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Plexuses of nerve fibres containing neuropeptide Y (NPY)-like immunoreactivity invest pial arteries belonging to the circle of Willis, pial arterioles, occasionally penetrating arterioles and large veins. A more sparse supply of NPY-like fibres are observed around pial veins and venules. The NPY-immunoreactive fibres are located within the adventitia or at the adventitia-media border. Only occasional fibres are present in cerebral vessels of animals in which the superior cervical ganglion has been removed one week previously. Administration of NPY resulted in strong, concentration-dependent contractions of isolated feline middle cerebral arteries whereas administration of avian pancreatic polypeptide (APP) elicited weak contractions. In chloraloseanaesthetized cats, perivascular microapplication of NPY in situ resulted in marked concentration-dependent contractions of cerebral pial arterioles (34.7±6.6%; maximum decrease in calibre with NPY. Perivascular administration of NPY resulted in the constriction of pial veins but the magnitude of the venous calibre reductions was smaller than the response of arterioles at each reductions was smaller than the response of arterioles at each concentration examined. APP did not elicit contraction of pial arterioles or veins during in situ conditions. The pharmacological and immunocytochemical results strongly indicate the existence of a novel perivascular neuronal system containing NPY, which mediates contraction of cerebral blood vessels and NPY is colocalized with NA in sympathetic nerves.  相似文献   
Background: To elucidate the origin of the neovascular structure found in well‐differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), an immunohistochemical study was performed on sequential thin section specimens. Method: Eleven surgically resected specimens of well‐differentiated HCC were analyzed for neovascular structure using monoclonal alpha‐smooth muscle actin (α‐SMA) antibody. Each paraffin specimen was serially sliced to a thickness of 3 µm for immunohistochemistry. When a ring‐shaped structure was found unrelated to portal triads on α‐SMA staining, it was regarded as abnormal neovascularity (non‐triadal vessel or unaccompanied vessel). Results: All of the 11 liver cancers had thin‐walled, round‐ or oval‐shaped non‐triadal vessels in their well‐differentiated parts. Immunohistochemistry of serial thin sections of HCC showed that these non‐triadal vessels were connected to portal veins in portal triads in well‐differentiated cancer in a total of nine patients (81.8%). This type of neovascular structure found in a well‐differentiated cancer seemed to be a surviving portal vein among diminishing and disappearing arteries and bile ducts. All 11 tumors showed isovascular staining on ordinary digital subtraction angiography, and four of the tumors showed negative enhancement on intra‐arterial carbon dioxide‐enhanced ultrasonography or computerized tomographic (CT) hepatic arteriography, suggesting a relative arterial blood scarcity in the tumor nodules. Conclusion: At an early stage of HCC, non‐triadal vessels originate from ordinary portal veins in intratumoral portal triads. This fact sufficiently explains the reason why a well‐differentiated liver cancer can sometimes show arterial blood paucity on CT arteriography or enhanced ultrasonography.  相似文献   
Because limited information is available about potential differences between the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the enantiomers of lansoprazole, the enantioselective pharmacokinetics of the compound have been investigated in rats. There was a noticeable difference between the serum levels of the enantiomers of lansoprazole and of their metabolites, 5-hydroxylansoprazole enantiomers, after oral administration of the racemate (50 mg kg?1) to rats. Cmax (maximum serum concentration) and AUC (area under the serum concentration-time curve) for (+)-lansoprazole were 5–6 times greater than those for (—)-lansoprazole, whereas for (+)-5-hydroxylansoprazole both values were significantly smaller than those for the (—) enantiomer. CLtot/F values (where CLtot is total clearance and F is the fraction of the dose absorbed) for (+)-lansoprazole were significantly smaller than those for the (—) enantiomer. There was no significant difference between the absorption rate constants of the lansoprazole enantiomers in the in-situ absorption study. The in-vitro protein-binding study showed that binding of (+)-lansoprazole to rat serum proteins was significantly greater than for the (—) enantiomer. The in-vitro metabolic study showed that the mean metabolic ratio (45.9%) for (—)-lansoprazole was significantly greater than that (19.8%) for the (+) enantiomer in rat liver microsomes at 5.6 μM lansoprazole. These results show that the enantioselective disposition of lansoprazole could be a consequence of the enantioselectivity of plasma-protein binding and the hepatic metabolism of the enantiomers.  相似文献   
Of the 66 patients with small cell lung cancer (SCLC) who weretreated by combination chemotherapy with or without radiationtherapy from July 1978 to December 1983 at the National CancerCenter Hospital, Tokyo, 12 (18%) sur vived over two years andnine (14%) have remained disease-free over three years. Thetwo-year survival rates were compared according to the patientcharacteristics of sex, performance status (PS), extent of disease,histologic subtype, regimen of the initial chemotherapy andresponse to treatment. Sex, extent of disease and response tothe initial chemotherapy were the most important prognosticfactors. The prognosis for patients with liver or bone metastasis was poor. All disease-free survivors, except for two patientswho were treated by surgical resection after chemotherapy, achievedcomplete response (CR) with chemotherapy with or without radiationtherapy. Eleven of the 12 two-year survivors achieved CR. Becauseof the small number of patients in our study, it will be necessaryto evaluate further the influence of prognostic factors in patientswith SCLC in future studies.  相似文献   
