured by manual hemocytometry and by flow cytometry using a monoclonal antibody against glycophorin A (GPA method). There was a significant correlation between spuriously high platelet counts and FRC by manual hemocytometry (r=0.60, p<0.001) or FRC by the GPA method (r=0.45, p<0.005). These data suggest that FRC are the major cause of spuriously high platelet counts in samples with FRC.  相似文献   
We report the spontaneous patterning of polymer microgels by confining a polymer blend within microspheres. A poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) and gelatin solution was confined inside water-in-oil (W/O) microdroplets coated with a layer of zwitterionic lipids: dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (PC). The droplet confinement affected the kinetics of the phase separation, wetting, and gelation after a temperature quench, which determined the final microgel pattern. The gelatin-rich phase completely wetted to the PE membrane and formed a hollow microcapsule as a stable state in the PE droplets. Gelation during phase separation varied the relation between the droplet size and thickness of the capsule wall. In the case of the PC droplets, phase separation was completed only for the smaller droplets, wherein the microgel partially wetted the PC membrane and had a hemisphere shape. In addition, the temperature decrease below the gelation point increased the interfacial tension between the PEG/gelatin phases and triggered a dewetting transition. Interestingly, the accompanying shape deformation to minimize the interfacial area was only observed for the smaller PC droplets. The critical size decreased as the gelatin concentration increased, indicating the role of the gel elasticity as an inhibitor of the deformation. Furthermore, variously patterned microgels with spherically asymmetric shapes, such as discs and stars, were produced as kinetically trapped states by regulating the incubation time, polymer composition, and droplet size. These findings demonstrate a way to regulate the complex shapes of microgels using the interplay among phase separation, wetting, and gelation of confined polymer blends in microdroplets.The regulation of the 3D shapes of biopolymer gels at the mesoscale has numerous applications in the biomedical, cosmetic, and food materials industries, among others (1). Recently, top-down and bottom-up approaches have been reported to control the mesoscopic patterns of polymer gels. For example, photolithography and two-photon polymerization allow the regulation of gel patterns at the mesoscale (24). The advanced design of the molecules enables polymerization with a self-assembly and produces nonspherical microgels: spherical particles with a cavity, capsules, and cubic particles (57). However, these methods require highly specialized equipment and are generally difficult to adapt for biopolymer gels.Dynamical coupling between phase separation and sol–gel transition in polymer blends has also been investigated for the spontaneous formation of spherical microgels and a porous gel (8, 9). Ma et al. (10) and Choi et al. (11) confined aqueous two-phase systems (ATPSs) in microdroplets and fabricated microgels by selective polymerization. In such a confined space, phase separation accompanies wetting of a polymer to the substrate (1215). Although the selective polymerization of phase-separated polymers in microdroplets has a great potential to produce variously shaped microgels, the dynamical coupling among the phase separation, wetting, and gelation of polymers in a confined space remains unclear (16). If it was better understood, the shapes of polymer microgels could be regulated in a self-organized manner.In the present work, we used gelatin, one of the most popular biopolymer gels, and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) as the desolvating agent because PEG leads to phase separation for various biopolymers, such as proteins and DNA (17). The gelatin/PEG solution was confined in water-in-oil (W/O) microdroplets coated by a lipid layer, wherein the phase separation and sol–gel transition of the gelatin occur with a decrease in the temperature (1820). This process led to gelation after and during the phase separation in the presence of the interactions between the polymers and lipid membranes. We analyzed the pattern formation of the gelatin microgel as a function of the temperature history, droplet size, and polymer composition. We found that variously shaped microgels appeared as stable states and kinetically trapped states. These findings yield a method to regulate the shapes of polymer microgels using the interplay among the interfacial tensions, elastic properties of the gels, and interactions between the polymers and the surfaces of the droplets.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: We studied the effects of the age and/or disease duration in diabetics on the progression of diabetic retinopathy (DR). METHODS: The population consisted of 3614 type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) patients. The subjects were divided into three age groups (elderly, > or = 65 years old; middle-aged, 64-40 years old, and younger < 40 years old) for disease duration-adjusted comparison with and without DR and proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR). Then, in 503 patients with 8-year follow-up data available, the frequency of development/progression of DR and the rate of progression to PDR were compared among the three groups. Thirdly, in the elderly patients, DR prevalence and the frequency of the development/progression of DR were compared between two groups with different diabetes duration (> or = 6 years and < or = 5 years). RESULTS: The prevalence of DR increased significantly with age (P < 0.001). The prevalence of PDR decreased significantly with age (P < 0.001). The overall frequency of the development and/or progression of DR increased significantly with age (P = 0.002); however, age was not related to the frequency of progression to PDR. In the patients with diabetes duration of 6-15 years, the frequency of the development/progression of DR and of progression to PDR after an 8-year follow up tended to decrease with age. Elderly patients with a diabetes duration of > or = 6 years showed significantly higher rate of prevalence of DR and frequency of development/progression of DR in an 8-year period than those with diabetes of a shorter duration (P < 0.001 and P < 0.001, respectively). CONCLUSION: In elderly DM patients, the prevalence of DR was increased even in the short duration and development/progression rates of DR were increased, while the relative frequency of PDR was decreased. Older-onset DM patients appear to be at a lower risk for progression to PDR.  相似文献   
Shiga toxin (Stx) is a major virulence factor of Stx-producing Escherichia coli. Recently, we developed a therapeutic Stx neutralizer with 6 trisaccharides of globotriaosyl ceramide, a receptor for Stx, in its dendrimer structure (referred to as "SUPER TWIG [1]6") to function in the circulation. Here, we determined the optimal structure of SUPER TWIG for it to function in the circulation and identified a SUPER TWIG with 18 trisaccharides, SUPER TWIG (2)18, as another potent Stx neutralizer. SUPER TWIGs (1)6 and (2)18 shared a structural similarity, a dumbbell shape in which 2 clusters of trisaccharides were connected via a linkage with a hydrophobic chain. The dumbbell shape was found to be required for formation of a complex with Stx that enables efficient uptake and degradation of Stx by macrophages and, consequently, for potent Stx-neutralizing activity in the circulation. We also determined the binding site of the SUPER TWIGs on Stx.  相似文献   
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