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The aim of the current research project was to explore the possibilities of combining pressurized carbon dioxide with hot stage extrusion during manufacturing of solid dispersions of itraconazole and polyvinylpyrrolidone-co-vinyl acetate 64 (PVP-VA 64) and to evaluate the ability of the pressurized gas to act as a temporary plasticizer as well as to produce a foamed extrudate. Pressurized carbon dioxide was injected into a Leistritz Micro 18 intermeshing co-rotating twin-screw melt extruder using an ISCO 260D syringe pump. The physicochemical characteristics of the extrudates with and without injection of carbon dioxide were evaluated with reference to the morphology of the solid dispersion and dissolution behaviour and particle properties. Carbon dioxide acted as plasticizer for itraconazole/PVP-VA 64, reducing the processing temperature during the hot stage extrusion process. Amorphous dispersions were obtained and the solid dispersion was not influenced by the carbon dioxide. Release of itraconazole from the solid dispersion could be controlled as a function of processing temperature and pressure. The macroscopic morphology changed to a foam-like structure due to expansion of the carbon dioxide at the extrusion die. This resulted in increased specific surface area, porosity, hygroscopicity and improved milling efficiency.  相似文献   
This paper reports the proceedings of the discussion panel assigned to look at clinical aspects of quality in emergency medicine. One of the seven stated objectives of the Academic Emergency Medicine consensus conference on quality in emergency medicine was to educate emergency physicians regarding quality measures and quality improvement as essential aspects of the practice of emergency medicine. Another topic of interest was a discussion of the value of information technology in facilitating quality care in the clinical practice of emergency medicine. It is important to note that this is not intended to be a comprehensive review of this extensive topic, but instead is designed to report the discussion that occurred at this session of the consensus conference.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the characteristics of the early stage treponema pallidum infected tissue in ear, nose, oropharynx and larynx and to raise relevance ratio of syphilis in nose and oropharynx and enhance doctor's self-protection awareness. METHODS: The histopathologic characteristics were studied by using HE staining, Warthin-Starry (W-S) staining was adopted to examine the treponema pallidum(TP) in lesion issue and its exudates smear for 12 cases biopsy tissues of suspicious syphilis. The diagnosis was confirmed by venereal disease research laboratory (VDRL), rapid plasma reagin circle test(RPR), treponema pallidum hemagglutination test(TPHA) and fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorption test (FTA-ABS). Treat with curing syphilis methods which published by nation. RESULTS: In the 12 cases mucous membrane specimen, the squamous epithelium proliferated, neutrophilic granulocyte infiltrated, within inherent membrane generous plasmacyte and lymphocyte infiltrated. W-S staining: plenty of treponema pallidum were found inside mucous membrane epithelium and exudate smear. Serology examination: 11 cases VDRL(++++), 7 cases RPR (+), 11 cases TPHA(+), 1 case FTA-ABS(+). After systemic treatment, 11 cases are clinically recovered. All patients serology become negative. CONCLUSION: W-S staining method can directly demonstrate histopathologic characteristics in early syphilis, in intrinsic membrane numerous plasmacyte infiltration. Combining with specific syphilis serology examination could increase diagnosis rate of syphilis in nose and oropharynx.  相似文献   
Objective: The study goal was to compare the laser spot size created using reflective and refractive micromanipulators with a CO2 laser and to determine the sensitivity of spot size to laser power. Study Design and Setting: A CO2 laser and operating microscope (400-mm focal length) was coupled to either a reflective (Cassegrain-like) or refractive micromanipulator. Laser spot size was determined by measuring the region of ablation created by laser irradiation of wood (dry tongue depressors), exposed photographic film, and agar gel using optical micrometry. Laser power varied from 0.5 to 20 W with pulse durations of 0.1 and 0.5 second. Results: The reflective micromanipulator demonstrated overall smaller spot sizes for a given laser power and lower incremental change in spot size with increasing power. The reflective design demonstrated less sensitivity to increases in laser power. Conclusions: Micromanipulator optical design can result in significant differences in laser spot size. The reflective device used in this study demonstrated less sensitivity to increasing laser power. (Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2002;126:593-597.)  相似文献   
A new micelle system formed from methoxy (polyethylene glycol)-b-poly (5-benzyloxy-trimethylene carbonate; MePEG-b-PBTMC 5000-b-4800) was investigated as a delivery system for the hydrophobic anti-cancer agent, ellipticine. The ellipticine was loaded into the MePEG-b-PBTMC micelles with a loading efficiency of 95% using a high-pressure extrusion technique. The ellipticine-loaded micelles have a spherical morphology and an average diameter of 96 nm. The anti-cancer activity of ellipticine was confirmed to be retained following formulation in the MePEG-b-PBTMC micelles. The extent of protein adsorption to the MePEG-b-PBTMC micelles was investigated by transmission electron microscopy, dynamic light scattering and gel filtration chromatography. Overall, the amount of protein both loosely and tightly associated with the micelles was found to be minimal and insignificant. The partitioning properties of ellipticine between an aqueous medium containing protein and the MePEG-b-PBTMC micelles were examined over a range of protein concentrations. Under physiologically relevant conditions, it was found that 61% of the drug remained within the micelle fraction while 39% was in the protein-containing aqueous phase. In addition, the in vitro drug release profile of ellipticine from the micelles was fit using a modified Higuchi model and found to be accelerated in the presence of protein. These studies demonstrate that although there are no significant interactions between micelle and protein, the properties of the micelle as a delivery vehicle may be strongly influenced by protein-drug interactions.  相似文献   
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