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Summary The artery of the sino-atrial node was studied in 100 normal human hearts after injection of each coronary artery with coloured gelatine containing a radiopaque substance. The hearts belonged to 69 males and 31 females, being 64 Caucasians and 36 non-Caucasians (Negroes and Mulattoes) whose age ranged from 7 to 80 years. Since the individuals had committed suicide or were victims of accidents, their hearts, after pathologists' evaluation, were considered normal. The sinoatrial node of the normal human heart is supplied by the right coronary artery more frequently (58%±4.9% of the cases) than by the left (42%±4.9). The right anterior medial atrial artery, originating from the right coronary at the level of the medial third of the right anterior quadrant of the atrial dome, is most frequently (50%±5) responsible for the blood supply of the sinoatrial node. Among the branches of the left coronary artery, the left anterior medial atrial artery, originating at the level of the medial third of the left. anterior quadrant of the atrial cupola, was the most frequent blood supplier (25%±4.3) of the sinoatrial node. The origin of the artery of the sinoatrial node from the proximal portion or trunk of the left coronary artery was less frequent (12%±3.2) than the origin from the circumflex artery (30%±4.5). Neither sex nor race influenced the variations of the origin of the sino-atrial node.
Variations d'origine de l'artère du noeud sinu-atrial du coeur humain normal
Résumé L'a. du noeud sinu-atrial a été étudiée sur 100 coeurs humains normaux après injection de chaque a. coronaire à la gélatine colorée additionnée d'une substance radio-opaque. Les coeurs provenaient de 69 hommes et 31 femmes, 64 caucasiens et 36 non caucasiens (nègres et mulâtres) âgés de 7 à 80 ans. Ces sujets étant décédés par suicide ou des suites d'accidents, leurs coeurs ont été considérés comme normaux après examen anatomo-pathologique. Le noeud sinu-atrial du coeur humain est vascularisé par l'a. coronaire droite plus fréquemment (58 %±4,9) que par l'a. coronaire gauche (42 %±4). L'a. atriale antéro-médiale droite, issue de l'a. coronaire droite au niveau du tiers médial du quadrant antérieur droit du dôme atrial est l'artère la plus fréquemment en cause (50 %±5) dans la vascularisation du noeud sinuatrial. Parmi les branches de l'a. coronaire gauche, l'a. atriale antéro-médiale gauche, née au niveau du tiers médial du quadrant antérieur gauche du dôme atrial, était la branche la plus fréquemment en cause (25 %±4,3) dans la vascularisation du noeud sinu-atrial. La naissance de l'a. du noeud sinu-atrial à partir de la partie proximale ou du tronc de l'a. coronaire gauche était moins fréquente (12 %±3,2) que son origine à partir du rameau circonflexe (30 %±4,5). Les variations d'origine de l'a. du noeud sinu-atrial n'apparaissaient pas influencées par le sexe ou la race.
Vascular endothelial cells are actively involved in coagulation and inflammation processes and appear to represent an important element in cell-mediated immune responses. In this paper, the possible role of endothelial cells as a target for immunopathological reactions was analyzed. Experimental neurovascular lesions were studied in a model of cerebral malaria, with particular attention to the role of cytokine interactions in vivo.  相似文献   
Microorganisms detected in situ on the distal tip of central venous catheters (CVC) within 90 min of insertion were investigated using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis to analyse genomic fragments obtained with theSmaI restriction enzyme. Thirty patients received a triple lumen CVC, which was inserted directly through the skin using the Seldinger technique. In a further 30 patients a triple lumen CVC was inserted through a Swan sheath, thereby avoiding direct contact of the CVC with the skin. Staphylococci were isolated from the distal tips of the catheters in 6 patients (5 who had the CVC inserted directly through the skin and 1 who had the CVC inserted via a Swan sheath.) Twenty-three staphylococcal isolates were also isolated from the insertion equipment and the skin swabs surrounding the insertion site of these six patients. All the isolates were genotyped. In one of the patients the organisms isolated from the skin were identical to those on the CVC tip. In two further patients similar organisms were isolated from the insertion equipment and the patients' skin. These results, in addition to the reduced colonisation rates observed when catheters were introduced through a Swan sheath, support the hypothesis that microorganisms from the skin are impacted onto the CVC tip and the CVC insertion equipment at catheter insertion.  相似文献   
Murine chronic respiratory disease is characterized by persistent colonization of tracheal and bronchial epithelial cell surfaces by Mycoplasma pulmonis, submucosal and intraluminal immune and inflammatory cells, and altered airway activity. To determine the direct effect of M. pulmonis upon transepithelial ion transport in the absence of immune and inflammatory cell responses, primary mouse tracheal epithelial cell monolayers (MTEs) were apically infected and assayed in Ussing chambers. M. pulmonis-infected MTEs, but not those infected with a nonmurine mycoplasma, demonstrated reductions in amiloride-sensitive Na+ absorption, cyclic AMP, and cholinergic-stimulated Cl secretion and transepithelial resistance. These effects were shown to require interaction of viable organisms with the apical surface of the monolayer and to be dependent upon organism number and duration of infection. Altered transport due to M. pulmonis was not merely a result of epithelial cell death as evidenced by the following: (i) active transport of Na+ and Cl, albeit at reduced rates; (ii) normal cell morphology, including intact tight junctions, as demonstrated by electron microscopy; (iii) maintenance of a mean transepithelial resistance of 440 Ω/cm2; and (iv) lack of leakage of fluid from the basolateral to the apical surface of the monolayer. Alteration in epithelial ion transport in vitro is consistent with impaired pulmonary clearance and altered airway function in M. pulmonis-infected animals. Furthermore, the ability of M. pulmonis to alter transport without killing the host cell may explain its successful parasitism and long-term persistence in the