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Critically Appraised Topics (CATs) are a useful tool that helps physicians to make clinical decisions as the healthcare moves towards the practice of Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM). The fast growing World Wide Web has provided a place for physicians to share their appraised topics online, but an increasing amount of time is needed to find a particular topic within such a rich repository.


A web-based application, namely the CAT Crawler, was developed by Singapore's Bioinformatics Institute to allow physicians to adequately access available appraised topics on the Internet. A meta-search engine, as the core component of the application, finds relevant topics following keyword input. The primary objective of the work presented here is to evaluate the quantity and quality of search results obtained from the meta-search engine of the CAT Crawler by comparing them with those obtained from two individual CAT search engines. From the CAT libraries at these two sites, all possible keywords were extracted using a keyword extractor. Of those common to both libraries, ten were randomly chosen for evaluation. All ten were submitted to the two search engines individually, and through the meta-search engine of the CAT Crawler. Search results were evaluated for relevance both by medical amateurs and professionals, and the respective recall and precision were calculated.


While achieving an identical recall, the meta-search engine showed a precision of 77.26% (±14.45) compared to the individual search engines' 52.65% (±12.0) (p < 0.001).


The results demonstrate the validity of the CAT Crawler meta-search engine approach. The improved precision due to inherent filters underlines the practical usefulness of this tool for clinicians.
The transplanted kidney as a source of cytomegalovirus infection.   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
To determine the incidence of cytomegalovirus infection in renal-transplant recipients we followed 32 prospectively for six months after operation. As judged by serologic change and virus isolation the infection rate for the entire group was 66 per cent (21 of 32 patients) - 59 per cent (13 of 22) for seronegative patients and 80 per cent (eight of 10) for seropositive patients. Of 10 seronegative patients who received kidneys from seronegative donors, only three became infected. However, of 12 seronegative patients who received kidneys from seropositive donors, 10 became infected. Thus, there was a significant correlation between development of infection and seropositivity of the donor (P = 0.03), particularly when the recipient was seronegative (P = 0.02). Five possible and four definite recognizable clinical illnesses were associated with cytomegalovirus infection; all except two were in initially seronegative subjects who received kidneys from seropositive donors. Primary infection and disease in nonimmune recipients may be caused by cytomegalovirus transmitted by the kidneys of latently infected seropositive donors.  相似文献   
Chondromyxoid fibroma is a rare benign cartilaginous bone tumour characterized by morphological features that resemble different steps of chondrogenesis in terms of both cellular morphology, ranging from spindled to rounded cells, and the extracellular matrix formed, which ranges from fibrous to cartilaginous. The presence in chondromyxoid fibroma of signalling molecules that regulate the spatial expression of proteins involved in normal cartilage proliferation and differentiation was investigated in samples from 20 patients and compared with articular chondrocytes from 11 normal donors cultivated in 3D pellet culture. Sections were stained with safranin-O and H&E, and immunohistochemistry was performed for p16, cyclin D1, FGFR3, BCL2, p21, PTHLH, PTHR1 and N-cadherin. Expression patterns were analysed using hierarchical clustering. In chondromyxoid fibroma, specific morphological features correlated with a distinct pattern of expression. Comparison with normal chondrocytes in pellet culture showed a striking morphological resemblance, but with an unmistakably different pattern of expression. N-cadherin, PTHLH, and PTHR1 were expressed to a significantly higher level (p < 0.01) in articular chondrocyte pellets but, conversely, there was significantly lower expression of cyclin D1, p16 and BCL2 (p < 0.05) in these cells. Morphological similarities reflect common steps in cartilage differentiation, albeit driven by different molecular mechanisms. The proteins we have found to be differentially expressed seem crucial for neoplastic chondrogenesis.  相似文献   
Listeriosis is a serious complication in patients undergoing treatment for cancer. We present antimicrobial susceptibility profiles of 84 clinical Listeria monocytogenes isolates. During 1955 to 1997, in vitro susceptibility for penicillin (97.6%), ampicillin (90.7%), erythromycin (98.8%), tetracycline (96.9%), and gentamicin (98.0%) remained unchanged. All isolates were susceptible to amikacin, ciprofloxacin, imipenem, rifampin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX), and vancomycin. High prevalence of clindamycin resistance (96.2%) was unexpected. Ampicillin plus gentamicin is standard therapy for systemic listerosis, and TMP-SMX may be used for patients with beta-lactam intolerance. In vitro susceptibility profiles for carbapenem and fluoronated quinolone are promising, although clinical validation is critically needed before routine use is advocated, especially for listeric patients with severe cellular immune defects.