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储兆瑞 《中国性科学》2004,13(12):37-37
一日,我接到一位女土的咨询电话,她希望我能解释一下为什么每次过性生活时,丈夫射精她没有感觉.这是一个有关提高夫妻性爱质量的问题. 一般来说,夫妻在做爱过程中,丈夫射精妻子都会有所感觉.要么妻子感到丈夫急促的喘气声,身体激烈地晃动,小腹有紧张感;要么妻子感到阴道中有一股液体暖流;要么妻子的阴道口出现收缩感,随之带来快感乃至达到性高潮妻子在丈夫射精时没感觉,一般表现为以下几种情况.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Steroid-induced rosacea-like eruption is characterized by facial rosacea-like dermatitis in patients that have been treated with topical steroids for relatively long periods. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of 1% pimecrolimus topical cream for steroid-induced rosacea-like eruption. METHODS: In an open-label pilot study, 40 patients were enrolled and instructed to apply 1% pimecrolimus cream twice daily for 6 weeks. Patients were evaluated by a rosacea clinical score, investigator's global assessment, overall erythema severity, and tolerability at weeks 0, 2, and 6. RESULTS: In 35 patients, the rosacea clinical score decreased significantly from 16.0+/-4.3 at baseline to 8.1+/-3.3 at week 2 and 4.2+/-2.5 at week 6 (P<0.0001). Investigator's global assessment was 4.1+/-1.1 (baseline), then decreased to 1.4+/-0.8 (week 2) and 0.5+/-0.6 (week 6) (P<0.0001). By week 6, 48.6% of the patients were clear. Overall erythema severity was 2.4+/-0.7 (baseline), 0.9+/-0.4 (week 2), and 0.3+/-0.4 (week 6) (P<0.0001). Cutaneous adverse events (local burning, stinging, and itching) occurred in 17.5%. CONCLUSION: Pimecrolimus cream might be efficacious, safe, and well tolerated for steroid-induced rosacea-like eruption. The small sample size and open label nature of this study is its limitation. Further double-blind, vehicle-controlled studies are needed.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Nosocomial methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection is difficult to control. Due to a dramatic increase in the nosocomial MRSA infection rate at our hospital from 2000 to 2001, this study was conducted to identify the source of these infections and the effectiveness of control measures. METHODS: 179 healthcare workers (HCWs) were screened for carriage of MRSA. Starting in April 2001, all patients with MRSA infection or colonization were put in strict contact and cohort isolation. The bacterial isolates of HCW carriers and patients with MRSA infection from April 2001 to September 2001 were subjected to antimicrobial susceptibility testing by disk-diffusion method and molecular typing by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). RESULTS: Fifteen HCWs were found to be carriers of MRSA. They were all given topical mupirocin treatment. After these interventions, the nosocomial MRSA infection rate decreased from 1.23 to 0.53 per 1000 patient-days. All 61 MRSA isolates available for antimicrobial susceptibility testing and molecular typing were multidrug resistant. PFGE study revealed 2 predominant types, type C and type Y, comprising 36 and 12 isolates, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The current study demonstrates the importance of measures to control nosocomial MRSA infections in hospitals that already have a high incidence of endemic MRSA infection. Elimination of carriage by healthcare workers, and strict contact and cohort isolation are the main effective measures.  相似文献   
The distinction between seminoma and embryonal carcinoma based on morphology alone can sometimes be problematic, requiring the use of immunohistochemistry to facilitate diagnosis. D2-40 is a monoclonal antibody that reacts with an oncofetal antigen expressed by fetal germ cells and testicular germ cell tumors. The diagnostic value of D2-40 immunohistochemistry in distinguishing seminoma from embryonal carcinoma has not been determined. D2-40 immunoreactivity was evaluated in a series of testicular germ cell tumors and compared with that of KIT (CD117) and CD30, to assess the relative utility of this marker in discriminating between seminoma and embryonal carcinoma. Forty testicular germ cell neoplasms were examined, which included 19 seminomas, three embryonal carcinomas, three teratomas, one yolk sac tumor, and 14 mixed germ cell tumors. The 14 cases of mixed germ cell tumors contained components of seminoma (n=7), embryonal carcinoma (n=11), teratoma (n=10), yolk sac tumor (n=2), and choriocarcinoma (n=1). All cases of pure seminoma and the seminomatous components of mixed germ cell tumors exhibited positive immunoreactivity for D2-40. Focal positivity for D2-40 was also observed in 29% of the embryonal carcinoma samples. D2-40 immunoreactivity in seminomas was characterized by diffuse membrane staining, whereas for embryonal carcinomas, staining was focal and distributed along the apical surfaces of the neoplastic cells. Immunohistochemical staining for KIT was observed in 92% of the seminoma samples and in none of the embryonal carcinomas. Conversely, CD30 expression was identified in 93% of the embryonal carcinoma samples and in none of the seminomas. Other germ cell components showed no immunoreactivity for D2-40, KIT, or CD30. KIT and CD30 are effective immunohistochemical markers in separating seminoma from embryonal carcinoma. Although a highly sensitive marker for seminomas, D2-40 positivity was also observed in a subset of embryonal carcinomas, thus limiting the utility of this antibody for discriminating between these two malignancies.  相似文献   
目的 探讨早期生长反应因子(Egr-1)及其信号转导在矽肺发生发展中的作用。方法用细胞免疫荧光、原位杂交方法检测二氧化硅(SiO2)刺激后Egr-1的表达定位,用报道质粒及EMSA检测其活性改变;用激酶活性分析法检测si0:刺激巨噬细胞后ERK1/2活性改变,进一步用激酶抑制剂初步探讨SiO2活化Egr-1的信号转导通路。结果SiO2刺激RAW264.7细胞短时间Egr-1核蛋白表达及转录因子明显增加;且在处理后30~60min,Egr-1核蛋白结合活性明显升高(为未处理组的20倍);在刺激后15min ERK1/2活性开始升高,30min达高峰(活性为对照组的29倍)而后渐降至基础水平;进一步用激酶阻断发现,Egr-1 mRNA及蛋白表达均减少。结论SiO2能激活巨噬细胞中Egr-1,且此过程可能由ERK1/2、p38介导,提示SiO2-ERK1/2、p38-Egr-1通路可能在矽肺发生发展过程中起重要作用。  相似文献   
