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Edema develops when lymph does not return to the venous circulation at a rate equal to the rate of capillary filtration. Fetal sheep develop edema as well as an increased central venous pressure while undergoing atrial pacing at 320 beats per min. We hypothesized that the increased central venous pressure augmented the appearance of fetal edema by impairing the return of thoracic duct lymph to the venous circulation. To investigate this hypothesis, we studied the effect of outflow pressure upon thoracic duct lymph flow in 10 unanesthetized fetal sheep who had low resistance lymph catheters placed in the cervical thoracic duct near its junction with the left jugular vein. After the ewe and fetus recovered for 5 d, we altered the outflow pressure of the lymph catheter by adjusting its height with respect to amniotic fluid pressure and measured the resultant change in thoracic duct lymph flow rate. We found that lymph flow rate was constant over the range of outflow pressures (central venous pressures) normally encountered but decreased in a linear fashion at pressures greater than 0.68 kPa (5.1 torr). Lymph flow stopped at an outflow pressure of 2.40 kPa (18 torr). The data points are best fit by two lines obtained by a piecewise linear regression rather than a single line obtained from a linear regression. We conclude that fetal thoracic duct lymph flow is sensitive to elevations in outflow pressure. Lymph flow begins to diminish at outflow pressures corresponding to central venous pressures commonly encountered in pathologic conditions and may augment the appearance of fetal edema.  相似文献   
This integrated review presents the state of the art in reminiscing and life review as derived from a review of the literature from 1960-1990. Reports, reviews, and research are categorized and critiqued with the purpose of clarifying the use of reminiscing for practice. Out of ninety-seven published articles describing reminiscing, only seven report negative outcomes; the remainder are either positive or nonevaluative. As a result, the author concludes that clinicians should use reminiscing in their practice, and researchers should continue to define the variables that lead to successful reminiscing.  相似文献   
Massive cerebellar infarction accounts for less than 2% of strokes. Unlike massive hemispherical infarctions, in pure cerebellar infarctions, the prognosis is better. This case report discusses, a 61 year old lady who presented with atrial fibrillation and a massive cerebellar infarction. Timely surgical intervention reversed the deterioration in neurological status. The indications for surgical management, based on review of the literature, is presented.  相似文献   
Background Evidence suggests that, as a group, patients with schizophrenia have intellectual deficits that may precede the manifestation of psychotic symptoms; however, how successfully intelligence tests are able to discriminate schizophrenia from other psychotic disorders has yet to be investigated in detail. Methods Using Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – Revised (WAIS‐R) data for 55 inpatients with schizophrenia and 28 inpatients with non‐schizophrenic psychotic disorders (NSPD) (schizophreniform disorder, brief psychotic disorder, delusional disorder, psychotic disorder due to a general medical condition, and psychotic disorders not otherwise specified), intelligence performance was compared between schizophrenia and NSPD and among different subtypes of schizophrenia. Results There were no significant differences in intelligence quotient (IQ), verbal IQ (VIQ) and performance IQ (PIQ) discrepancy, and subtest scores of WAIS‐R between the patients with schizophrenia and those with NSPD. These diagnostic groups were not discriminated well by any WAIS‐R variables. Schizophrenia patients with prominent negative symptoms, on the other hand, had a significantly larger IQ discrepancy (VIQ > PIQ) than those without prominent negative symptoms and NSPD patients. Intelligence performance in schizophrenia did not differ with respect to diagnostic subtypes and longitudinal courses. Conclusions The current study failed to show diagnostic usefulness of WAIS‐R in discriminating schizophrenia and other psychoses. A diagnosis of schizophrenia does not significantly impact intellectual deficits in psychotic disorders.  相似文献   
Medical documentation is getting more extensive, it is not standardised and can hardly be used to provide the exact and proper feedback. The crisis of data storage, processing and uninterrupted flow of information is becoming concial in the medical institutions as well. An example of informatic model of observation of postoperative complications following cataract surgery is presented in this work. The model has a very flexible pattern, and can, therefore, with minor changes, be used in observation of all postoperative complications in ophthalmology. It is based on the use of personal computer with professional software support (data base III programme was used for creation of data base, while statistical graphic analysis was carried out by following programmes: MICROSTAT, ABSTAT, STATGRAPHIC and FRAMEWORK). It has to be pointed out that any doctor, after only a short (optional) education, could prepare such models for his own purposes, and could thus assist in overcoming the information in medicine. In conclusion, the authors state computer is simple to work with, fast, economical and precise. Computerisation of health service shall include it in one of the aspects of practical realisation of the third technological revolution.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The mucosal mast cell (MMC) granule-specific beta-chymase, mouse mast cell protease-1 (mMCP-1), is released systemically into the bloodstream early in nematode infection before parasite-specific IgE responses develop and TGF-beta1 induces constitutive release of mMCP-1 by homologues of MMC in vitro. Intraepithelial MMC may also express the chemokine CCL2 (monocyte chemotactic protein-1) during nematode infection but the expression of this chemokine by MMC homologues has not been investigated. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the expression and to compare the mechanisms of constitutive release of the chymase, mMCP-1, and the chemokine, CCL2. METHODS: MMC homologues were generated by culturing bone marrow cells in the presence of TGF-beta1, IL-3, IL-9 and stem cell factor (SCF). The intracellular distribution of mMCP-1 and CCL2 was examined by confocal microscopy. The involvement of the Golgi complex and of protein synthesis in the constitutive release of mMCP-1 and CCL2 was investigated using the Golgi-disrupting agent brefeldin A and cycloheximide to block protein synthesis. Secreted analytes were quantified by ELISA. RESULTS: mMCP-1 colocalized with Golgi matrix protein 130 but was most abundant in the granules, whereas CCL2 was not found in the granules but appeared to be located uniquely in the Golgi complex. Extracellular release of mMCP-1 was significantly inhibited ( approximately 40%) by cycloheximide and by the Golgi-disrupting agent brefeldin A, indicating both continuous protein synthesis and transportation via the Golgi complex are required for optimal mMCP-1 secretion. A similar but more marked inhibitory effect with both compounds was demonstrated on the constitutive secretion of CCL2. CONCLUSION: The culture conditions that promote mMCP-1 expression and release by MMC homologues also promote the expression and release of CCL2. Constitutive release involves de novo protein synthesis and requires a functional Golgi complex, suggesting that similar mechanisms of extracellular secretion operate for both mediators.  相似文献   
According to contemporary views, the glutamatergic system is implicated in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia, and atypical neuroleptics exert their effects (at least partially) through the glutamatergic system. Immunoreactive glutamate-metabolising enzymes, such as glutamine synthetase-like protein (GSLP) and two glutamate dehydrogenase isoenzymes (GDH), have been discovered in human platelets. The amount of GSLP in the platelets of 40 chronic patients with schizophrenia was found to be significantly higher than in 33 controls (consistent with our previous finding of increased amounts of GSLP in the prefrontal cortex of chronic schizophrenia patients). Moreover, survival analysis of the group of patients treated with olanzapine for 28 weeks showed that the larger amount of GSLP measured in platelets before treatment, the shorter the treatment time needed to achieve a positive clinical response (defined a priori as > or = 20% reduction in PANSS total score from the initial level before the treatment). Hence, GSLP level may serve as a predictor of the treatment duration to achieve a positive outcome with olanzapine. Both GSLP and GDH were found significantly changed in the course of treatment; hence, treatment with olanzapine influences the amounts of glutamate-metabolising enzymes in the platelets of chronic schizophrenia patients.  相似文献   
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