host. Further study of the MTE-M. pulmonis model should elucidate the molecular mechanisms which mediate this reduction in transepithelial ion transport.Mycoplasmas, the smallest free-living prokaryotes, continue to be a significant cause of respiratory infections in a variety of animals, including humans (44). Their limited biosynthetic capability dictates that these organisms must both colonize and parasitize epithelial cell surfaces. It is therefore surprising that mycoplasmas produce diseases that are slowly progressing and chronic and yet often clinically inconspicuous. The molecular mechanisms responsible for this tenuous truce between the pathogen and the host cell have not yet been identified. Murine respiratory mycoplasmosis, a naturally occurring respiratory disease in laboratory rats and mice caused by Mycoplasma pulmonis (6, 8) and characterized by chronic, often lifelong tracheitis, bronchopneumonia, and bronchiectasis (7, 23, 28), would seem to be an ideal model with which to study these mechanisms. Although M. pulmonis-infected animals generate intense local and systemic immune responses (24, 33, 42, 43), they are incapable of eliminating the organism from the respiratory epithelium. Remodeling of the airways typically observed in infected animals, impairment of pulmonary clearance, and accumulation of mucus (23) suggest that M. pulmonis may compromise the ability of the epithelial cells to absorb and secrete fluid and electrolytes.Airway epithelial cells possess two major active transport processes, Na+ absorption and Cl section. Water, in turn, osmotically follows the transepithelial movement of these ions, thereby providing a fluid film between the mucus layer and the epithelial cell surface. The depth and composition of this fluid microenvironment must be carefully regulated to allow the exchange of gases and the humidification of the airway epithelium and to ensure proper mucociliary clearance (47, 49). The consequences of impaired fluid and electrolyte transport in the airways are strikingly apparent in cases of cystic fibrosis, a recessive genetic disease resulting from the loss of epithelial chloride channels (31, 48). The studies reported here were designed to determine whether M. pulmonis infection alters electrolyte transport across the murine tracheal epithelium.The effect of bacteria upon mammalian epithelia in the absence of immune and inflammatory cells can be systematically evaluated by using the Ussing chamber model. Short-circuit current (Isc) studies have helped determine the mechanism by which cholera toxin (18) and other enterotoxins affect the intestinal mucosa (17, 35). Study of various types of epithelial cells by using the Ussing chamber model has also resulted in the identification of numerous microbial substances capable of directly altering the ion transport capacity of the airway epithelium (3, 20, 41).In the present study, control and M. pulmonis-infected mouse tracheal epithelial cells (MTEs) were evaluated in Ussing chambers. The results clearly show that M. pulmonis infection directly alters epithelial ion transport and that this alteration is species specific, dose and time related, and dependent upon the association of viable organisms with the apical cell surface.  相似文献   
Routine monitoring of antibiotic resistance at Children's Hospital, Boston, detected a dramatic increase in the prevalence of imipenem-resistant strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Further studies documented that false resistance to imipenem was due, in part, to the loss of imipenem potency in customized MIC microdilution trays supplied by Sensititre Ltd. (West Sussex, United Kingdom). Recognition of the problem was delayed by use of the quality control standard recommended by the manufacturer, which were higher and broader than those suggested by the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards.  相似文献   
Visceral glomerular epithelial cell lesions--microvillus formation, loss of foot processes, osmiophilic inclusion droplets, balloon-like malformation of cell processes, degeneration, necrosis, and loss of cell processes from capillary basement membranes--are found in rat renal isografts 1 mth after transplantation. The lesions, which are most readily recognized in perfusion-fixed material, are essentially focal, affecting neither all glomeruli, nor all cells in any glomerulus, bear no relation to the degree of interstitial nephritis in the graft, and are associated with albuminuria and with focal capillary sclerosis in some glomeruli. They are not restricted to renal isografts but are found in aging rats, in different experimental models of glomerular disease and in clinical glomerular disorders, again in association with proteinuria and glomerulosclerosis. It is therefore proposed that glomerular epithelial cell damage increases capillary permeability and impairs maintenance of the integrity of the capillary wall, leading to proteinuria and focal glomerulosclerosis.  相似文献   
Several biochemical test systems were studied for their potential usefulness for the examination of strains of Campylobacter species. Most (81%) of the C. jejuni strains hydrolyzed sodium hippurate, but strains of C. fetus, C. sputorum, and C. fecalis did not. Some (46%) of the C. jejuni strains and all of the C. sputorum subsp. sputorum, C. sputorum subsp. bubulus, and C. fecalis strains hydrolyzed DNA, but the C. fetus and C. sputorum subsp. mucosalis strains did not. Strains of all species of Campylobacter grew on charcoal-yeast extract agar, but 47% of the C. jejuni strains did not. Alkaline phosphatase activity was recorded for some strains of C. jejuni, but all other species were negative for this activity. Aryl sulfatase activity was detected in 7% of the C. jejuni, 15% of the C. fetus subsp. fetus, and all of the C. sputorum subsp. sputorum, C. sputorum subsp. bubulus, and C. fecalis strains, but it was not detected in the C. fetus subsp. venerealis and C. sputorum subsp. mucosalis strains. Most (93%) of the C. jejuni but none of the other Campylobacter strains contained lactobacillic acid when examined for cellular fatty acids. On the basis of results from three of these tests (hippurate hydrolysis, DNA hydrolysis, and growth on charcoal-yeast extract agar), clinical strains of C. jejuni were placed in eight biotypes.  相似文献   
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