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Ortega  JA; Shore  NA; Dukes  PP; Hammond  D 《Blood》1975,45(1):83-89
An in vitro marrow culture assay designed to measure erythropoietic capability was used to ascertain the presence of an inhibitor in the sera of patients with congenital hypoplastic anemia (CHA). Marrow cells from nine anemic CHA patients responded to the stimulatory effect of exogenous erythropoietin (EPO) by an increase in heme synthesis in the presence of normal serum. The effect on heme synthesis was less than that observed with normal marrow cells. CHA serum inhibited heme synthesis by both normal and CHA marrow cells. It is concluded that an in-inhibitor of erythropoiesis is present in serum from CHA patients. This inhibitor most likely blocks the EPO-sensitive stem cell receptor sites, causing decreased response to the hormone.  相似文献   
A clonally distinct recurrence of Burkitt's lymphoma at 15 years   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Lister  J; Miklos  JA; Swerdlow  SH; Bahler  DW 《Blood》1996,88(4):1407-1410
A human immunodeficiency virus-negative male was successfully treated for two occurrences of Burkitt's lymphoma, 15 years apart. As consolidation of his second remission, he underwent high-dose chemotherapy with peripheral blood stem cell transplantation. In an effort to prove whether the second lymphoma was a relapse of the first or a second primary lymphoma, we obtained paraffin-embedded material from both lymphomas. DNA was extracted from this material and amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using consensus JH and VH region primers. Analysis of the PCR products, which mostly reflects VDJ joints, showed two sharp bands of different molecular size, proving the monoclonal nature of the lymphomas and suggesting that each had different Ig gene rearrangements. Sequencing of both PCR products showed a marked dissimilarity in nucleotide sequence in the clonally unique VDJ joint region, providing strong evidence for the separate cellular genesis of each lymphoma. These results suggest that late relapses of Burkitt's lymphoma should be examined for clonal distinctiveness. If the second lymphoma is distinct from the primary one, it might be treated as a primary lymphoma rather than as recurrent disease.  相似文献   
Hepatic spiral CT: reduction of dose of intravenous contrast material   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
PURPOSE/METHOD: We present a case of a patient who developed recurrent epithelial herpes simplex keratitis after starting treatment with latanoprost. Her ophthalmic history was only remarkable for a past episode of herpetic keratitis 21 years previously. RESULTS/CONCLUSIONS: Episodes of herpetic keratitis were under remission only when latanoprost was discontinued. No recurrences of herpes simplex keratitis have been observed since then. Latanoprost usage might be associated with recurrent episodes of herpes simplex keratitis in patients with previous history of ocular herpes simplex virus infection.  相似文献   
We report a patient with a peripheral neuropathy as the first symptom of sarcoidosis. The systemic illness was proved by the presence of typic granulomes in the bone marrow. The fact that sarcoidosis is the cause for the neuropathy is supported by the temporary relation and by the good response of all clinical picture to the corticosteroid therapy.Sarcoid neuropathy can rarely be the presenting feature of sarcoidosis.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: We assess the reliability of intraoperative cavernous nerve stimulation for producing an erectile response during radical prostatectomy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In 61 patients cavernous nerve function was assessed during radical retropubic prostatectomy using a CaverMap nerve stimulator. Control stimulation was also performed before and after prostatic dissection by placing the nerve stimulator tip on the anterior bladder wall. An increase in penile circumference measured by the device was considered a tumescence response while any measurable detumescence was also categorized. RESULTS: Patient age ranged 43 to 72 years (mean 59.8). Before apical dissection 41% and 46% had tumescence, 31% and 21% had detumescence, and 28% and 33% had no response with stimulation of the neurovascular bundle and anterior bladder wall, respectively. After dissection 42% and 25% had tumescence, 16% and 18% had detumescence, and 42% and 57% had no response with stimulation of the neurovascular bundle and anterior bladder wall, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: A response to neurovascular bundle stimulation using this device does not necessarily correlate with the precise anatomical location of the cavernous nerves. There is considerable background variability related to anesthesia, surgical manipulation and other undefined factors that may cause minor but measurable changes in penile circumference.  相似文献   
Aim: Electrical burns account for up to 10% of burns admissions worldwide. Although a potentially serious mechanism of injury in children, there exists limited Australian data. This study aimed to describe the epidemiology, presentation, management and complications of electrical burn injuries in children. Methods: We performed a retrospective case note review of all children under 16 years of age with electrical burns admitted to the New South Wales Paediatric Burns Centre over an 8‐year, 2‐month study period between November 1995 and December 2003. Results: Twenty‐two cases were identified. The mean age at presentation was 7.6 years (range 8 months to 14.3 years). Eighty‐six percent of cases were sustained from a Low Voltage (<1000 W) power source and 55% occurred in males. The total body surface area burnt ranged from 0.5% to 35% with an average of 4%. Fourteen children had their burns managed non‐operatively, but eight required various surgical procedures ranging from local debridement and primary closure to full‐thickness skin grafting. The average length of hospital stay was 6 days (range 1–58 days). Complications occurred in 4 of the 22 patients (18%) and included wound infections, acute renal failure because of myoglobinuria, permanent electrocardiogram changes and long‐term paraesthesia. Three patients (14%) suffered continued morbidity because of scarring, amputation and psychological disturbance. There was no mortality. Conclusions: Electrical injury was an infrequent but potentially serious cause of injury in children. Minor injuries were successfully managed non‐operatively. Neurological sequelae, cardiac arrhythmias and renal failure remain serious complications in up to 20% of cases.  相似文献   
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