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IgG-maleimide peroxidase, Fab'-maleimide peroxidase, polymer and monomer types of Fab'-periodate peroxidase were prepared from an antibody against rat lipoamide dehydrogenase, a component of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex which is located in mitochondria. They were examined for immunohistochemical staining of the rat kidney. Fab'-maleimide peroxidase was the best for staining mitochondrial protein. IgG-maleimide peroxidase and the monomer type of Fab'-periodate peroxidase had the same intensity of staining. The polymer type of Fab'-periodate peroxidase could not stain the lipoamide dehydrogenase.  相似文献   
In 1983, 1623 primary and secondary schoolchildren took part in a health survey which was organized by the Busselton Population Studies Group. Age, sex, weight, height and country of birth were recorded for each child. Where possible, the country of birth of parents and the occupation of the father were extracted from previous Busselton surveys of adults. Compared with Perth schoolchildren, the difference in the attained weight and height of Busselton children at any age was small. This was so even though the two communities differ in location (rural compared with metropolitan), in ethnic origin (mainly British compared with diverse origins) and, probably, in social-rank distribution. Data from the two communities showed that a similar small secular increase in height had occurred since 1970/1971. This increase averaged at 1.2 cm for children at each year of age in Busselton and 1.5 cm to 1.6 cm for children in Perth.  相似文献   
The expression of two heat shock proteins, HSP72 and p57, in addition to ubiquitin, has been studied immunocytochemically in nine amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) cases and 10 age-matched controls. HSP72 and p57 antibodies did not identify the characteristic ubiquitin-immunoreactive inclusions present in anterior horn cells in ALS spinal cord. Antibodies to HSP72, but not to p57 or ubiquitin, strongly labelled structures corresponding to polyglucosan bodies in spinal grey matter. Such immunoreactive profiles were more abundant in ALS cases, although they were also present in control material. They were sometimes identified by haematoxylin and eosin and periodic acid Schiff reaction, but were not labeled by phosphotungstic acid haematoxylin or by antibodies to glial fibrillary acidic protein. Although ubiquitin, HSP72 and p57 are stress-induced proteins, they are expressed differently and might therefore have different significance in neuronal degeneration.  相似文献   
Melatonin, a pineal hormone, released photoperiodically, was administered systemically in rats, previously implanted with semimicroelectrodes into six different brain structures. The multiunit electrical activity of these structures was recorded for 10 min before and 60 min after melatonin administration in unanesthetized, freely moving rats. Different melatonin doses (100, 200, 500, and 1000 micrograms/kg) produced changes in the electrical activity of all tested structures. However, amygdala, rostral hypothalamus and mesencephalic reticular formation showed the most important changes. The main effect induced by melatonin was a dose-related decrease of the spontaneous electrical activity. The significance of these effects is discussed within the context of the behavioral and endocrinological effects of melatonin.  相似文献   
FURST  A L; SHAMBA  E 《Family practice》1989,6(3):177-181
An audit of ‘deficient outcome’ involves the step-by-stepanalysis of every event preceding the occurrence of a preventablemedical outcome in order to determine exactly what went wrong.This paper describes methodological problems and related issuesassociated with a deficient outcome audit undertaken on fivestillbirths which occurred in a rural family medical practiceIsrael between 1985 and 1987. Problems included initial officialdisinterest towards the audit, and the high levels of suspicionand antagonism which it aroused in hospital staff approachedfor information. The problematic aspect of such audits needsmore attention. The importance of this type of audit for establishing the precisereasons for perinatal deaths, and thus for maintaining antenatalcare standards is discussed. In view of the small numbers ofsuch events likely to occur within any one family practice itis not only feasible but also desirable for more family doctorsto carry out such audits routinely, despite the difficultieswhich are involved.  相似文献   
The myopathies that can manifest themselves within the lower extremity are reported here and can serve as a guideline for clinicians in the early diagnosis of these disabling conditions. The classification of these disease entities based on signs and symptoms is significant if correlated with the age of the patient at the time of onset, the evolution and course, and the type of familial inheritance. This article can also aid the practitioner in assessing and planning the course of treatment for a particular patient.  相似文献   
In 1985, we initiated a prospective clinical trial to evaluate the risk of recurrence for superficial bladder cancer. Up to now, 41 patients subjected to TUR have subsequently been monitored by immunocytology with a monoclonal antibody (mab 486 p) recently developed in our laboratory. Of these patients, 15 (36.6%) remained marker-negative and received no prophylactic therapy. There was only one recurrence (6.7%) in this subset of patients, whereas 10 out of 26 (38.5%) marker-positive patients have so far developed recurrent malignancies. In all cases, the conversion of immunocytological characteristics preceded visible recurrence by 2-5 months. These preliminary results indicate that immunocytology might make it possible to identify patients at low risk of recurrence more accurately than has so far been feasible with standard cytology or flow-cytometry.  相似文献   
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