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IgG antibody to gE, the Fc gamma-binding herpes simplex 1 (HSV-1) viral glycoprotein, was studied in 49 rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients and 43 normal controls. Antibody to gD, another important HSV-1 antigen, was assayed in parallel. No difference between RA patients and normal controls was found in levels of anti-gE antibody measured by reactivity of IgG F(ab')2 fragments reacting with gE coated to ELISA plates. No difference in anti-gD antibody was recorded between normals and patients with RA. Levels of IgG anti-IgE antibody did not correlate with quantitative elevations of serum rheumatoid factor (RF) in RA patients. When IgG anti-gE and anti-gD were assayed in 20 patients with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and 22 children controls, no significant differences were noted. However, when individual RFs from patients with RA were tested for reactivity against a panel of affinity-isolated F(ab')2 antibodies to gE, some evidence for individual autospecificity was obtained. Four of 20 monoclonal IgM RFs produced from RA patients' B cells showed marked elevations of reactivity with some RA patients' F(ab')2 antibodies to gE. All four of the monoclonal RFs showing this specificity were derived from RA synovial tissue B cells. These findings may provide support for the concept that some RFs in patients with RA show individual specificity for internal image determinants of IgG antibodies to viral Fc gamma-binding proteins.  相似文献   
Twenty-four mongrel dogs were anaesthetized with pentobarbitoneand morphine sulphate. Neuromuscular blockade was achieved usingpancuronium. Spinal cord blood flow was measured using the radionuclidemicrosphere and hydrogen washout methods before, during, andfollowing nitroglycerine-induced hypotension. Heart rate, meanarterial pressure, cardiac output, pulmonary capillary wedgepressure, and acid-base balance were determined with each measurement.Mean arterial pressure was reduced by 50%. Spinal cord bloodflow, as measured by the microsphere method, increased duringthe period of hypotension, whereas values obtained using thehydrogen washout method were not significantly different fromthose at normotension. No significant change in spinal cordblood flow was detected by either method after the applicationof spinal distraction. Nitroglycerine acts predominantly onvenous capacitance vessels and it is postulated that perfusionpressure, and therefore flow, is maintained despite a reductionin arterial pressure. Presented in part at the Anual Meeting of the American Societyof Anesthesiologists, October 1985, San Francisco, California. *Shackleton Department of Anaesthetics, Southampton GeneralHospital, Shirley, Southampton, Hants SO9 4XY. Section of Orthopedic Surgery, Madison, Wisconsin.  相似文献   
The Effects of Magnetic Resonance Imaging on Implantable Pulse Generators   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effects of magnetic resonance imaging were assessed on four dual chamber and two single chamber pulse generators. The tests were performed with a resistive, water-cooled magnet operating at 0.15 T. The 6.4-MHz radiofrequency (RF) field was operated at a maximum power of 1,000 watts with a period adjusted from 130 to 500 ms. Reed switch closure occurred in all six pulse generators tested when placed near the entrance of the magnetic resonance imaging scanner, and the generators reverted to asynchronous operation unless programmed to the "magnet off" mode. None of the pulse generators exhibited any alterations in programmed parameters or in the ability to be reprogrammed after RF pulsing. When the RF field was turned on, there was no change in the asynchronous paced cycle length in four pulse generators; however, during RF scanning there was rapid cardiac stimulation at the RF pulse period in one single chamber and one dual chamber pulse generator.  相似文献   
Feeding 0.001% estrone in a diet to C57BL/KsJ mice homozygous for the recessive obesity gene "diabetes" (db) permitted dissociation of the primary consequences of obesity gene expression from the secondary consequences of diabetes effected through interaction between the db gene and other diabetogenic genes in the inbred background. Estrone-treated db/db mice were similar to untreated mutants in exhibiting hyperphagia and marked obesity. However, estrone-treated mutants did not develop the hyperinsulinemia, hyperglycemia, and islet atrophy characteristic of untreated db/db mice. Thus, expression of the primary defect could be studied in the absence of the myriad secondary sequelae elicited by chronic hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia. Reduced numbers of hepatocyte plasma membrane insulin receptors (50% of normal) persisted in the estrone-treated mice in the absence of hyperinsulinemia, indicating that this deficiency was a consequence of the primary genetic defect and not merely a downregulation phenomenon secondary to hyperinsulinemia. Comparison of insulin secretion from comparably sized +/+ islets versus islets from estrone-treated db/db mice showed no intrinsic defects in beta-cell sensitivity to glucose. In conclusion, db-induced obesity can be dissociated from hyperinsulinemia, hyperglycemia, beta-cell dysfunction, and hyperphagia but is associated with a generalized membrane defect reflected in part by the persistent deficiency of plasma membrane insulin receptors.  相似文献   
Three cases are presented with computed tomographic evidence of gas in retroperitoneal soft tissues in association with the so-called "vacuum phenomenon" (Knutsson sign) in lumbar disks. We review the explanations of Knutsson sign and offer an explanation of how extradiscal gas can occur in association with it.  相似文献   
