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Objectives/Hypothesis: Vocal rehabilitation of patients who have undergone laryngectomy is best accomplished by a tracheoesophageal puncture. Optimal function of the prosthesis requires an adequate stoma. Patients with tracheostomal stenosis require revision of the stoma if vocal rehabilitation is to take place. Revision and tracheoesophageal placement are usually done as two separate procedures. Creating a tracheoesophageal fistula at the time of stomal revision has not been addressed in the literature. Study Design: Prospective analysis and follow-up of 10 patients undergoing simultaneous tracheoesophageal puncture and stomal revision for tracheostomal stenosis between 1991 and 1996. Methods: Ten patients were reviewed. An inferiorly based V-Y advancement flap was used so as not to interfere with the tracheoesophageal puncture. All patients had received radiation prior to revision and tracheoesophageal puncture. Patients were followed for a minimum of 2 years (range, 2–6 y; median, 3 y). Results: All patients maintained an adequate stoma without stenting. Eight of ten patients (80%) developed and maintained good tracheoesophageal speech. Two patients had their speech fistulas removed. There were no intraoperative or postoperative complications. Conclusions: Creation of a tracheoesophageal fistula at the time of stomal revision allows for vocal rehabilitation with a single visit to the operating room. Laryngoscope, 108:1509-1513, 1998  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of composition and deformation of biomedical stainless steels on mechanical properties, magnetic properties, and MRI artifacts. Type 304 and Type 316L samples were prepared using standard wire-drawing techniques. Mechanical properties were determined using standard test methods. The amount of ferromagnetic phase present was estimated using a Severn Gage and x-ray diffraction. Magnetic field attraction and artifacts were determined using previously described techniques. The strength of both steels increased significantly with increasing deformation. None of the type 316L wires transformed to the magnetic phase. The amount of magnetic phase in the type 304 wires increased with increasing deformation. There was no magnetic field attraction, and artifacts were minimal for all of type 316L wires and the undeformed type 304 wire. Deflection and artifacts were significant for the deformed type 304 stainless steel. These results provide guidance regarding the use of type 304 and type 316L stainless steels for bioimplants. In this regard, type 316L stainless steel seems to be a more acceptable material with respect to MR compatibility.  相似文献   
During a 26-year period (1961-1987), a total of 18 patients with primary non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) of the paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity received radiation therapy at (University of California at Los Angeles) UCLA Medical Center. At the time of diagnosis and using the available diagnostic methods, none of these patients had clinically detectable disease beyond the paranasal sinuses. All 18 patients were staged IE by the Ann-Arbor system. When the patients were staged according to the AJC staging system from epithelial tumors, half presented with advanced T3-4 disease. Diffuse histiocytic lymphoma was the most common histology (eight cases) and maxillary sinus, the most common site of origin (11 cases). All nine T1-2 tumors received radiation therapy alone, while radiation and chemotherapy was used in seven of nine advanced T3-4 staged tumors. The mean follow-up was 71 months. At last follow-up, eight of nine T1-2 patients were rendered disease-free. In contrast, only four of nine T3-4 patients had long-term disease-free survival. Seventy-five percent of the failure occurred within 2 years. Radiation therapy alone achieves high local control in small tumors (T1-2), while large tumors (T3-4) require aggressive combined treatment, i.e., radiation and chemotherapy.  相似文献   
Psychophysical functions are used to characterize both normal perception and altered perception among patients with neglect, yet the reliability of these functions is rarely examined. The present study examined two-week, test-retest reliability for power functions derived from line bisection data among 58 normal, young and old, male and female subjects. Power function exponents and constants were, at best, moderately reliable over time. The size of the exponent tended to decrease at retesting. Reliability coefficients varied by age and gender; they were highly significant for young men, marginally significant for older men, and non-significant for women. Race influenced reliability as coefficients were significant for Caucasian subjects but not for African American subjects. Age and gender effects in this study parallel those in the literature on pseudoneglect, and they may reflect hemispheric differences in visuo-spatial processing, magnitude estimation, or both.  相似文献   
In this paper, the authors quantitate the anisotropy of susceptibility effects in an uniaxial trabecular bone model and show its relevance to clinical MR bone mineral density measurements. A physical model is described that quantitates the anisotropic MR behavior of uniaxial trabecular bone. To test the model, a phantom of parallel polyethylene filaments was scanned every 15° between 0° and 90° with respect to the system's main magnetic field (B0). The distal radial metaphysis of a healthy female volunteer was scanned in orthogonal projections. The signal from each phantom image and each radial image was separated in a pixel-wise fashion into R2 and R2′ maps. As predicted, R2′ relaxation showed anisotropic behavior and changed according to sin2 (?), confirming that columnar structures parallel with B0 will cause no MR susceptibility effects. Scans of the distal radius showed that R2′ relaxation was twice as great with the forearm perpendicular to B0 as when it was parallel to it, demonstrating different contributions from struts and columns. For both phantom and radial bone scans, R2 relaxation was isotropic and did not change with object orientation.  相似文献   
Pancreatitis after parathyroidectomy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
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