Cardiac papillary fibroelastoma (CPF) is the second most common benign neoplasm of the heart. This study describes the case of an 81-year-old man who was admitted to the hospital for severe vertigo and in whom a tumor at the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) was identified incidentally during echocardiography. The CPF was excised smoothly following the confirmation of its position by computed tomography. The comprehensive pathologic findings of CPF were reviewed. Detailed immunohistochemical analyses of CD34 and factor VIII-related antigen were performed on the covering endocardial cells. The unique chondroid metaplasia of fibrous tissue in this CPF has never been reported. This work is the first to present an unusual CPF at the RVOT with reactive process of fibrous connective tissue.  相似文献   
Cell-free translation of tobacco vein mottling virus RNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tobacco vein mottling virus (TVMV), a member of the potyvirus group, was translated in a rabbit reticulocyte cell-free system. The RNA was approximately 5% as active as rabbit globin mRNA in directing protein synthesis. Translation was stimulated approximately 15% by the cap analog pppm7G, a phenomenon which has also been observed with uncapped viral RNAs. Treatment with NaIO4 and NaB(3H]4 under conditions which label the caps of globin and ovalbumin mRNA failed to produce labeled cap structures in TVMV RNA. Approximately 20 polypeptides, ranging from 20,000 to 100,000 daltons, were produced in the reticulocyte system programmed with TVMV RNA. The predominant species (P75) had a molecular weight of 75,000. The same major polypeptides were produced in the wheat germ system, but there was relatively greater synthesis of the smaller polypeptides. Incubation of the reticulocyte system in the presence of cycloheximide following an initial period of synthesis failed to cause breakdown of larger polypeptides into smaller polypeptides. Preincubation of TVMV RNA with the reticulocyte system before addition of labeled amino acids caused greater synthesis of the smaller polypeptides, suggesting that they are derived from fragments of the RNA produced during the incubation. Translation of TVMV RNA which had been bound to oligo(dT)-cellulose yielded nearly the same spectrum of polypeptides, but synthesis of polypeptides smaller than 52,000 daltons was reduced. At low ionic strength, only polypeptides of 52,000 daltons and smaller were synthesized. At high ionic strength, P75 was essentially the only product synthesized. Antibody to whole virus precipitated many of the polypeptides, including P75, suggesting that they contain the coat protein sequence. No polypeptide with the electrophoretic mobility of authentic coat protein, however, was precipitated. Comparison of partial proteolytic digests of P75 and authentic coat protein provided further evidence for sequence homology.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: Organ donation is a complex decision for family members of Asian donors. The impact of cadaveric organ donation on both Chinese and Western donor families has not been well investigated within a cultural framework. The purposes of this study were to follow Chinese family members' appraisal of their decision to donate organs, to explore the possible negative and positive impacts of organ donation on their family life, and to determine what help they expected from healthcare providers during the first 6 months after donation. METHODS: Twenty-two family members (10 men and 12 women) of cadaveric organ donors who signed consent forms at an organ transplant medical center in Taiwan participated in this project and completed in-depth interviews during the sixth month after donation. RESULTS: Participants were 25 to 56 years old (mean = 48.15 +/- 8.31 years). The type of kinship of the participants included the donor's parents, older sister, and spouse. Subjects reported several negative impacts: worry about the donor's afterlife (86%), stress due to controversy among family members over the decision to donate (77%), and stress due to others' devaluation of the donation (45%). Positive impacts reported by the subjects included having a sense of reward for helping others (36%), having an increased appreciation of life (32%), having closer family relationships (23%), and planning to shift life goals to the study of medicine (9%). Subjects expected the transplant team to provide information about organ recipients (73%), to submit the necessary documents so that family members could receive healthcare payments from the insurance company (68%), to help resolve legal proceedings and settlements associated with accidents (64%), and to not overly publicize their decision to donate (64%). CONCLUSIONS: Although all of the subjects reported that organ donation was the right decision, the decision to donate did not protect Taiwanese donor families from negative psychocognitive bereavement. The impacts of organ donation were affected by the subject's social cultural, spiritual, and legal context and the nature of their bereavement.  相似文献   
Cytogenetic analysis by short-term culture of a lipoma from the posterior neck region of a 63-year-old man showed a t(X;12)(q27;q14) as the sole chromosomal abnormality. Rearrangement of band 12q14 is nonrandom in lipomas, although its involvement with a sex chromosome has not been reported earlier.  相似文献   
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