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) was fed at 0.1-0.4% in the diet to genetically diabetic (db/db) or obese (ob/ob) C57BL/KsJ (BL/Ks) or C57BL/6J (BL/6) mice. Treatment of BL/Ks-db/db or ob/ob mice with 0.4% DHEA prevented hyperglycemia, islet atrophy, and severe diabetes associated with this inbred background, but did not affect weight gain and food consumption. Homozygous obese (ob) or diabetes (db) mice on the BL/6 background were more sensitive to DHEA, and the mild, transient hyperglycemia associated with ob or db gene expression on the BL/6 inbred background could be prevented by 0.1% DHEA. Both body weight and food consumption were decreased in BL/6 mutants maintained on 0.1% DHEA whereas this effect was not seen in BL/Ks mutants fed up to 0.4% DHEA. Early therapy with 0.4% DHEA, initiated at 2 wk of age, prevented the development of most diabetes symptoms and decreased the rate of weight gain in pups of all genotypes. In addition to therapeutic effects on both obese mutants, DHEA effected significant changes in an aging study using normal BL/6 female mice. Four weeks of DHEA treatment initiated at 2 yr of age improved glucose tolerance and at the same time reduced plasma insulin to a "younger" level. This suggests that DHEA may act in insulin-resistant mutant mice and in aging normal mice to increase the sensitivity to insulin.  相似文献   
The neurotoxic potential of N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide (DEET) wasevaluated following acute oral administration or following multigenerationplus chronic dietary administration to the rat. For the acutestudy, rats were administered undiluted DEET at dose levelsof 50, 200, or 500 mg/kg by gavage. A dose level of 500 mg/kgwas considered to be the highest practical dose that could beevaluated in this study based upon observations of overt toxicityat 500 mg/kg and mortality at 1000 mg/ kg in a dose range-findingstudy. The two measures of neurotoxicity evaluated in the acutestudy were functional observational battery (FOB) and motoractivity measurements. An apparent treatment-related effectin thermal response time (increased) was noted for both sexes1 hr after dosing at the 500 mg/kg dose level. A questionableeffect on rearing activity (decreased) also was noted at thesame dose level. For the multigeneration plus chronic dietaryadministration study, rats were administered DEET at dietaryconcentrations of 0, 500, 2000, or 5000 ppm continuously overtwo generations and then chronically for 9 months. A dietaryconcentration of 5000 ppm meets the criteria for a maximum tolerateddose (MTD) based on traditional chronic toxicology assessments.Evaluations included FOB, motor activity, discriminative acquisitionand reversal in an Mmaze, acoustic startle habituation, passiveavoidance acquisition and retention, and microscopic examinationof central and peripheral nervous tissue. The only effect thatwas considered to be possibly treatment-related was a slightincrease in exploratory locomotor activity at the 5000 ppm doselevel. Based on the results of these studies, the nervous systemdoes not appear to be a selective target when DEET is administeredto rats either as a single oral dose at high dose levels orchronically at the MTD.  相似文献   
As little information is available on the adverse effects ofpolychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) on the reproductive systemof the male rat, the current study was conducted to evaluatethe effects of subchronic administration of the PCB mixtureAroclor 1254 on testicular gamete production and endocrine function.The thyroid hormone thyroxine (T4), which is critical for reproductionand development, was also measured because of the well-documentedeffects of PCBs on this hormone. Weanling (31-day-old) maleFischer rats were administered 0, 0.1, 1, 10, or 25 mg/kg/dayAroclor 1254 by gavage for 5, 10, or 15 weeks and necropsied.The hormones testosterone (T) and thyroxine were measured inthe serum, and body weight and weights of the liver, kidney,testes, seminal vesicle plus coagulating gland, cauda epididymides,and pituitary were taken. At 10 and 15 weeks, testicular interstitialfluid (IF) was collected and T concentration in the IF was measured.Sperm motility was measured from a caudal sperm sample and spermnumbers in the testis and cauda epididymis were determined.In addition, tissues were examined microscopically for histopathologicalalterations. In the high-dose group, body, seminal vesicle,cauda epididymal, and pituitary weights were depressed at 10and 15 weeks and cauda epididymal sperm numbers were reducedafter 15 weeks of dosing. In contrast, testes weights, testicularsperm numbers, sperm motility, and serum and testicular testosteronelevels were unaffected, even in the highest dose group (25 mg/kg/day).Aroclor 1254 administration produced histological alterationsin the liver and kidney at doses of 1.0 mg/kg/day and above.These results indicate that the testis of the rat is not a specifictarget organ for Aroclor 1254. In contrast, serum T4 levelswere reduced by Aroclor 1254 administration at a dose 250-foldbelow the dose that failed to alter testicular function. SerumT4 levels were depressed 25% in the 1 mg/kg dose group after5 weeks of exposure and 30% in the 0.1 mg/kg group following15 weeks of exposure. T4 levels were undetectable in the twohighest (10 and 25) dose groups at all intervals. The fact thatthe decreases in T4 were generally concurrent with increasesin liver weight suggested that Aroclor 1254 altered T4 levelsby increasing the turnover rate in the serum by enhancing themetabolism of T4 by the liver. The reduction in serum T4 reportedhere occurred at a dose 25-fold lower than the dose generallyrecognized as affecting thyroid hormone levels.  相似文献   
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