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Rats have been the primary model to study the process and underlying mechanisms of recovery after spinal cord injury. Two weeks after a severe spinal cord contusion, rats can regain weight-bearing abilities without therapeutic interventions, as assessed by the Basso, Beattie and Bresnahan locomotor scale. However, many human patients suffer from permanent loss of motor function following spinal cord injury. While rats are the most understood animal model, major differences in sensorimotor pathways between quadrupeds and bipeds need to be considered. Understanding the major differences between the sensorimotor pathways of rats, non-human primates, and humans is a start to improving targets for treatments of human spinal cord injury. This review will discuss the neuroplasticity of the brain and spinal cord after spinal cord injury in rats, non-human primates, and humans. A brief overview of emerging interventions to induce plasticity in humans with spinal cord injury will also be discussed.  相似文献   
Effects of elbow positioning on grip strength and its between-day reliability of measurement were tested bilaterally in 30 healthy adults. Grip strength was measured twice with a Jamar dynamometer at 0°, 30°, 60°, 90° and 120° of elbow flexion one week apart. Intraclass correlation coefficient model(1,1) was > 0.987 for each test, and limits of agreement reveal narrow ranges of the 95% confidence intervals for each test, which reflect good between-day reliability for these measurements in both absolute and relative terms. Grip strength at 120° was significantly lower than all other positions on both sides (p < 0.001), whereas the grip strength at 90° was highest among all positions tested. The grip strengths at 0°, 30° and 60° were, in general, 0.5-3% lower than the measurements taken at 90° of elbow flexion, but the differences were not statistically significant. These findings suggest that between-day comparison of grip strength is valid and reproducible in the same testing position, and 120° of elbow flexion is not a desirable position for grip strengthening exercise. The differences in grip strength can be explained by the length-tension relationship and the clinical implications for these findings are discussed.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Although technical success rate of simultaneous pancreas kidney (SPK) transplantation in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) patients with diabetic nephropathy has improved, morbidity remains high due to infection and rejection. The purpose of this study was to analyse infections encountered in our series of SPK transplants, using a restrictive antibiotic prophylaxis policy. METHODS: We reviewed all infectious diseases after 66 consecutive bladder-drained SPK transplantations in 64 IDDM patients with end-stage renal disease due to diabetic nephropathy. During follow-up, the perioperative antibiotic regimen was altered (from 5 days preemptive therapy with multiple drugs to 1 day prophylaxis with cefamandole), and long-term viral prophylaxis (high-dose aciclovir) was introduced. For post-operative urinary tract or opportunistic infection, no prophylaxis was given. RESULTS: Overall mean infection rate was 2.9 infections/ patient/year after a mean follow-up of 2.3 years. Surgical site infections (SSI) were seen in 30% of the patients, with Enterococci present in 47%. Logistic regression showed one day cefamandole prophylaxis to be associated with SSI, but there was no significant influence of SSI on either graft or patient survival. Forty-eight percent of all infections were lower urinary tract infections (UTI). There were 59 first UTIs (89%), probably related to long-term Foley catheter use, and 47 second UTIs (71%). Subsequent UTIs were not microbiologically related to first UTIs. Cytomegalovirus (10 patients) and other opportunistic agents did not cause mortality or graft loss. Five grafts were lost due to infection (SSI three times, post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease twice). Only one patient died because of infection (2%). CONCLUSIONS: Infectious diseases after SPK transplantation caused significant morbidity but did not influence either patient or graft survival. A change in prophylactic policy for both SSI as well as recurrent UTI, combined with earlier Foley removal, may lower incidences of these infections.   相似文献   
The Saccharomyces cerevisiae REV3 gene encodes the catalytic subunit of a non-essential DNA polymerase zeta, which is required for mutagenesis. The rev3 mutants significantly reduce both spontaneous and DNA damage- induced mutation rates. We have identified human cDNA clones from two different libraries whose deduced amino acid sequences bear remarkable homology to the yeast Rev3, and named this gene hREV3. The hREV3 gene was mapped to chromosome 1p32-33 by fluorescence in situ hybridization. The hREV3 encodes an mRNA of >10 kb, and its expression varies in different tissues and appears to be elevated in some but not all of the tumor cell lines we have examined. In light of recent reports of a putative mouse REV3, these results indicate that mammalian cells may also contain a mutagenic pathway which aids in cell survival at the cost of increased mutation.   相似文献   
Breast disease: dynamic spiral MR imaging   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
1 病例报告 男,35岁,汉族,内蒙古籍,199806中旬无明显诱因出现左侧颈部肿痛,在当地医院诊断为“甲状腺炎”,经静滴“青霉素”好转.但随后又多次复发,19980714来我院内分泌科就诊,当日上午10∶00iv过锝(99Tcm)酸钠行甲状腺检查,4h后双手背随即出现密集的红色斑丘疹、瘙痒剧烈,随后皮疹逐渐扩展至全身,来我院皮肤科门诊,以过敏性皮炎收治.作者简介:王文清,男,26岁,第四军医大学97级硕士研究生.电话:(029)3375406收稿日期:19990618; 修回日期:1…  相似文献   
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