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We report the case of a malignant, primary, hepatic gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) that was resected from the liver of a 79-year-old woman. To our knowledge, this is the first primary, hepatic GIST on record. The tumor expressed CD117 (c-Kit protein) and vimentin and had the ultrastructural features of GISTs. Sixteen months after partial hepatectomy and resection of the tumor, a hilar lymph node metastasis was found. The metastatic tumor had the same morphologic features as the primary tumor, but in addition it contained numerous multinucleated giant cells. This case shows that GIST can occur as a primary liver tumor, and accordingly, we point out that not all hepatic tumors with a GIST phenotype should be automatically considered to be metastases from a primary gastrointestinal site.  相似文献   
The capability of a commercial respiratory gating system based on video tracking of reflective markers to reduce motion-induced CT planning and treatment errors was evaluated. Spherical plastic shells (2.8-82 cm3), simulating the gross target volume (GTV), were placed in a water-filled body phantom that was moved sinusoidally along the longitudinal axis of the CT scanner and the accelerator for +/- 1 cm at 15-30 cycle/min. During gated CT imaging, the x-ray exposure was initiated by the gating system shortly before the end of expiration (so that the imaging time would be centered at the end of expiration); it was terminated by the scanner after completion of each slice. In nongated CT images, the target appeared distorted and often broken up. GTVs volume errors ranged 16%-110% in axial scans, and 7%-36% in spiral scans. In gated CT images, the spheres appeared 3 and 5 mm longer than their actual diameters (volume errors 2%-16%), at the respective respiration rates of 15 and 20 cycles/min. At 30 cycles/min the target appeared 1 cm longer, and volume error ranged 25%-53%. During treatment, gating kept the beam on for a duration equal to the CT acquisition time of 1 s/slice. The difference in positional errors between gated CT and portal films was 1 mm, regardless the size of residual motion errors. Because of the potential of suboptimal placement of the gating window between CT imaging and treatment, an extra 1.5-2.5 mm safety margin can be added regardless of the size of residual motion error. For respiratory rates > or = 30 cycles/min, the effectiveness of gating is limited by large residual motion in the 1 s CT acquisition time.  相似文献   
X-linked nonspecific mental retardation (MRX) accounts for approximately 25% of mental retardation in males. A number of MRX loci have been mapped on the X chromosome, reflecting the complexity of gene action in central nervous system (CNS) specification and function. Eleven MRX genes have been identified, but many other causative loci remain to be refined to the single gene level. In 21 MRX families, the causative gene is located in the pericentromeric region; and we report here the identification by linkage analysis of a further such locus, MRX81. The new MRX locus was identified by two- and multi-point parametric analysis carried out on a large Italian family. Tight linkage of MRX81 to DNA markers ALAS2, DXS991, and DXS7132 was observed with a maximum LOD score of 3.43. Haplotype construction delineates an MRX81 critical region of 8 cM, the smallest MRX pericentromeric interval so far described, between DXS1039 and DXS1216, and placing it in Xp11.2-Xq12. So far, automated sequencing of two candidates in the region, the MRX gene oligophrenin (OPHN1) and the brain-specific ephrinB1 (EFNB1) gene, in DNA from affected males excluded their candidacy for MRX81, suggesting a novel disease gene.  相似文献   
In spite of the broad recognition of the importance of health education, time for structured one-to -one initiatives of health education during the hospital stay is limited. The organization of an health education meeting for patients admitted to CCU for an acute coronary event is described. METHODS: The planning and implementation of the initiative lasted two years and involved 7 nurses and one doctor. The organization required efforts related to the event itself (preparation of training aids, identification or contents and methods for delivery) but also organizative changes. Dietitians in fact had to be involved because the healthy diet recommended was different from the hospital diet. The assessment of the effectiveness of the health education was also planned: administration of a questionnaire to explore lifestyles and knowledge of the illness before and after the meeting; phone interviews after 3, 6 and 12 months from the meeting. RESULTS: Since may 2003, in the first 3 years 74 meetings have been organised, involving 507 patients and 329 relatives. Each meeting lasts 2 hours and contents delivered encompass the coronary event, risk factors and their modification, healthy lifestyles. Initial preliminary results on the impact of the meeting on lifestyle changes are promising. Initiatives are ongoing to include this activity among officially recognised nursing activities.  相似文献   