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of components of female plasma on the value of bioactive luteinizing hormone (LH), especially in the presence of low immunological LH value. Using both an immunoradiometric assay (IRMA) and rat Leydig cell bioassay, immunoreactive (I) and bioactive (B) LH were assessed in plasma collected from women during a gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) test performed on day 7 of a spontaneous cycle. Two modes of response to an acute administration of GnRH were defined: normal production of gonadotrophins (group I) and excessive secretion (group II) associated with a significant difference in the B/I-LH ratio between the two groups. The B/I-LH ratio did not vary with sampling time during the test in either group. The addition of LH-free plasma collected from hypophysectomized women caused a 30% decrease in testosterone production compared to control values (in the presence or absence of hLH standard). A partial restoration of testosterone production was observed if plasma was first treated with PEG 12%. The inhibitory factor(s) was also present in plasma from ovulatory women, even after treatment by an antibody against the entire LH molecule. The effect of normal (A) or low I-LH plasma (B) on testosterone production varied strongly according to the plasma volume added to the bioassay, as well as to plasma treatments. Diethylether treatment caused a 50% decrease in testosterone secretion for plasma B (but not for A) whereas a diminution of the steroidogenesis is observed after a PEG treatment of plasma A (but not for B), suggesting that different inhibitory factors are present in plasmas A and B. Therefore the LH bioactivity measured in the rat Leydig cell assay, in terms of testosterone output, seems to represent a balance between the LH molecule and the presence of inhibitory factors in the plasma.  相似文献   
A monoclonal antibody directed against a peptide (PS5) specified by RNA complementary to the mRNA coding for substance P (SP), was used to label SP receptors in the rat spinal cord as demonstrated by light and electron microscopy. An immunocytochemical method (avidin-biotin-peroxidase) was used on vibratome sections from rats perfused with paraformaldehyde. Immunoreactivity was observed principally in the two superficial layers of the dorsal horn, in lamina X and the region of motoneurons. The labeling was absent when the antibody was preincubated with the complementary peptide (PS5) used as immunogen. Competition between the anti-complementary peptide antibody and different ligands was tested by preincubation of tissue sections with the ligand in the presence of peptidase inhibitors before addition of the antibody. A specific agonist (SP) or antagonist (spantide, RP 67580) at 10−6M led to total absence of labeling. These results indicate that under our experimental conditions, the anti-complementary peptide antibody recognizes a SP binding site in the rat spinal cord. Electron microscopic study of the two superficial laminae of the dorsal horn showed that immunolabeling was mainly localized extracellularly at apposing neuronal plasma membranes. It was mostly associated with axodendritic or axosomatic appositions. Occasionally labeling was observed between two axon terminals. In all cases, these appositions were non junctional. Generally, neuronal processes involved in these appositions did not contain large granular vesicles. These observations suggest that SP may act in a diffuse, nonsynaptic manner probably on targets distant from SP release sites.  相似文献   
The numerical density of senile plaques (SP) and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) as revealed by the Glees silver method was compared with SP and NFT revealed by the Gallyas method and with amyloid (A4) deposits in immunostained sections in 6 elderly cases of Alzheimer's disease. The density of NFT was generally greater and A4 lower in tissue from hippocampus compared with the neocortex suggesting that A4 deposition was less important than the degree of paired helical filament (PHF) related damage in the hippocampus. The density of Glees SP was positively correlated Gallyas SP weakly correlated with A4 deposit number. A stepwise multiple regression analysis which included A4 deposit and Gallyas SP density and accounted for 54% of the variation in Glees SP density. Hence, different populations of SP were revealed by the different staining methods. The results suggested that the Glees method may stain a population of SP in a region of cortex where both amyloid deposition and neurofibrillary changes have occurred.  相似文献   
To date, there are no proven vaccines against any form of leishmaniasis. The development of live attenuated vectors shows promise in the field of Leishmania vaccination because these organisms mimic more effectively the course of real infections and can elicit potent activation of the immune system. In the present study, we investigated the potential of a parasitic protozoan that is nonpathogenic to humans, Leishmania tarentolae, as a live candidate vaccine that efficiently targets dendritic cells and lymphoid organs, thus enhancing antigen presentation and consequently influencing the magnitude and quality of T-cell immune responses. We demonstrated that L. tarentolae activates the dendritic cell maturation process and induces T-cell proliferation and the production of gamma interferon, thus skewing CD4(+) T cells toward a Th1 cell phenotype. More importantly, we found that a single intraperitoneal injection of L. tarentolae could elicit a protective immune response against infectious challenge with Leishmania donovani in susceptible BALB/c mice. These results suggest that the use of L. tarentolae as a live vaccine vector may represent a promising approach for improving the effectiveness and safety of candidate live vaccines against Leishmania infections and possibly other intracellular pathogens for which T-cell mediated responses are critical for the development of protective immunity.  相似文献   
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