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Zusammenfassung Anhand von Daten aus zwei Bevölkerungsumfragen zur Einstellung gegenüber psychisch Kranken wird untersucht, welchen Einfluss die Variation der Perspektive-die des Befragten selbst versus die der anderen-auf das Befragungsergebnis hat. Wie erwartet fällt das Urteil über psychisch Kranke positiver aus, wenn nach der eigenen Meinung gefragt wird, als wenn man das Urteil der anderen einschätzen lässt. Der Unterschied zwischen beiden Frageformulierungen nimmt mit dem Grad der Schulbildung zu und erreicht bei Personen mit Abitur ein substantiell bedeutsames Ausmass. Darüber hinaus sind die Antworten eindeutiger und pointierter, wenn nach der persönlichen Meinung gefragt wird.
Summary The impact of the change in perspective (i.e. the personal opinion of those questioned versus what they perceive the others' opinion toward the mentally ill to be) on the results of the questionnaire is examined based on data from two population surveys measuring attitudes towards the mentally ill. As expected, the respondents' attitudes towards the mentally ill are more positive if they are asked to give their own opinion. The impact that the variation of the two formulations of these questions has on the respondents increases with their level of education and reaches a substantial amount among those with Abitur. Furthermore, the answers are clearer and more definite if those questioned are asked for their personal opinion.

Résumé L'impact d'un changement de perspective (opinion personnelle comparée à l'opinion générale telle qu'elle est personnellement perçue) est examiné dans le cadre de deux études de population mesurant l'attitude envers les malades psychiques. Comme on pouvait s'y attendre, l'attitude des répondants est beaucoup plus positive lorsqu'il s'agit de leur opinion personnelle. La divergence entre l'opinion personnelle et la perception de l'opinion générale augmente au fur et à mesure que le niveau d'éducation s'accroît. Les réponses sont d'autre part bien plus clairement formulées lorsque les personnes experiment leur opinion personnelle.
According to the "Population-based cancer register" of the Federal Republic of Germany only malignant neoplasms of the buccal cavity, the pharynx and larynx as well as cancers of the respiratory tract show an increasing rate of incidence and mortality. The molecular mechanisms and etiological factors causing this phenomenon are still little understood despite intensive research work. Recognition between receptors on a cellular level may be mediated by specific amino acid sequences on the level of protein-protein recognition. Additionally, the interactions between cell sugars and the corresponding protein receptor may play a decisive role in development, regeneration and organisation of cells and tissue. The high specificity of the binding of biotinylated neoglycoproteins in tissue sections enables to detect glycohistochemically binding sites for the carbohydrate ligands of the glycosylated carrier protein. The evidence of lectins in squamous cell cancer of the oral cavity, oropharynx, larynx, and hypopharynx has not been established so far. Squamous cell cancer tissue samples of twelve patients with different tumour locations were investigated by incubation of sections of paraffin-embedded samples and application of an avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex for visualisation with synthetic biotinylated neoglycoproteins. Altogether 168 stained sections were evaluated including controls. Pronounced cytoplasmatic staining was seen with the following neoglycoproteins: sialic acid-bovine serum albumin (BSA), glucuronic acid-BSA, N-acetylglucosamine (glcNAc)-BSA, N-acetylgalactosamine (beta-galNAc)-BSA, lactose-BSA, maltose-BSA, mannose-BSA, mannose-6-phosphate-BSA. No corresponding lectins seems to exist for the following investigated sugars: fucoidan, heparin, and the alpha-anomeric form of N-acetylgalactosamine, because no specific staining was seen.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Mit Hilfe eines Persönlichkeitsfragebogens (Gießen-Test), der von beiden Eltern und dem schizophrenen Kranken bei dessen Entlassung aus der ersten stationären psychiatrischen Behandlung ausgefüllt worden war, wurde die Personenwahrnehmung und damit mittelbar die Beziehung in der Familie untersucht. Über alle drei Selbstbilder und sechs Fremdbilder von insgesamt 28 Familien mit einem schizophrenen Sohn sowie von 29 als Vergleichsgruppe dienenden Familien mit einem chirurgisch kranken Sohn wurde eine Clusteranalyse berechnet, die die Abgrenzung von fünf Clustern erlaubte, von denen zwei vor allem durch Familien mit Schizophrenen und zwei vor allem durch solche mit organisch kranken Söhnen gebildet wurden; ein Cluster war unspezifisch. Ein 2-Jahres-follow-up ergab, daß 13 schizophrene Kranke erneut die Klinik aufsuchen mußten. Es fand sich keine statistisch bedeutsame Beziehung zwischen den untersuchten psychiatrischen und soziodemographischen Parametern und dem Rehospitalisierungsrisiko. Als besonders gefährdet erwiesen sich jedoch Familien, in denen sich nach den Ergebnissen der Clusteranalyse ein Konflikt zwischen Eltern und Sohn um die Definition als Kranker auf dem Hintergrund rigider Normvorstellungen abbildete. Die Übernahme der Krankenrolle durch den Patienten ging hingegen nur in der Hälfte der Fälle mit einer Rehospitalisierung einher, führte also nicht zwangsläufig zur Ausgrenzung aus dem Familienverband. Söhne aus Familien, die als besonders gesund imponierten, aber auch Söhne aus Familien mit dominanten Müttern wurden im Untersuchungszeitraum nicht erneut in die Klinik aufgenommen.