Birds have been found to be a reservoir host of borrelia. In order to assess the situation in Slovakia ticks were collected from a total of 3057 mist-netted, ringed and released passerine birds in two locations at 500 m (in 2001) and 1000 m (in 2003) above sea level in the Bukovské Vrchy Hills, part of the Carpathian region in the north-east of Slovakia. A total of 75 birds of 16 species were infested with subadult ticks of Ixodes ricinus species (prevalence of parasitization 5%). Sixty-two larvae from 31 birds of 9 species and 80 nymphs from 52 birds of 15 species were found. The highest intensity of parasitization was observed on blackbirds Turdus merula, song thrushes T. philomelos and dunnocks Prunella modularis. Six Ixodes ricinus adult ticks were found on humans working with birds, and one I. ricinus female tick on their dog. In ticks, the presence of Rickettsia sp., Coxiella burnetii, Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato and members of the Anaplasmataceae and Piroplasmidae, were investigated by polymerase chain reaction, followed by sequence analysis. Rickettsia sp. was found in 1 nymph from the European robin Erithacus rubecula, in 3 adult ticks (1 male, 2 females) from humans and in the tick from the dog. The closely related Ehrlichia- like species "Schotti variant" was detected in 1 nymph from the song thrush. Borrelia afzelii was identified in 1 male and B. garinii in 1 female tick collected on humans. Ixodes ricinus was found to be the vector of a wide spectrum of tick-borne pathogens in a mountainous area of the Carpathians. Because of the low yield of ticks and pathogens the importance of birds as reservoir hosts is still poorly understood.  相似文献   
The present study evaluated the effect of experimental sleep deprivation on attentional biases to emotional information among a sample of 40 healthy, young adults. Participants were randomized into either a total sleep deprivation (i.e., 28 consecutive hours awake) or sleep control (i.e., 8-h sleep opportunity) condition. Participants also completed a modified version of the Dot Probe Task to assess attentional biases to positive and negative information and the insomnia severity index (ISI) to assess current insomnia symptom severity. While controlling for ISI scores, acute sleep deprivation was not associated with a greater bias to negative stimuli. In contrast, sleep deprivation predicted a significantly reduced bias to positive stimuli, but only among participants with relative low ISI scores. The present findings suggest that young adults with low levels of insomnia symptoms are particularly susceptible to the effects of sleep deprivation; such that acute sleep loss can reduce their natural tendencies to attend to positive information in the environment.  相似文献   
Changes in neuronal activity are accompanied by the release of vasoactive mediators that cause microscopic dilation and constriction of the cerebral microvasculature and are manifested in macroscopic blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) functional MRI (fMRI) signals. We used two-photon microscopy to measure the diameters of single arterioles and capillaries at different depths within the rat primary somatosensory cortex. These measurements were compared with cortical depth-resolved fMRI signal changes. Our microscopic results demonstrate a spatial gradient of dilation onset and peak times consistent with “upstream” propagation of vasodilation toward the cortical surface along the diving arterioles and “downstream” propagation into local capillary beds. The observed BOLD response exhibited the fastest onset in deep layers, and the “initial dip” was most pronounced in layer I. The present results indicate that both the onset of the BOLD response and the initial dip depend on cortical depth and can be explained, at least in part, by the spatial gradient of delays in microvascular dilation, the fastest response being in the deep layers and the most delayed response in the capillary bed of layer I.  相似文献   
AIM: To investigate efficacy and safety of cetuximab combined with two chemotherapy regimens in patients with unresectable metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). METHODS: Randomized patients received cetuximab with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), folinic acid (FA) and oxaliplatin (FOLFOX) 6 (arm A, n = 74) or 5-FU, FA and irinotecan (FOLFIRI) (arm B, n = 77). KRAS mutation status was determined retrospectively in a subset of tumors (n = 117). RESULTS: No significant difference was found between treatment arms A and B ...  相似文献   
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