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Decreased dietary protein intake and hemodialysis-associated protein catabolism are among several factors that predispose chronic hemodialysis (CHD) patients to protein calorie malnutrition. Since attempts to increase protein intake by dietary counseling are usually ineffective, intradialytic parenteral nutrition (IDPN) has been proposed as a potential therapeutic approach in malnourished CHD patients. In this study, we examined protein and energy homeostasis during hemodialysis in seven CHD patients at two separate hemodialysis sessions, with and without IDPN administration. Patients were studied 2 hours before, during, and 2 hours following a hemodialysis session, using a primed constant infusion of L-(1-(13)C) leucine and L-(ring-(2)H(5)) phenylalanine. Our results showed that IPDN promoted a large increase in whole-body protein synthesis and a significant decrease in whole-body proteolysis, along with a significant increase in forearm muscle protein synthesis. The net result was a change from an essentially catabolic state to a highly positive protein balance, both in whole-body and forearm muscle compartments. We conclude that the provision of calories and amino acids during hemodialysis with IDPN acutely reverses the net negative whole-body and forearm muscle protein balances, demonstrating a need for long-term clinical trials evaluating IDPN in malnourished CHD patients.  相似文献   
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is associated with mucosal T cell activation and diarrhea. We found that T cell activation with anti-CD3 mAb induces profound diarrhea in mice. Diarrhea was quantified by intestinal weight-to-length (wt/l) ratios, mucosal Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase activity was determined and ion transport changes were measured in Ussing chambers. Anti-CD3 mAb increased jejunal wt/l ratios by more than 50% at 3 hours, returning to base line after 6 hours. Fluid accumulation was significantly reduced in TNF receptor-1 (TNFR-1(-/-)), but not IFN-gamma knockout mice. Anti-CD3 mAb decreased mucosal Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase activity, which was blocked by anti-TNF mAb and occurred to a lesser degree in TNFR-1(-/-) mice. Neither alpha nor beta subunits of Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase decreased in abundance at 3 hours. Intestinal tissue from anti-CD3-treated mice exhibited increased permeability to mannitol at 1 hour and decreases in electroneutral Na(+) absorption, Na(+)-dependent glucose absorption, and cAMP-stimulated anion secretion at 3 hours. Furthermore, enteral fluid accumulation was observed in CFTR(-/-) mice, indicating a minor role of active anion secretion. These data suggest that diarrhea in IBD is due to TNF-mediated malabsorption rather than to secretory processes. T cell activation induces luminal fluid accumulation by increasing mucosal permeability and reducing epithelial Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase activity leading to decreased intestinal Na(+) and water absorption.  相似文献   
Summary— Recent clinical studies have reported a beneficial effect of fluoxetine, a serotonin reuptake inhibitor, in patients with severe refractory orthostatic hypotension. The present study was undertaken to investigate the effect of fluoxetine in orthostatic hypotension occurring during Parkinson's disease on both blood pressure values and number of clinical symptoms during orthostatic procedure evaluated using a validated clinical rating scale. In a pilot study performed in fourteen patients with idiopathic Parkinson's disease plus orthostatic hypotension, fluoxetine hydrochloride (20 mg orally daily during one month) significantly reduced the fall in systolic blood pressure [-33 ± 21 (SD) mmHg before fluoxetine vs -22 ± 19 mmHg after fluoxetine, P = 0.03] elicited by standing without modifying heart rate. The drug also significantly reduced the number of postural symptoms occurring during the orthostatic procedure [2.9 ± 1.5 (SD) before fluoxetine vs 1.2 ± 1.3 after fluoxetine, P = 0.006]. A similar pattern of response was obtained in an experimental model of neurogenic orthostatic hypotension obtained in chronically sino-aortic denervated dogs submitted to an 80° head-up tilt test procedure under chloralose anaesthesia. Fluoxetine did not change plasma noradrenaline levels. This pilot study suggests a slight but clinically significant effect of fluoxetine on both hemodynamic parameters and clinical symptoms in parkinsonian patients suffering from orthostatic hypotension.  相似文献   
JM Zhao  J Schaanning  O Sjaastad 《Headache》1990,30(10):656-659
The present study concerns the possible relationship between hypoxia and the generation of cluster headache attacks. Fifteen controls and 25 cluster headache patients were studied. The patients were allocated into two groups according to cluster headache stage, i.e. cluster or remission period. During the tests, all the subjects were asked to inhale 12% oxygen (88% N2) for 30 min, and the decreasing oxygen saturation (SaO2%) was monitored. Patients in the remission period showed nearly the same decrement of SaO2% as controls. At the end of the test, patients in the bout showed significantly less reduction of SaO2% than the controls. In 5 patients, the test was carried out both in and outside the cluster periods. The tendency to less decrement in oxygen saturation in the cluster phase was as marked with this comparison, but the difference between the groups was not significant, probably partly due to the low number of tests carried out. Only one patient got a typical attack. It seems that hypoxia of this magnitude per se is not the cause of attacks. The different pattern with respect to SaO2% following 12% O2 inhalation in cluster headache may be due to an abnormality in central regulation and/or chemoreceptor sensitivity.  相似文献   
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the most common cause of lower respiratory tract infections worldwide, yet no effective vaccine or antiviral treatment is available. Here we report the discovery and initial development of RSV604, a novel benzodiazepine with submicromolar anti-RSV activity. It proved to be equipotent against all clinical isolates tested of both the A and B subtypes of the virus. The compound has a low rate of in vitro resistance development. Sequencing revealed that the resistant virus had mutations within the nucleocapsid protein. This is a novel mechanism of action for anti-RSV compounds. In a three-dimensional human airway epithelial cell model, RSV604 was able to pass from the basolateral side of the epithelium effectively to inhibit virus replication after mucosal inoculation. RSV604, which is currently in phase II clinical trials, represents the first in a new class of RSV inhibitors and may have significant potential for the effective treatment of RSV disease.  相似文献   
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