Abstract To characterize the cytoskeletal aberration due to traumatic injury, temporal and regional profiles of changes in immunoreactivity of microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2), neurofilament heavy subunit protein (NFH) and heat shock protein 72 (HSP72) were investigated after different magnitudes of traumatic brain injury by fluid percussion. The experimental rat brain was perfusion-fixed at 1, 6 and 24 hours after traumatic brain injury. Conventional histological staining has demonstrated that the mildest traumatic brain injury (1.0 atm) induced no neuronal loss at the impact site and that neuron loss was apparent when traumatic brain injury was increased to 4.3 atm. The mildest traumatic brain injury, however, caused a significant increase in HSP72 immunoreactivity in the superficial cortical layers at the impact site as early as 1 hour after the injury. In the case of severe traumatic brain injury (4.3 atm), neuron loss was apparent in the area at the impact site, but the increase in HSP72 immunoreactivity was moderate, and it was observed only after 6 hours in the deep cortical layers under the necrotic area. The increased immunostaining of MAP2 was demonstrated in damaged axons and neuronal perikarya in the wider area surrounding the impact site at 6 and 24 hours after the injury. Six and 24 hours after the injury, perikaryal accumulation of neurofilament was observed, and the accumulated neurofilament was mostly phosphorylated. These results indicate that the severe traumatic brain injury of 4.3 atm triggers the abnormal accumulation of cytoskeletal proteins in neuronal perikarya, most probably due to an impairment of axonal transport. It is implied that the increased expression of HSP72 may be involved in the protective process of neurons after traumatic brain injury.  相似文献   
Monoclonal anti CD36 antibodies capable of inhibiting platelet adhesion to collagen have not previously been identified. We have now prepared two groups of monoclonal antibodies. One group was prepared using, as immunogen, highly purified (99+%) CD36 prepared by a denaturing procedure. These antibodies (Mo series) reacted strongly with CD36 on protein blots but did not immunoprecipitate native CD36 from platelet lysates nor inhibit platelet adhesion to collagen. The second group of monoclonal antibodies (131 series) was prepared using CD36 purified to >95% by a non-denaturing procedure. These antibodies reacted with control platelets, but not Naka-negative platelets which lack CD36, as measured by flow cytometry and by immunoprecipitation. Three monoclonal antibodies of this latter group (131.4, 131.5 and 131.7) inhibited platelet adhesion to collagen in static systems under Mg2+-independent conditions but had little effect in the presence of Mg2+. 131.4 and 131.7 also inhibited adhesion to collagen using citrated whole blood in a parallel plate flow chamber at physiological shear rates (800 s?1), whereas 131.5 was without effect. These are the first anti-CD36 monoclonal antibodies shown to be capable of inhibiting platelet adhesion to collagen and provide further evidence that CD36 plays a role in platelet–collagen interaction.  相似文献   
The transport kinetics of [99mTc]-pyridoxyl-5-methyltryptophan were studied by three-compartment model analysis for hepatobiliary scintigraphy in 45 patients with chronic viral liver diseases. Three-compartment model analysis was studied using the time-activity curves of the regions of the heart, liver, and biliary tract and intestine (excretory compartment). The k12 (hepatic uptake rate constant), k21 (hepatic efflux rate constant), and ke1 (hepatic excretion rate constant) were calculated by the nonlinear least-squares method. Among the three parameters obtained by model analysis, k12 values more prominently differed among diseases and correlated well with blood tests such as total bilirubin, total bile acids, or 15 min retention of ICG. In conclusion, three-compartment model analysis of the hepatic handling of [99mTc]-pyridoxyl-5-methyltryptophan is useful in evaluating hepatic transport function. k12 is the most sensitive parameter for this.  相似文献   
For clinical application of adoptive immunotherapy against hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), it is not easy to prepare tumour specific effector cells such as cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). To induce potent and broad-spectrum effectors, allogeneic cultured hepatoma cell lines (JHH-4 and HuH-6) were used as stimulators of peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) instead of autologous HCC cells. Allogeneic tumour- and lymphokine-activated killer cells (ATLAK) were generated by a mixed culture of lymphocytes and allogeneic cultured tumour cells with recombinant interleukin-2 (rIL-2). The tumour-killing activity of ATLAK induced by HuH-6 was confirmed against HuH-6 and other different HCC cell lines (JHH-2, HuH-7 and PLC). These activated lymphocytes were significantly more potent than lymphokine-activated killer cells (LAK) in [51Cr]-releasing assay. The JHH-4 stimulated ATLAK was reactive not only with JHH-4 but also with JHH-2. The lysis of allogeneic targets could be partially inhibited by anti-CD8 and anti-CD3 but not by anti-CD4. Anti-tumour cytotoxicity in these cultures might be mediated by CD3+CD56- and CD3+CD56+ effectors. These results imply that adoptive immunotherapy for HCC with ATLAK may be more feasible than that with LAK.  相似文献   
Two cases of basalold-squamous cell carcinoma (BSC) of the oral mucosa are described. The first case occurred at the floor of the mouth in a 58-year-old man, and the second case occurred at the mandibular gingiva in a 79-year-old woman. The laboratory data of the first case showed a positive response to hepatitis C virus antibody. in the first case, the tumor mass measured 4 times 4 cm in size, and was i-texl at the lingual side of the median mandible beside the sublingual gland. In the second case, the tumor mass measured 25 times 15 mm In size, and was located in the alveolar mucosa of the right mandible. Histologically, both tumors showed a neoplastic epithelium arranged in a solid pattern with evidence of peripheral palisading, central necrosis, and some squamous differentiation. The pro-ilferathfe activities of the BSC were compared with conventional squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) in the oral floor and gingiva, respectively, by employing a sensitive argy-rophillc nuclear organizer region (AgNOR) staining method. The number of AgNOR per nucleus of the BSC was higher than that of any other SCC cases. The results support the opinion that BSC of the oral mucosa has a worse prognosis than conventional SCC.  相似文献   
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