Summary Patterns of personal relationships within the families of male schizophrenic patients, and their relationship to clinical course and outcome, were examined by means of a personality questionnaire (Gießen-Test), completed by both parents and by the schizophrenic patient himself at the time of discharge from his first psychiatric in-patient treatment. The test yields scores related to the self-perceptions of the individual and to his perceptions of the other nuclearfamily members. A cluster analysis was performed on all three self-perception scores and six scores of the perceptions the three family members had of each other, for a total of 28 families each with a schizophrenic son and for a control group of 29 families each with a surgically-ill son. This analysis allowed five clusters to be distinguished, two of which consisted predominantly of families with schizophrenic sons and two predominantly of families with surgically-ill sons. The remaining cluster comprised a mixed group. A two-year follow-up showed that 13 schizophrenic patients had been readmitted to hospital. There was no statistically significant relationship between the psychiatric and sociodemographic parameters examined and the re-hospitalization rate. Readmissions were, however, more frequent from families in which the research findings had indicated conflicting mutual perceptions of parents and sons, against a background of rigid notions of normality. Acceptance by the patient of the notion of being ill was associated with re-hospitalization in only about half of the cases, so that it had not necessarily led to rejection by the family unit. No patients were readmitted during the follow-up period from families which had represented themselves as particularly healthy, or from families with dominant mothers.

Teil des von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft unterstützten Projektes Interaktion in Familien mit Schizophrenen  相似文献   
PURPOSE: Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) represent a distinctive (but histologically heterogeneous) group of neoplasms, the malignant potential of which is often uncertain. To determine the prognostic relevance of p16INK4 alterations in GISTs, we investigated a larger group of GISTs and correlated the genetic findings with clinicopathological factors and patient survival. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We evaluated the methylation status of the promotor by methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the presence of mutations by PCR-SSCP-sequencing, the loss of heterozygosity at the p16INK4 locus (using the c5.1 marker), and the immunohistochemical expression of p16INK4 protein in 43 GISTs in 39 patients. RESULTS: p16INK4 alterations were found in 25 of 43 GISTs (58.1%), with benign, borderline, or malignant GISTs showing no differences in the type and frequency of alteration. p16INK4 alterations were correlated with a loss of p16INK4 protein expression (P <.01). Patients who had tumors with p16INK4 alterations had a poorer prognosis than patients with tumors without such alterations (P =.02). There was a high predictive value for p16INK4 alterations only in the group of benign and borderline GISTs (P <.01) with regard to clinical outcome. Univariate Cox's proportional hazard regression analysis revealed a strong correlation between p16INK4 alterations, tumor size, mitotic index, and overall survival (P <.02), whereas multivariate Cox's analysis confirmed only p16INK4 alterations as an independent prognostic factor. CONCLUSION: We believe that the evaluation of p16INK4 alteration status is a helpful prognosticator, particularly in the benign and borderline groups of GISTs.  相似文献   
This report reviews the current theories on the deposition of inhaled particulates in the human nose. The inhalation of particulates represents a challenge to the upper respiratory tract. The concentration of airborne particulates and pollutants varies between occupational and nonoccupational exposure. Regional deposition of potentially hazardous inhaled material determines the local and systemic toxicity. In vitro experiments using casting and molding techniques with water dye models or laser Doppler anemometry indicate that nasal airflow is determined by the size of the nasal valve and the turbinates. The main airstream during inspiration passes through the lower nasal passage. Filtration capacity of the human nose can be expressed mathematically or experimentally. In vivo experiments applying monodisperse or polydisperse aerosols during single or multiple respiratory cycles have shown by using microscopic or laser-optic identification that particles larger than 3µm have a maximum deposition in the anterior part of the nose (nasal valve). Particles smaller than 3 µm and larger than 0.5 µm are filtered by the nasal mucosa and transported by cilia propulsion to the nasopharynx. The filtration for particles smaller than 0.5 µm is low. They seem to pass easily into the lower respiratory tract. This knowledge has an impact on nasal septal surgery and rhinoplasty. By influencing the structure of the nasal valve and the lower turbinates, the filtration capacity of the nose can be significantly decreased.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION: Some 5-10% of all cases of breast cancer and ovarian cancer have a hereditary genesis. In the setting of an interdisciplinary cancer genetics clinic, a study of the age at which patients first take advantage of early cancer detection (ECD) facilities was conducted in order to assess the influence of familial risk on health issues. METHODS: The study included 556 women who fulfilled the inclusion criteria (IC) for genetic analysis of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, as well as 205 who did not meet these criteria but attended the primary consultation. RESULTS: Consulters who met the inclusion criteria took advantage of nearly all methods of ECD at an earlier time than women who did not. A comparison of consulters with or without breast cancer showed that those without breast cancer participated in all methods of ECD at an earlier time. CONCLUSION: Methods of improving and increasing participation in ECD facilities, and of encouraging women who are at risk to start on such programs at a younger age, need to be discussed. In this study, familial risk already resulted in a younger age of uptake of ECD facilities.  相似文献   
BackgroundRisk-adjusted cancer screening and prevention is a promising and continuously emerging option for improving cancer prevention. It is driven by increasing knowledge of risk factors and the ability to determine them for individual risk prediction. However, there is a knowledge gap between evidence of increased risk and evidence of the effectiveness and efficiency of clinical preventive interventions based on increased risk. This gap is, in particular, aggravated by the extensive availability of genetic risk factor diagnostics, since the question of appropriate preventive measures immediately arises when an increased risk is identified. However, collecting proof of effective preventive measures, ideally by prospective randomized preventive studies, typically requires very long periods of time, while the knowledge about an increased risk immediately creates a high demand for action.SummaryTherefore, we propose a risk-adjusted prevention concept that is based on the best current evidence making needed and appropriate preventive measures available, and which is constantly evaluated through outcome evaluation, and continuously improved based on these results. We further discuss the structural and procedural requirements as well as legal and socioeconomical aspects relevant for the implementation of this concept.  相似文献   
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