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First results are presented to determine the maturity of fetal lung by sonography. Using the fetal liver as a reference-organ we are avoiding the known pitfalls which made it impossible in the past to standardize the fetal lung changes depending on the age of gestation. We examined 104 patients between week 27 and week 41. In one ultrasound section cut we depicted as well lung and liver. According to the known A-mode we registered frequencies in both organs. The registered frequencies were entered digitally into a computer and checked for f(mean), f(max) and f(min). Afterwards the frequencies of the lung were divided by those of the liver. Of all weeks of gestation the mean value and standard deviation were calculated. We found the liver as an adequate reference-organ, since there is no change of the reflection pattern between the different weeks of gestation, while there are significant changes to be registered in the fetal lung, a cutting line being week 35. A quotient of f(mean) lower than 1.1 hints to lung maturity while values over 1.1 point to immaturity. This was confirmed by several cases of analysis of amniotic fluid (L/S-ratio). Further comparisons with amniotic fluid results will have to validate these findings.  相似文献   
The platelet glycoprotein (GP) IIb/IIIa complex functions as the receptor for fibrinogen on activated platelets. The effects of two anti-GPIIb/IIIa monoclonal antibodies on platelet function were studied. These antibodies, 6C9 and C17, recognized different epitopes, which were exclusively present on the undissociated GPIIb/IIIa complex. Whereas C17 inhibited the binding of fibrinogen to platelets and platelet aggregation induced by adenosine diphosphate (ADP) or collagen, 6C9 caused irreversible aggregation of platelets, both in the presence and absence of extracellular fibrinogen. When incubated with unstirred (non-aggregating) platelets, 6C9 induced release of alpha and dense granule-constituents as well as binding of 125I-fibrinogen to platelets. The latter was evidently mediated in part by platelet-derived ADP, since it was inhibited to a large extent by apyrase, the ADP-hydrolyzing enzyme. F(ab')2 fragments of 6C9 did not induce platelet-release reactions but caused (slow) aggregation of platelets in the presence of extracellular fibrinogen. These results indicate that binding of an antibody to a specific site on the platelet GPIIb/IIIa complex may cause fibrinogen-mediated aggregation. The Fc part of the platelet-bound antibody appears to be involved in the induction of platelet release.  相似文献   
Displacement of the surface of the cornea of bovine eyes after disruption of intact structures was investigated by means of holographic interferometry. Double-T-incisions of different depths were made with a diamond knife. Starting at about 80% of the incision depth there is a change in the central holographic interference fringe pattern. These effects can be clearly demonstrated by means of double-exposure holographic interferometry and real-time holographic interferometry. The stability of an existing corneal scar was analyzed by double-exposure holographic interferometry. The region of the scar showed a higher density of holographic interference fringes compared with the non-affected corneal areas, indicating a higher degree of elasticity. All eyes were investigated at an intraocular pressure of 1340 Pa (about 10 mmHg) and an intraocular pressure change of 10 Pa and 20 Pa. Further potential ophthalmic applications of holographic interferometry are discussed.  相似文献   
Abstract Background: In recent years, biomaterials are being found and frequently utilized in bone defects. They have also gained significant precedence in hand surgery. Objectives: The respective requirements for such replacement material will be cited and acknowledged in this article. The individual material groups will also be referred to in this review. An introduction to some of the customary bone replacement materials will be cited and concluded with a corresponding recommendation. Conclusion: The implantation of autologous cancellous bone is still regarded today as the “gold standard”. Nevertheless, the usage of bone replacement material can be an enormous advantage in certain indications. The original article can be found online at There was an error in the author’s affiliation and the address for correspondence was incomplete. Please note the correct institution and complete address: Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Hand-, Foot- and Reconstructive Surgery, Kreiskrankenhaus Gummersbach GmbH, Germany. Alexander von Friesen, MD Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Hand-, Foot- and Reconstructive Surgery Kreiskrankenhaus Gummersbach GmbH Wilhelm-Breckow-Allee 20 51643 Gummersbach Germany Phone (+49/2261) 171-575, Fax -449 e-mail: Friesen@kkh-gummersbach.de  相似文献   
Treatment with combined IL-2 and alpha-IFN has resulted in synergistic antitumour efficacy in animal studies. The mechanisms responsible for this synergy remain unclear. In this study, several immune parameters which might be involved in mediating antitumour activity have been monitored serially in 15 patients with advanced malignant melanoma or renal cell cancer during treatment with concurrent IL-2 and alpha-IFN. Both drugs were given subcutaneously in low to moderate (outpatient) dosages but for a prolonged duration. This treatment resulted in remarkable immunomodulation. In vivo induction of cytotoxicity against K562 and Daudi target cells was consistently seen, and percentages of peripheral blood cells expressing CD 25 (IL-2 receptor) and CD 56 (Leu-19) increased. In vitro proliferation of lymphocytes in response to IL-2 was enhanced during the treatment periods, whereas spontaneous proliferation was inhibited. Moreover, correlations between immune parameters and subsequent clinical responses were present in the early phase of the study. Cytotoxicity levels generated in vivo as well as the percentage of CD 56+ lymphocytes were higher in patients who responded to treatment than in non-responders. In contrast, responders had lower levels of CD 25+ cells. These findings indicate that it might be possible to select patients who are likely to benefit from prolonged immunotherapy.  相似文献   
Pericarditis constrictiva after cardiac surgery is rare and may occasionally lead to congestive heart failure. The case of a 29-year-old patient is described who presented with pericarditis constrictiva after aortic valve replacement with localized tamponade, causing functional tricuspid stenosis. Pericardiectomy as the treatment of choice was curative.  相似文献   
There are relatively few effective clinical options for preserving female fertility, particularly following aggressive chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy treatment protocols. This document reviews scientific background, current technology, clinical results, and potential future applications of ovarian tissue cryopreservation and transplantation. The technology is investigational although rapidly evolving, and the list of appropriate indications may be expanded in the future. Germany stays abreast of these rapid worldwide developments by having founded the first German network of experts for fertility preservation in patients undergoing chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy.  相似文献   
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